"who is this"

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Eve's Pov:

It's been a week since we talked about Alice and all my shit. We've gotten together a couple of times but that's it. Nothing special. Like usual.

It is a week from winter break and I couldn't be more thankful. School sucks you know. There's so much work. My parents are making me come home for the break. They said "But honey, we haven't seen each other in forever. We've missed you dearly." All a load of shit. They just want to see how far they could push me until I crack.


It was Friday afternoon. I was flying back home on Monday. It would finally be winter break and the time I wish I never agreed to coming back home.

We were out for two weeks and I still had three projects to do and two homework sheets. That gives me an excuse to get away from my parents for a bit. I was heading to English when my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

Incoming call: Calum

What? He never calls me. So I decide to call him back.

It rang, and rang, and rang. No answer. So, I decide to text him and tell him I'll be over after my class. He could be hurt? Or dying? Who knows? Okay, he probably isn't dying but oh well.

English went by painfully slow but it's over and that's all that matters. Calum's dorm wasn't far from the Literature building so it only took me 5 minutes. Deciding not to knock I made my way through the door and threw my bag on the table.

"Calum?!" Nothing.


"Eve? What are you doing here? You have to leave now, please." Calum said walking from the hall shirtless. Which should've clicked something in my brain, but it didn't, well at least not in time.

"You called me." He looked confused. "I thought you wanted me over."

"Oh, well sorry about that, but you have to leave now."

"Who is this?" A nasil voice said behind Calum. She wore nothing but one of Calum's band tees. The same one I wore last time I was here.

"Oh, Macy. T-this is Eve. We uh have a project due after break and she wanted us to work now." He said quickly.

I was utterly confused. I know I've said this before but man am I stupid. Why could I ever think that he would like me? I'm just some petty hook up. Nothing more.

"Well hi Eve, I'm Macy, Cal's girlfriend." She said wrapping her arms around his torso. I felt my throat close up. He never told me he had a girlfriend. How could he cheat on her? I feel so used.

"I-i've gotta go, bye." I ran out the door hearing Calum say my name but I ignored it. What if I hadn't meet Macy today? Would he still have cheated on her?

I ran back to my dorm and closed myself in my room, like always. I only came out when I needed food.

I got constant texts from Calum but ignored them. He ruined my last weekend of freedom.


I woke up Monday morning to a killer headache. My flight was scheduled for 9:00am. I made it to the airport by 8:30am. I dropped my bags off, boarded the plane, and got in my seat. The plane ride was peaceful actually. I listened to music the whole way and just thought.

My parents picked me up at the airport. They gave me big hugs and carried my bags. They were happy, which was weird because they are never happy. They told me that they had to go to a party with some of their doctor friends so they would be back late, as usual. They never stayed home for more than a couple of hours.

So I was stuck at home, by myself.

I grabbed a bag of Snickers and Doritos along with a fluffy blanket and Netflix.

And my night was complete.


Lets just say that I finished American Horror Story and am half way through The Vampire Diaries. It took me all night but I did it.

I slept for half on the day on Tuesday until I was awoken by my phone buzzing.

Incoming call: Calum

I swear if he doesn't answer this..



"I'm back at home for break. Why do you care anyway?"

"Oh, I thought you were hurt."

"I am." I whispered.

"W-when will you be back?"


"Oh well I guess I'll see you then."


"Eve wait"


"Macy said she liked you and she wants to see you when you get back." Is he serious?

"Uh ok."

"Good. Well have a good break." Then hung up.

"Yeah, you too." I whispered.


hi hi hi so v v v v sorry about not updating im terrible at it and school just started so im sorry.

i dedicate this to @swee-tea bc she v sweet and an amazing writer

*see what I did there?*


i hope you like it and debby ryan plays macy btw

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