huke lemmings

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Eve's Pov:

"kiss me like you wanna be loved , this feels like fallin' in love"

Ed Sheeran played softly through my headphones as I lay atop my unmade bed.

After I woke up, Calum was already gone. He left me a note saying something like Macy had called but he was probably just ignoring me. Which is fine, but we kinda live together now.

Someone please tell me why I agreed to that in the first place. For one, Macy could find out in a terrible way and not be my friend anymore. And for two, her and Calum would break up.

I'm not saying that wouldn't be bad, but I know they both really like each other.

I didn't have any classes today so I was just planning on sitting in the library and reading. I haven't read in a while, with all the drama that's been happening I haven't had time. Who knew I would be so popular.

I was still in my pajamas because it's only ten and I haven't even eaten yet. Which reminds me, I have to go shopping. Apparently Calum only eats out because the only thing left in the fridge is butter.

I feel gross. I need a shower. A good one. Crying makes me feel gross. Shit. I have to tell Calum about last night. I really don't want to.

So if you haven't already figured out I have anxiety. It's sucks to say the least. Last night was worse than it's ever been. I totally freaked out and cut a lot and cried, it was bad.

I grabbed a towel from the closet and my phone and headed to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower to wash off all the dirt and tears from last night. Ed Sheeran was still playing through out the small bathroom.

I know, Ed Sheeran is so basic but he's actually amazing. His songs are great and his voice is also.

I turned the water off and tied the towel around my body.


I didn't bring clothes.

Calum shouldn't be back for a while so I guess I could make a run for it.

So that's what I did. I tightened my towel and opened the door.

While I was looking for pants the door opened to reveal a wide-eyed Calum and Luke.

"Wha- Eve? What is she doing here?" Luke spat.

"Oh my god. I'll be back." I said awkwardly and ran to the bathroom with my clothes. Calum still hadn't said a word.

I changed quickly and exited the bathroom. Luke was laying on the couch and Calum was no where to be seen.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Luke asked.

"My uh shower broke so Calum's letting me use his." He rolled his eyes, knowing I was lying but didn't say anything.

I went to my room and shut the door. I sighed as I feel onto my bed. What am I doing?

A knock in my door snapped me out of my dream.

"E-Eve?" Calum's head popped in.


"Why didn't you tell Luke you were staying here?"

"Well, I thought you wanted to keep your bad boy image intact so I just said my shower broke and you let me use yours." He looked hurt but it went away.

"Oh okay. Well why don't you come and watch a movie with us yeah?" He smiled.

"Uh sure." I got up and sat on the couch beside Calum.

"What are we watchin'" Luke asked.

"Sharknado: The Second One" I smiled to myself as Calum put it in.

"This stupid movie? C'mon man, let's watch Insidious."

"Nah man, Sharknado is way better. C'mon let's just watch it."

"Fine." Luke huffed.


Luke actually liked Sharknado. Surprisingly he's actually not that bad. I didn't say much through the movie but the boys talked and I listened.

"Batman is way better than Captain America." Luke said.

"Dude, Captain America has a freakin' shield. Batman has nothing." Calum threw back.

"Batman has the bat signal! That's way cooler than some stupid shield."

"Batman has a bomb ass suit too." I said quietly.

"Wha- really?" Luke squealed.

"Hell yeah. Captain America wasn't even super in the first place. All he had was luck!" I said.


"I can't believe you two. Captain America is soooo hot." Luke's eyes grew big before he burst into hysterics.

"Oh-oh my god Cal!"

"What? I was just speaking the truth."

"He is quite fit." I say.

"Typical girl." Luke scoffed.

"Shut the fuck up Lemmings. I'd fuck him any day over you." I smirked.

"Oooohhhhh bro that was bad." Calum laughed.

"You know, I think I might like you Eve." He smiled. "Well I gotta run, early classes suck ass."

I laughed.

"See ya guys." He said as he got up and opened the door.

"Bye man!" Calum shouted.

"Later Huke Lemmings." I smirked.

"That's not my name!" Was the last thing I heard before he was gone.


wow that was such a filler but aye luke is being nice ??

oh and I'm on my way to the beach wooooo

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