Episode 12: NILSSON'S POV

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Ever since I woke up Geoff and Lian has been teasing me suspecting I have a thing for Elva. Now, they've been singing all sort of love songs by Bruno Mars to Jon Bellion to Ed Sheran. Trust me when this two guys team up against you, you ain't  winning.

I stepped out of the house and saw my brothers in the car. The horn blared and I heard Lian said "C'mon bro, hottie will take your seat again."

I ignored him and walked into the garage, picked the key to my bike from my shelve, picked up my helmet with an extra. I turned on the ignition and zoomed off leaving my brothers behind. I looked at the mirror and saw them racing towards me. Lian  sticked out his head and throw his middle finger in the air, I laughed and increased the speed.
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"All right guys, before the class ends let me pair you up for an  assignment." Mrs Mirowsky announced, I hate anytime she does this.

"Each group will consist of two persons." She continued. Everyone began to murmur in displeasure, maybe not everyone cause I can see some people smiling. I can see Geoff and Ulian debating amongst themselves.

Elva got to school before us but she sat on the chair behind mine.

"Silence y'all!" Mrs Mirowsky yelled and the class got in a graveyard mood.

"Here are the names so y'all listen attentively." She said.

I rubbed my palms together hoping to be with either Geoff or Lian. Anytime am paired with someone else they get scared and do the assignment on their own. I don't scare them, I swear I don't.

"Selene Bowel and Riley Park." Mrs Mirowsky began to call out. Selene dropped her head on her desk but Riley was laughing. Riley's one of the playful guys on Earth, if he's not even on top of the list.

"Nelda Robles, you're with Mason" Mrs Mirowsky continues.

Nelda stood up immediately "Ma, please I'll rather pair with Riley."

Nelda begged but Mrs Mirowsky waved her off. Poor Nelda, Mason was her boyfriend so I understand why she doesn't want to pair with him."

Mrs Mirowsky went on and on, some people were celebrating while some were not happy with their partner.

"Ulian Graham, your partner is Geoff McIntyre." Geoff smiled at Lian and they both laughed at me knowing I won't do anything. I am yet to get a partner, so is Elva, Chloe and Garret.

"I hope you get hottie" Lian whispered but I'm sure Elva could hear him.

"Elva wouldn't mind being your partner." Geoff said and winked at Elva.

"The last two group would be--" Mrs Mirowsky turned the page over and that moment I began to hope my partner is Elva.

One Night With The G.U.N Brothers {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora