"He pisses me off more than anyone. But, he makes me happier than anyone." I told him quietly, and he gave me a sympathetic look in exchange. When I looked up to him, though, I saw Luke walking in from the living room.

It didn't seem like he heard anything, but he was rubbing the sleep off of his face. He shot me a small frown before he turned to find the coffee. He used what we already had on the kitchen table to make it, and when he turned to Mike he gave him a discrete nod instead of saying good morning. He walked around to me and put his hand on the back of my shoulder, leaning his head down the slightest bit to look at me.

"Come smoke with me." He said quietly, and I got up without hesitation. I brought my coffee out to the side porch where we set up a couple cheap plastic lawn chairs, just until we got better ones. "I'm an asshole, it's okay. I know." He said, leaning back in his own chair and looking around.

"I'm glad you know it, but I'd rather you just stop being one." I said, swirling my mug around as I watched the coffee roll around in a wave.

"I'll do better." He said quietly, pulling out his pack and handing me a cigarette. I took it between my lips and sparked the end, inhaling the smoke as it relaxed my entire body.

"There's no one I'd rather be with, babe." I told him, and I turned to see him nodding his head as he stared blankly at our cars in the driveway.

"Prove it." He said, his blank expression slowly forming into a smirk as he looked at me. His eyes darted all over my body, and once he started biting on his lip ring I couldn't stay away. I went and plopped on his lap, resting my back against his chest as the back of my head fell on his shoulder. "That's not proving it." He said seductively, placing a few sloppy kisses to my jawline.

I shifted so I could sit sideways on his lap, and I draped my legs over the arm of the chair. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer to me, and I felt his hand wonder to my thigh. I pushed his waves back out of his face, letting them spring back down while I moved my hand to the back of his neck again. He was stunning, and I admired him as I slowly leaned into his lips.

I connected them softly, just wanting to feel him more than anything. The hand he had on my thigh started to squeeze, while the other found its way to the back of my head to keep us from pulling apart. I felt his arm sneak under my knees, and before I could hop off of him he was already lifting me up bridal style. I laughed into his lips, but he wouldn't let me pull away still. I kept my arms around his neck to support myself, and soon enough we were walking back into the house.

"I got it, I got it." I rushed to tell him, swatting his hand away from the doorknob before he dropped me. I swung the door open to reveal literally the whole house in the kitchen, so Luke took a couple steps in and kicked the door shut, dropping me to my feet moments after.

We sat and ate a late breakfast together, and we finally decided on actual plans for the rest of the summer. Calum said his parents had talked to him about flying back home for a little while, so he was trying to figure that out. Sophie was going on a family vacation at the beginning of July, so she was trying her best to buy time before having to go home herself. The only thing we agreed on unanimously was everyone being back here for Luke's birthday.

We weren't sure what we wanted to do to celebrate, but I had some ideas flowing through my head. I made a mental note to run them by the other guys to see if they were doable, but the most pressing concern for me was a present. Being in the hospital and disappearing for over two weeks made me lose my internship, and that was the only thing I had lined up to make me money. With a month until his birthday, I had time to figure something out.

I started thinking about going to Brett, maybe pushing product for him on the side. I had people back in my home town that still reached out to me to see if I knew where to get shit. Everyone there knew that drugs came hand in hand with me, so I could easily sell off a good amount of stuff in the next month. The only issue was Luke. He wouldn't want me to have anything to do with it.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now