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"First things first. The layout," Nick started.

Will had scooted over for him so the three of us could sit on the couch. "The game happens on the highest floor of the hotel, seventy second floor. This month their are seventeen guests and counting. All of them stay at the hotel. We gotta make it look like your staying at the hotel. Like your dripping in as much money as they are," He explained.

"Maybe a haircut? A shave? Your lookin a little scruffy there," Nick said. "What's wrong with my hair?" Will asked. "Nothing! Little long is all....never mind," Nick said. "Mainly it has to do with your clothes, both of you. You need a suit and you need a dress," He explained. "That's fine, we can go shopping tomorrow," Will said. "Not just any suit and dress, your gonna need designer. Behind the outlet mall on main boulevard is a market place selling designer knock offs," He said. "That's where were gonna have to go," Nick said.

"Is that all?" Will asked. "My ex girlfriend is a hairdresser, I'll take you to her and get you a hair cut. She also does make up and shit so your coming too," He said looking at me. "Now listen, its real easy. I'm gonna get you in through the back door, your gonna take the employee elevator to level sixty. Then down the hall to your left is where the main elevators are. Take them up to level seventy two, you need a key to access the elevator to take you to that level. I'll give it to you tomorrow. When the doors open a waiter is gonna approach you ready to take your buy in," He explains. "A buy in? We don't have a buy in," I said.

"Your not giving him shit, you just gotta say the secret code, he'll step aside and let you in real casual. Its important your not the first guests to arrive so they don't notice much when you don't have any money, don't be the last either," Nick said. "Whats the secret code?" Will asked.

"I already told it to you," Nick said. My eyes lit up realizing. "Call over the matradee and ask him to pour a glass of sauvignon blanc," I recited. "Perfect, just like that darling," Nick said.

"The game starts at nine. Guests start arriving at eight, so to be safe your gonna get there eight thirty. It won't even be five minutes tops. Wait for a distraction, my waiter friend got it covered. Grab suitcase, slip out through the elevator and take it straight down to the main floor, no switching. No commotion, no drama. Just slip out the front door. I'll be waiting in that nice ass car of yours a little down the sidewalk and we'll drive away nice and easy," Nick said. I thought for a second. This seemed to be to good to be true.

"That easy?" Will said. "Yes, I worked it out. Real easy," Nick said. "How much you asking?" Will asked. "Not much, a hundred and fifty thou, gonna split it with the waiter. I know how much you need the money," Nick said.

"So you in?" He asked.


Will closed the door behind Nick. After we agreed to the plan Nick got a call and said he needed to go take care of some 'things'

It's like everyone in his family was shady as fuck.

"Um, do you have anymore um-weed?" I asked. I didn't know if I actually wanted to smoke or just wanted him to open up a little more. I was so attached to his story, his emotions. He turned to me with a lazy smile.

"No, you finished my last blunt, remember?" He asked. I looked away. He sighed, "Look, I think we should talk about what happens after we get the money," He said sitting back down beside me. "Oh, I already thought about it. I really don't want much like fifty thousand? Or less? I think helping your brother is more important," I said involuntarily placing my hand on his arm. Why did I keep doing that?

Will raised his eyebrows. His eyes flickered downward where my hand connected on his forearm. Fuck, should I take it off? It was too late, he already acknowledged it. Quickly without thinking I pulled it off.

He leaned back on the sofa looking right at me. I looked away in embarrassment. He put his arm on the back of the sofa narrowing his eyes.

"You want me?" He asked. "What? Huh? N-No?" I said deflecting. He tilted his head sideways trying to see my face. "You sure? Cause it seem like you want me," He said. I stood up hurriedly. "I-I forgot. I need to get something from the store," I said turning to leave. He grabbed my hand yanking it back until I fell tripping over his lap and landing back first onto the sofa. He leaned down hovering over me.

He slowly dropped his face lower, closer to mine scanning my features. "Say it," He said. "Say what?" I internally cringed at the way my voice sounded. Soft and quiet. "Say you don't want me, that your only staying because you pity me and my shitty life. Not because you want me like the way I want you," He said lowly, almost whispering. I opened my mouth but no words came out. His eyes bore into mine waiting for an answer.

"Say the words pretty girl, or be honest and tell me that you do want me," He said. He leaned further down, lips brushing against my ear. "Tell me you do so I can give it to you exactly how you need it," He whispered.

My heart was beating out of my chest. "I-I-I never-I don't," I stuttered.

He looked back into my eyes. "It's okay, you have two days. Once we do this last job, that's it. I go back home. So think about it," He said. "W-What a-are you gonna do?" I asked. I sounded needier.

He smiled darkly, eyes hooded over filled with lust. "That depends, if you say no we both just leave and go our separate ways, never look back, if you say yes I'll take you back here," He started. Lips back down to my ear. "I'll make it real sweet for you Maria," He said closing the space between are bodies, pressing against me. "Fuck you raw on the mattress," He whispered. I was shaking unable to control my body from reacting to his. "Watch you cum," He said.

"Two days," He said. Then he stood up.

I was frozen on the couch trying to collect all of my emotions. I had never even kissed a boy, let alone have sex. But I wanted to, oh I really wanted too.

"I'll sleep on the couch tonight, it's better that way," He said.


Whewwwww chile.

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