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"Watch you cum,"

My eyes were wide open. I barely slept last night. My mind was to heavy with thoughts. I knew my answer already.


But if I said it now would I sound too eager? Not to mention it was my first time. Did he know that? Did I want him to know that?

By no means did I want him think less of me. What if I was bad at it? I still had time to calm my nerves. We had to focus on the job anyway. I still had time.

Two days. Now is was one.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I sat up. I looked over at the couch but Will was no longer sleeping there. Where did he go? I stood up and went to the bathroom. I brush my and re did my hair.

I decided to also shower. Today was the day Nick was taking us to get our outfits for tomorrow. I felt my nerves tingle. By tomorrow night this would all be over. Even after that what was next? Was I prepared to leave my home in Texas behind and start a new life with him? Was he just promising me one night? I didn't even know if I could go back home after everything that went down. I know I didn't want that life.

So maybe I could stay here. Take my cut and start a new life in Las Vegas. There was so much going on I doubt I'd ever get as bored as I was back home.

Yeah, it sounded like a plan. Maybe even travel a little after I got settled. If there was so much to see with a short drive outside my home town I couldn't imagine what the world had to offer. Maybe this whole thing was for the better, I was finally gonna get the chance to live my life.

I found myself finding happiness in the idea of it. Just living my life.

When I got out of the shower Will still hadn't come back. I put on one of the shirts I bought at the store, it said 'I <3 Las Vegas' right across the front of it.

It was a bit cropped showing off a sliver of skin at the base of my tummy, I paired it with some black shorts. It was hot, I could tell just by looking at the sweltering heat outside. I put on my white sneakers and left the hotel room.

Entering the elevator I pressed the main floor button. I wondered for a second, I hope he didn't leave me in the hotel room to do something related to the job without. Its no secret he didn't even want me to participate.

I walked out of the elevator looking around. I noticed a sign.

Continental Breakfast

I could worry about Will later, free breakfast was calling my name. Entering the canteen I was greeted with a number of different guests. Before I could even look around I spotted Will sitting at a table with Nick, and some girl.

Who the hell was that?

I cut through the floor walking over to their table. They didn't even notice me coming, to busy talking to the brunette. I watched as Nick laughed at something she said.

I got to the table and stood with my arms crossed making my presence known. "Hey darling! I was wondering how long you'd take," He said. "Nobody woke me up," I said. "I thought you said woke her up? That she was getting ready to go?" Nick said addressing Will.

"She's up now isn't she?" He asked taking a sip of some orange juice. Damn, I was hungry. "Hi, I'm Laura, saw these guys sitting alone and I kinda just crashed the party don't mind me," She said cheerfully. "I'm Maria," I said smiling back. "That's a such pretty name!" She said. "Thank you," I smiled.

"So if you don't mind me asking, how do you guys know each other?" She asked. "Coworkers," Will answered.

"That's fucked up Will," Nick started. I smiled, he was gonna correct him.

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