Episode 11: ELVA'S POV

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I put some cookies into Bruno's bowl and my phone began to ring. Bruno barked and I answered "Yeah, I'll go get it."
I answered the phone "Hello Mom."
"Sweetie, how are you doing?"Mom asked.

"I'm fine Mom, how is Dad doing?" I answered and I could hear my dad in the background.

"Darling, it's Elva." Mom called out to him.

"My baby, are you okay? How was school?" Dad asked.

"Fine, Dad. How's work?" I answered and sank into the couch.

"Work is fine baby. We'll round things up as fast so we can come home soon." Dad replied.

"Yes sweetie. You take care of your self." Mom added.

"We love you." They both said.

"I love you guys too." I said and ended the call.

I'm used to leaving alone since I was ten. My parents travel so much for business, at least they spend two weeks with me in three months. 
  Bruno barked and jumped into my lap. He's always been there for me, so I'm not alone. I ran my fingers through his hair and he barked softly.

"Yeah, I think I should call him now." I picked my phone about to call Lian but I stopped. Bruno jumped out of my lap to the back of the couch.

"What are you doing? I'm not shy. C'mon Bruno." I said laughing at his action.

Bruno barked in return still hiding at the back of the couch. I changed my mind and sent Lian a text "What's up Lian?"
After some minutes he replied saying "Hottie, how's your wrist?"

"My wrist is okay now. Thanks for today.. How's Geoff and Nilsson?" I sent another message to him and he replied with Nilsson's number.

Bruno barked looking at me.
"Shut up Bruno, I'm not blushing." I kept looking at my phone's screen. Should I call him now, I imagine what he's doing now.

I typed as careful as possible "Hello Nilsson." and pressed the send button.

I closed my eyes and thought I should have just thank him or maybe it's okay. I got up and walked into my room. I pulled off my shirt unveiling my black sport-bra, the gentle breeze coming from the window ran through my skin. I jumped on my bed hoping for--- My phone beeped and I opened the message.
"Hey Elva, how's ur wrist now?" I read and wondered how he knew it was me.  Definitely, Lian told him.

I thought love at first sight was a guy thing, but I think that's what I'm feeling now.

"I'm fine now. Thank you so much for being there." I typed and erased for being there then pushed the send button.

I looked up at the ceiling and thought what if he doesn't feel the same way? I should just keep this to myself and not ruin my friendship with these brothers.

"Brothers?" I thought again. How come they are brothers and seem the same age? Although Lian seems to be the youngest and acts like it.

I got another message from Nilsson
"Oh... That was nothing, anyone else could have done that. See you tomorrow, goodnight." I smiled and shut my eyes to sleep.

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