over the line

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Eve's Pov:

He was a sick bastard. I can't believe someone would go so low. I felt violated.

But what makes this whole thing worse is, nobody cared.


"Why do I have to come?" I whined. I was currently sitting in my dorm on my bed in sweats.

"Because I invited you so get ready." My roommate Daisy called from our shared washroom.

"But none of your friends like me. You barely like me." I say still trying to convince her not to make me come.

She walks out of the washroom with a look of sympathy on her face. "You know that's not true hun. I mean we have to at least like each other. We're going to be living together for another year so get use to it." She says with a sigh.

"But you know I don't like parties, especially college ones. I would prefer to read a book or watch a movie in here." I motion towards are room.

"Tonight is our last Friday before we go back to classes. I want you to come with us. Please Evie." She says with a smirk. She knows I hate being called that. My name is Eve not Evie.

"Whatever." I groan and make my way towards my closet. She screeches and asks me if I need her help with an outfit. Which I quickly decline. Her style is a bit more slutty. (I'm not saying she's a slut!!!!! I'm saying her outfit choices are not the same as Eve's!!!!!!!) She wears tight fitting things and heels. Where I am more of a skinny jeans and band tee kind of girl.

I decide on wearing my favorite pair of black jeans with a maroon cami paired with a creme sweater that hung loosely on my small body and my black combat boots. I was definatly not blessed with curves nor a butt. My body was frail. Lucky me.

I put on light makeup which consisted of a thin line of eye liner with a few coats of mascara and foundation.

Daisy wasn't too happy with my choice of clothing but I don't give a shit.

I was finishing my hair when I heard the door open.

"Daisy babe. Where are you?" Ashton, her boyfriend, called.

"Hey babe." She cooed and started a heated make out session before Michael came bursting through the door.

"Sorry guys." He laughed. None of them noticed me until I walked to my side of the room.

"Oh hey Eve." Michael said quietly. He was the nicest out of their group.

"Hey." I squeaked. Grabbing my bag.

"We still have to wait for Luke." Ashton said while sitting on Daisy's bed.

"Why can't he just meet us?" Michael said.

"Cause he's our ride dipshit." Ashton spat.

"Shut the fuck up." Mikey spat back.

"Both of you stop." Daisy said.

We were all staring at our phones when Luke decided to show up.

"Hey guys." He says.

"Nice of you to finally show up." Ash says.

"At least I'm here." He says.

"Can we just go?" Mikey says.

We all get our stuff. And head out the door.

"Is she really coming?" Luke asks when we get to his car. Motioning to me. He was always the biggest dick I've ever meet. But it didn't help that I was the socially awkward shy freak.

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