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I was sitting in the back Mustang staring out the window. How was I going to say it? Should I just blurt it out? Maybe I could also go down the hotel store and see if they sold lingerie, I doubt it though.

Would he even care?

"So picture this, I'm on top of her and things are starting to get a little more heated. I'm grabbing her ass and shit then suddenly she pulls back tells me her man's gonna be home in like two minutes. I look at this girl and I'm like, 'is that gonna be problem? She looks at me and says no, lies straight to my face. Then she says she just wants to make him jealous and honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck so I'm like 'we gonna smash or not? She nods and we go back to kissing. Tell me why her man busts open the door with a .44 talking about how he's gonna put a bullet in my chest. I hauled ass like bitch in heat, walked away without a fucking scratch. The man shot like nine bullets, nine bullets Will. When I got down the block I thought at least one of them had to hit me but no. There I was in my boxers standing on the corner of Withers and Bridge avenue sobbing like a bitch cause I thought I died," Nick said.

"Is that the girl we're going to see?" Will asked.

"Fuck no, haven't seen her since her man tried to kill me. The girl we're going to see is my ex, Stacy," Nick said. "She does hair and shit, a causeologist," He said. "Cosmetologist," I corrected. "That's what I said," Nick replied.

"Anyway, moral of the story. If your gonna fuck someones girlfriend let it be one those suburban bred soft boys, no pussy is worth taking a bullet for," Nick said.

"Make a right up here," He said. We drove through a run down neighborhood. "The house at the end," Nick said. Will pulled up to it and parked on the street. I looked over at the house, there were balloons tied to the mailbox and people spilling out the front and kids running around the lawn. A banner hung above the the porch.

It's a Boy!

"Just let me do all the talking," Nick said exiting the car. We followed Nick as he led us through the short fence surrounding the perimeter. "Chloe!" He called out. A dark haired girl turned around, "Oh shit, why you here Nick!" She yelled. "Whoa, just tell me where Stacy is, I don't want to start shit with you right now," Nick said. "What part of broken up don't you get? You know something Nicholas, I think there's something seriously wrong with you," She said. "Just tell me where Stacy is, you stupid inbred," He said. The girl groaned and turned to go into the house.

Nick turned to look at us, "I fucking hate that bitch, her stupid ass always had it out for me when Stacy and I were together. Best friend my ass," He said. I looked around, it was definitely a baby shower. People were sitting around eating plates of blue frosted cake.

A dark haired girl with the same olive shade Jamie had walked out the front door. She didn't look too happy as she made her way down porch steps. "The fuck do you want Nick?" She said crossing her arms. She was pretty with a bob and the same long eyelashes as her brother. "Firstly, I'd like to mention how beautiful you look today, even when your angry your very pretty," Nick said. That sounded familiar. "Nicky, shut the fuck up. Tell me what so damn important you had to crash my cousins baby shower," She said. "Hey, I'm trying to be civil here, I just need a quick favor," Nick said.

"And why would she do a favor for you?" Chloe chimed in standing behind her friend. "You need to stay out of this you fucking demon, you're the reason we're not together," Nick said pointing his finger at her. "Don't talk to her like that!" Stacy said. "You see! I told you this fucking leprechaun was no good for you!" Chloe said. "Yeah, go ahead you buck toothed bitch, say one more thing," Nick said.

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