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"I have to pee," I whispered.

So quietly I was surprised he heard me. My voice broken and scratchy. We pulled over at a small convenient store on the side of the road. He parked the car, climbed out and came over to my side. He opened the door and reached for my hands. He took a switch blade from his pocket and cut the worn down duct tape. He stepped back a little gesturing me to get out of the car. He had one hand on the roof of the car and an elbow leaning itself on the door so when I stood up he was right against me. His face inches from mine as he looked down at me. He stood over me chewing the piece of gum he asked me to give him not to long ago. For a few moments he entrapped me their and then he stepped back pulling an arm out of my way. He shut the door behind me and began following me to the small little building beside the store labeled 'restroom'.

When I walked into the ladies room so did he. Chewing his gum. He hadn't stayed shirtless, well not really. Now he was sporting a green and black flannel, the front was completely open up. He didn't button a single button leaving his abs out for display. He leaned on the wall of the bathroom staring right at me. Sunglasses were off, I didn't know if I preferred that. With his sunglasses on I don't get to see his eyes and his gaze doesn't effect me as much. But in return I can't predict his next move.

When the sunglasses were off I was loomed over by his wandering eyes. He truly seemed entertained or satisfied with the situation. How can someone escape the police, almost die and not have it effect them? His eyes offered more answers, I knew how to read people, for the most part. For example, their was a tug on the corner of his bottom lip, a barley noticeable smirk. I mean barely there, but still there. That and his eyes gave off...amusement?

Was he amused? Was it curiosity? Could it have been shock? What about me had him so focused right now. I needed to know what he was planning so I wouldn't end up dead.

I entered the stall away from his eye line and used the bathroom. After I finished I walked out of the stall and began washing my hands. He tilted his head watching me. I started rubbing the raw purple skin where the duck tape had been.

Turing off the water I got a napkin and dried them off. "C-Can I buy some w-water," I whispered again. My head was down and the same scratchy itchy voice graced our ears. When I got no answer I looked up. "Huh?" He asked as he noticed my inquiring expression completely snapping out of whatever had him day dreaming. "I ne-wanted some water, can I buy some?" I asked again with more fragility. I looked up again and we made eye contact. He was chewing the gum im his front teeth now. His eyes left mine as they flickered downward. He didn't care about what I had to say.

Slowly he raked his eyes down my form. His eyes hooding over. He leaned in. "Dasani or Deer park?" He asked. "What?" I said. "What water do you want? I'll get it. What? Do you drink Fiji or something?" He said. "Deer park is fine," I said. "Okay, anything else?" He asked.

I looked down. "A sandwich maybe," I said cautiously. "Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded. "You know what me too. Just noticed and I was wondering what was bothering me," He said. I didn't say anything.

"Theres a diner down the road, I saw the sign. Lets just go there, yeah?" He said. I nodded slowly.


The diner hadn't been very far away. Small just like every other establishment we had seen. Not very crowded. It was very early in the morning. "What can I get for you both?" Our waitress asked. I recognised the sickly sweet voice. It reminded me of my own. The one Mr. Givens had come to love. Oh God, Mr. Givens that poor man. I forgot about him, I hoped he was okay. I pointed to a menu item instead of speaking. I felt as if I couldn't.

"I'll take the family breakfast, three pancakes, bacon, over-easy eggs, orange juice, home fries, and an extra order of sausages on the side," He said. "Do ya'll sell alcohol?" He asked. She looked confused. "No, this is a diner not a bar," She laughed off. The deeply country accent making itself known.

He paid her little joke no mind. I don't think he meant it personal he just lacked manners. How ever she seemed to have noticed his aloofness. She tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear. Oh God.

"Theres a bar downtown, Lucky's bar. About ten minutes down Route 42," She said. He looked up as if he was surprised she was still standing there and then he smiled realising. "Yeah, you been to Lucky's bar?" He said. "A couple times, sometimes me and the girls get together and have one of those girls nights," She said gesturing to her coworkers. "Will that be all?" She asked never breaking eye contact with him. He looked over at me raising his eyebrows. "Is that all?" He asked. I nodded.

She bit her lip and turned around walking off. He stared at her ass as she did so.

When the food came she placed a hand on his shoulder and told him to 'enjoy'. We ate in silence until she came to check on us halfway through. She giggled at whatever nonchalant phrase he gave. "I like your car," She said. She still hadn't left. "Don't think I've ever seen a car that nice," She said. The sweet attitude had dropped and had been replaced with a breathy/sultry voice.

"Can you fill this up?" I asked. She smirked at me, "Sure," She said. "Can you also bring a bag?" He asked. She turned away but this time he didn't watch her. Instead he pulled out a ski mask from his back pocket, sitting it on his head without pulling it down he reached for his gun. Just as she made it back to the table, a wide smiled adorning her face. He pulled down the mask covering his face and stood up swiftly pulling the gun out. One shot in the air. I jumped.

The blonde waitress screamed and fell to the ground. "Everyone! Get on the ground and don't make a move," He said. "Gimme that," He said leaning down to snatch the bag from her hands. He passed it to me. He nodded his head towards the register. I followed orders and heading to where two women had been hugging and hiding there faces in each others shoulders. I manoeuvred my way in front of them and popped the register open. Damn, they had a lot of loose cash. Collecting it all I closed the register.

"All your jewelry, wallets, anything of value goes in the bag. You make one wrong move and I start firing shots!" He yelled. I walked around and collected what I could. There wasn't many people, it didn't take long. "Now stay down," He said existing as he dragged me with him. He was still pointing his gun towards them.

He pulled us hastily across the parking lot and shoved me into the car. With the same speed and vigour of every time we ran away he backed up the car and speed off with the sound of screeching wheels following us.

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