"love her?" no way

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Calum's Pov:

Eve left a while ago. It seemed like she was mad when I said that our agreement was still on. I mean, why wouldn't be? Yeah I'm with Macy and she's great and all, but she's a prude. She would never be with me like Eve. I know I sound like an ass but a man has his needs.

Macy is on her way now to "snuggle" or whatever she called it. Personally I think it's pointless, unless it's with Eve.

Wait what


I don't like Eve. I like Macy, even though she's a fucking prude. I like her personality. I guess.

"Cal?" Macy's high pitched voice echoed through the room.

"Did you forget to knock?" I snapped from the kitchen.

"Oh-uh sorry I just- never mind." She sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry Macy." I sighed. "I'm kinda new to this girlfriend thing." I rubbed her back.

"I know, but quick tip." She paused. "Don't be a bitch to her." She giggled. I smiled.

"So, wheres the food and cuddling?" I squeezed her sides. She laughed and scurried to the kitchen.

She came back with pizza, drinks, a big blanket, and a couple movies.

"Which one?" She asks holding up the movies.

"You pick." I smiled.

"How about Stuck In Love?" She grins.

"Uh ok." I groan. Eve would never watch something like this. It's not her speed. Why do everything come back to her? I can't help what I'm feeling ugh.

I sat through the two hour long movie as Macy sit in my lap crying and screaming about how some boy doesn't deserve to lose the love of his life or some shit.

I would much rather be with Eve watching Sharknado and eating pizza rolls.


I have to talk to her.

Be with her.

She's much better than Macy.

What?!? What the hell am I saying?

God I'm so confused.

I mean Macy is great. She loves to cuddle and she very fit and all but sometimes I feel like she doesn't know who I really am.

But Eve. Eve is amazing. I love how she's not like other girls. She likes to watch shark movies and eat tons of food. And in bed oh my fuck. It's like she's a different person. She's not the innocent little Virgin Mary I once knew. She's something I've never experienced before. And trust me I've experienced a lot.

Macy snapped me out of my dream when she turned the television off and looked at me.

"Sorry babe, I've gotta run. Early classes suck." She giggled and climbed off the couch.

"Okay." I said turned the television back on.

"Bye baby." I cringed.

"Bye." I called and she shut the door.


I was sitting on the couch watching The Fosters. Yes, I watch The Fosters but who doesn't? But anyway, I heard a knock at the door when Kallie was crying about Brandon not being with her. Brandon is a twat. Wyatt all the way.

I groaned and jumped up. No one ever knocks.

"Eve?" I looked her up and down. She was ringing wet from the storm outside and crying, she was covered in blood.

"What happened to you?" I asked frantically. I grabbed her arm and she hissed in pain.

"E-Eve. You didn't." She stepped in with her head low.

"I'm sorry Calum. I can't help it." She stared crying again. I pulled her close and hugged her. I hugged the life out of her.

"Let me see." She looked at me but pulled off her shirt, which I was not expecting.

There were cuts on her wrists and her sides.

I started to cry. I cried so hard. I ran to my room grabbed one of shirts and sweat pants and ran back to her.

"Calum please, you don't have to do that." She pleated.

"No Eve. After we get you cleaned up. Were getting getting your stuff and your staying here."

"No Calum. Macy will always be here. She's your girlfriend. I can't do that."

"Yes Eve. I don't care what Macy will think. You need me right now. Okay." She nodded.

"Thank you Calum." She said quietly. I nodded and kept bandaging her cuts.

Later after she was cleaned up we went back to her place and got some things. I had an extra room so why not use it.

I could tell she was tired after moving everything.

"Hey Eve, let's get you to bed okay?" She nodded and crawled into my bed.

"Is it okay if I stay in here tonight?" She asked from in side the covers. I chuckled but climbed into bed with her.



"Will you tell me what earlier was about?"

She placed a light kiss on my lips and whispered "Tomorrow." before drifting off to sleep.

"I love you." I whispered into her hair after she had already fallen asleep.

I did love her, a lot to be honest.

But do I really love her like that?

What, no.

I can't.



well hey guys long time no see ha ha I'm trying to be funny and I'm not ok

but anyways this is kind of a filer idk


and yesterday I met my internet best friends and it was so cute and I miss them v v v v v much

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