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Third Person:

"Do you, Calum Thomas Hood, take Evelyn Mary McAllister as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Evelyn Mary McAllister, take Calum Thomas Hood to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Calum's eyes lit up when the preacher said those words. He grabbed Eve's face and smashed his lips to hers. Everyone clapped and stood up.

Calum grabbed Eve's hand and the walked back down the aisle.

Ever since Calum proposed, which was 6 months before the wedding, they have happier than ever.

With planning the wedding, the honeymoon, and getting settled in at their new flat they have also been super busy. They were defiantly excited to go on the honeymoon.

They decided on going to Australia. They were told they have some of the best beaches there.

After the wedding and the reception Calum and Eve were super tired from parting all night.

Their flight for Australia was the next morning. All their bags were packed and everything was ready.

They were ready.


"Calum, this is beautiful!" Eve said as she ran around the empty streets of Australia.

"Eve it's 2am, you can't see anything!" Calum laughed and dragged her towards their hotel.

"How can you not see it? The fun street lights glowing on the damp road. The moon shown high in the sky.

It's amazing." Her eyes lit up every time she looked around.

"Yes it is Evie, but can we please go to our room now? I'm tired." Calum complained.

Eve groaned playfully but complied as they found their room, unpacked and went straight to sleep.


Calum and Eve's trip to Australia was very eventful. Their week on the beautiful continent included lots of sex, cuddling, eating, and crying tears of joy because they were finally married.

While on their honeymoon they talked, seriously, which was very hard for the two. They would rather joke around with each other, but this topic wasn't anything to joke about.

They were talking about life, adult life. Like, how they were going to pay the bills, get good jobs to support each other, and babies. All very serious topics that they needed to discuss.

Obviously they wanted kids, but not yet. They thought they were too young, they also thought they should have some structure in their own life before they brought another life.

So basically, the couple had a serious talk, like all married couples should, and they were worried yes, but they thought as long as they had each other everything would be okay.


Calum and Eve knew that their marriage would last long, their love was eternal. People have always told them that they are the "perfect couple" although the two didn't believe them because if those people knew what happened in the beginning they would have thought different.


"Hey Eve?" Calum called from the living room.

"Yeah babe?" Eve walked in and sat down beside him on the couch.

"D-do you really love me? Like sometimes I feel like you're only with me because you feel sorry for me." Calum looks at his feet.

Eve laughs a little. "Cal, why would you ever doubt my love for you?. I will love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I've loved you since the first time we looked at each other."

Calum smiled, "I love you Evie."

"Oh Calum, always being a chessy little shit. I could never get sick of your cute little face."

"Oh Eve, I love you more than you will ever know."

And that is how they know that their love will last forever. Calum always remembers his mother telling him "If you ever find the one, you make sure she knows it. Tell her I love you every chance you get. That's how a healthy relationship should be."

Calum loved Eve and Eve loved Calum.




im really sad but also really really happy !!!!

this book has done so so so so well, im very proud of it.

i hope you all liked this book because i know i had an amazing time writing it !!! :}


heehee yikes! i wrote this in 2014 so im sorry it's so gross ! but, i have another (better) calum fic that's called so long, so y'all should def go check it out!! it's 10x better than this lmao!

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