Episode 88

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A week had passed since I came out of my evolution, so my weakness was gone for the most part

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A week had passed since I came out of my evolution, so my weakness was gone for the most part. I had to admit that it nice that it gave me the opportunity to sleep like a normal nineteen-year-old. My need to rest also allowed me to work through the novel Recah got me. Still, I didn't like needing to depend on others, whether I was close to them or not.

I was going scouting with T and Marshall today like we intended to do on the day I went into my unexpected evolution. And, our primary objective was still to be sure that the gadgets Hannah had gotten for us worked the way we needed them to.

Again, we arrived in front of the café. From there, I walked toward the rising sun (or rather where it should've been) with T by my side. Marshall trailed behind us, but the gap wasn't wide enough to concern me.

The ripples told me his steps were slower and more careful than they usually were. His breaths had gotten caught in his throat a few times. With how he was always keeping an eye trained on me, I got the sense that he was worried about me. With my recent evolution, I couldn't blame him for that. He was also a big brother like I was.

We hadn't discussed how we would test the gadgets once we got in here. That would have been a brilliant idea on our part. It would have given us a more defined plan of attack.

"Do you guys think we should split up and divide the beacons in equal groups of three to make sure they work?" T asked.

"I'd rather not do that," Marshall called out. "We don't know if there any bad people lurking out there who want us to do just that, so they can do whatever they please with us."

He did have a point. That was likely given the circumstances. And, if I was being honest, I wasn't sure how well my powers were working yet. They were next to useless right after my last evolution.

Anyway, we went on our way and attached one of the beacons to the side of a boarded-up house.

So far, so good. According to the app Hannah installed for me, the beacon was working properly.

T installed one on the ground. When I checked the tracker, it too was working correctly.

The next beacon was successfully stuck on something that looked like a streetlamp.

We got through about ten of them before I felt a wave of exhaustion looming over me. I was going to crash. No questions asked. We had to get back before that happened.

"Kaze..." My strained whisper broke our silence. "I'm getting tired..."

Marshall's eyes widened. "I'll get our beacons, so we can get the heck out of here."

He then took off the way we came. Through the ripples, I could feel his heart skip a beat. I was pretty sure he had forgotten that he was the one who said it was better for us to stick together.

"Come on." T led me to the nearest abandoned building toward the way we came from. "Why don't you try to rest until Marshall finishes collecting the beacons?"

"Imma fall asleep if I do that..."

She put her arms around me and stroked the back of my head. "It's alright. Marshall's seasoned traveler. I'm sure he'll have those beacons gathered before we know it."

I didn't understand why I was so bothered by how tired I was feeling. Surely, I had felt worse than this? I was no stranger to poor sleep, so why was I close to tears?

"It's alright, Ali," she whispered. "I could read you a story when we get back? I'm sure Eni would love to hear one, too."

"If you want... I don't know if I'm going to be able to stay awake much longer."

T was so warm. I wished I could hog it for myself, but I knew that wasn't possible. "That's alright. It's just nice when we can spend time together as a family."

That was Marshall called to us. "They came right off! I just needed to unlock them with the app!"

"That's great!" T wrapped my arm around her neck. "Come on, Ali. Let's go home."

It was a relief when the gate took us straight into the house. I could hardly hold myself up anymore. I wasn't sure where I even fell asleep. Since Marshall and T were with me, I knew it was unlikely that I would hit my head or anything.


I was in my room when I woke up. Still, I wasn't sure how I got there. Marshall and T both had the strength to carry me. I knew that. Still, I hoped it hadn't come to that.

When my vision came into focus, I saw my dad poking his head in through the doorway.

"Are you awake, son?"

I went into Japanese. "You can come in."

He responded in Japanese. "Are you feeling better?"

"I can't really tell since I just woke up. I can't remember much of what's happened."

Dad went back into English. "Okay, you're definitely still tired. You're speaking too slow to be efficient."

Was it really that bad? I thought I was speaking at the same speed I usually did when talking to him like that.

"If you're in this shape, why did you decide to go on one of your 'scouting missions' today?" He sighed. "Of course, it's important, but it's not that important. This is something your mom would do."

"I felt fine when we left. I didn't start feeling bad until we'd been there for an hour or so."

Hand over his face, Dad shook his head. "You just came out of an episode. That was probably too much excitement for one day so soon. I'm glad your friend and your cousin were with you when that happened."

I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Are you sure this is really worth it?" he asked.

I perked up at those words. "Yes, it is! I'm not just doing this for Vanny, either." What little strength I had recovered left me. "I can feel it. Something we didn't know was lost will be waiting for us."

"You're not making sense."

"You don't have to understand, Father." I met his gaze without wavering. "I don't understand it myself. Still, I am prepared to discover what was lost. I can feel it. Something will be made whole. Someone will be made whole."

"You're still dreaming, son."

I turned my head. "If that's what you want to believe then go ahead. Like when I left the summer property two years ago, I am not seeking your approval. I will do what I can to protect others as I have longed to do for so long."

Dad turned his back to me. "Suit yourself..."

Dad didn't have to understand. It was fine if he didn't. I would continue down my path because it was the right thing to do. I couldn't stray from it when I was so close to my goal...


Thoughts? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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