Episode 4: ELVA'S POV

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One beep from the alarm and I immediately struck it off. I did that with my eyes shut, that is how good I got in turning off the alarm when I don't want to get up from bed.
I brought my hand back into the duvet about to sleep off again, then I felt something climbed on me and started barking. Jeez, how could I forget my second alarm.
"Alright, alright Bruno. I'm up already." I slipped out of bed and gave Bruno a light hug.
"You know sometimes I regret training you on waking me whenever I shut the alarm." I said to Bruno and he barked in return.
"Yeah, it's going to be my first day in my new school. Let me go get ready."
* * *
I can hear some people giggling as they talk about the new girl, while some just walk past like they didn't care. I put some books in my locker and dropped some into my bag. I was about to zip my bag then I heard my locker bang. My body jumped and I almost screamed.
"Hey sexy, you wanna come with me after school?" I heard a guy's voice.
I looked at him in annoyance and saw two other guys standing right behind him. The locker room got quiet and I was sure everyone was watching, so I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked away as the locker room came back to life.
I continued walking, hoping not to get stopped again. I got to my class and stood outside the door, truly I was nervous. I took a deep breathe and walked into the class, then again some looked at me while some just minded their business.
I immediately spotted three empty chairs in the middle of the class and I grabbed the one close to the wall. Even after sitting I can still hear whispers and see some still starting at me. Did I say some? The whole class is looking at me now.

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