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Eve's Pov:

"What do you want Hood?" I asked harshly.

"I told you to stop being a bitch and listen to me. I have to ask you a question."

"Go ahead." I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'm going to be blunt about this. Have sex with me." He looks straight into my eyes.

I almost choke on my own spit. Did he just ask me that? Calum Hood, the Calum Hood. He couldn't have.

"W-what?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Have sex with me. I know this sounds like a relationship type thing but it's not. I haven't had the best game lately and I just need something. Every man has needs." He smirks at me.

My cheeks burn.

"Your no man Hood. But why me? The freak, weirdo, antisocial girl? Of all people me?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. I couldn't find anyone that was hot and would agree to this. So I decided to go with you." He shrugged.

My eyes widened. "No." I said sternly.


"I said no. I'm not going to be your sex slave Hood. You treat me like shit for one and two why would I ever let you touch me like that?" I spat.

"How would you know what it felt like to be touched? Your a Virgin Mary. I'm just trying to help you out."

"I don't need your help. I'm not doing it." I said then walked down the hall.

"No one rejects me." He yells.

"Looks like I just did!" I yell back making my way back into my dorm and into my room.

I grab a change of clothes and head for the bathroom. I wash my face and makeup off, brush my hair then tie it up into a messy bun, and changed clothes. I take out my contacts and put on my glasses and head my to my room.

To find the one and only Calum Hood sitting on my bed.

"What do you want Hood?" I asked begging to get creeped out.

"I told you. No one rejects me." He says.

"And I told you that I'm not doing it. But I'm sure my whore roommate would be happy to bag you whenever you please." I spat putting my clothes in my closet.

"I don't want her. I want you." I stopped dead in my tracks. Does he like me?

As if he read my mind he says "I like fresh meat. You people are fun. So innocent and shy." He says getting off my bed and coming closer to me.

"Put your dick back in your pants Hood." I scoffed.

"I take that as a yes." He smirks.

Should I actually agree to this? I mean he is Calum Hood. Yes he's a complete dick but at least he wants me instead if some hot freshmen. Maybe that says something.

"What do you want me to do?"

He cheeky smile spreads across his face.

"No one ever turns down this." He motions to his body. I scoff.

"Anyways. Here are the rules. Whenever I call you, you better come. Since it's your first time, we will go slow. But after that it will be short. Once we are done, you leave. I'm very needy and don't like to wait. We will always be in my dorm because I live by myself. We will NOT get attached to each other. We will NEVER develop feelings. Got it?"

I swallow and nod.

"Good. Where's your phone?" I grab my phone out if my bag and hand it to him.

"I put in my number and sent myself a text. Now we have each other's numbers. Don't forget what I said."

"How long do I have to do this?" I ask.

"Until I want to stop." He says. I nod.

"We will start tomorrow." He says then walks out.

Oh god. What have I gotten myself into?


After Calum talked to me I tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't. I was so confused and mad and couldn't get my mind around the idea that I'm going to be having sex with Calum. I mean what do you do? I've never even close to a boy before. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

I decided on taking a shower to calm my nerves. I got and put on my pajamas, which consisted of shorts and a random t-shirt from high school.

I grabbed my phone an head phones. I scrolled through my music and decided to listen to The Neighborhood to calm me down.

Soon enough I found myself drifting asleep with the thought Calum in my mind.

I woke up the next morning by my alarm. I groaned and went to my closet.

I decided on black skinny jeans and a Blink 182 shirt and my grey converse.

I brushed my hair and teeth, grabbed a poptart and my stuff for class and made my way to first period.

I made it through Chem and History, barely. I was walking to Literature, my favorite. Mrs. Mcallister told us we had to work in pairs for our project. Everyone stood up and scrambled around the room to their friends. While I just say their looking at my papers.

"Eve, who is your partner?" Our teacher asked.

"Oh uh. Can I work alone?" I asked nervously.

She sighed but agreed. I hate this place. These people. They made me feel worthless, but I guess that's what I am.

Literature was over and I was heading to my fourth period class. Which goes by faster than I thought.

I walk to Algebra because I decide that I'm not going to eat today. I got to class early so I took my seat and scrolled through Tumblr.

The bell rang and all the students were in their seats except one.

"Your late." Our teacher said as Calum walked in.

"Sorry." He mumbled and took his seat.

I groaned when out teacher gave us our assignment. I hate math. Ugh.

All through class Calum stared at me. It was actually kinda creepy but whatever.

It was the end of the day and I couldn't be happier. I walked in my dorm and made myself a sandwich. I grabbed my laptop and pulled up Netflix.

The start of American Horror Story was happening when my phone buzzed.

Calum !!:

I'm ready my dorm # is 607 you've got 5mins

What the fuck? Really, right now?

I groaned and turned off my laptop and finishing my sandwich. I grabbed my bag and made my way to Calum's dorm. Luckily it was that far away.

I knock on the door and wait. I heard some shuffling before the door swung open and I was dragged inside.

"What the hell? Why did you knock?"

"Sorry, I didn't know." I mumbled.

"Don't ever knock. Just come in."


"Now let's get started." He licked his lips.

"O-okay." I stuttered. What have I gotten myself into?


ooh next chapter will be the sex scene

sorry it took me so long to update

I was busy and had writers block but yeah .

I'll try to update more :)


I love you guys

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