"Ana, might I request your assistance please?" She says cordially, with effort.

"Of course, Ma'am." I grab a jacket from by the door. "Back to the table little ones, don't waste your breakfast." I tell Kara and Tyron, kissing the top of their heads. Mum herds them back to the table as I shut the door behind Jones.

Jones falls back, as Bell and I walk towards the edge of the forest. "Oh my goodness Ana! I had to come and find you, I don't know what to do! I'm freaking out!" Bursts Bell, pulling her hair and hyperventilating.

"Woah! Start from the beginning, what's going on?" I tell her, grabbing her arms and steadying her.

"This morning, I was sparring with one of the training guys and he was teaching me how to gain the upper hand in fight, floors me and the next thing I know there's a ferocious growl and he's tackled off me by this huge wolf. I completely freaked out! My security held off the wolf while I ran for it. I came straight here."

"What made you come here? Why not go to your parents?" I ask her, surprised.

"Because I... I... I think the wolf might've been my mate. But I don't know for sure and I daren't tell Mom and Dad in case I'm wrong. I'm freaking out, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to expect when finding my mate so I have no idea if that's even what's happening. You're basically my sister already, you're the only one I thought to come to with this." She pulls me into a desperate hug. I rub my hands up her back and down her back to reassure her.

"Think carefully, Bell. What did you think? What did you feel? What did you smell?"

"I don't know. I remember feeling different when I woke up this morning and my wolf was all giddy. I felt really energetic, so I decided to go spar. Then when I was sparring with the trainer, I got distracted by the most amazing smell! That's when he floored me, and that wolf came flying at him."

"It definitely sounds like your mate. He would've tackled the guy for flooring you. But the only way you're going to know or sure is if you return to the scene of the crime." I smile, happy that I'd be able to see Arabell meet her mate, and curious to know who he was.

"Will you come with me?" She asked with round, terrified eyes.

"Of course. He won't hurt you, Bell. It would go against his instincts." As soon as I said it, I regretted it. I could hardly say her mate wouldn't hurt her when mine was managing to hurt me so consistently.

"I know it's just... there's pressure, you know? There always is when you join the royal family from the outside. Especially given the media scrutiny and my family's expectations."

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