Episode 22: Into Taradita

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T and I woke up at sunrise

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T and I woke up at sunrise. I set my alarm to insure we would. The others should still be asleep right now. That was what I wanted. I didn't want to run into them right now.

We did run into Mama, but I wasn't worried. She winked and told us to enjoy our "stroll". I was glad she wasn't going to rat us out to the others.

I found Taradita when I went out yesterday. I'd realized its gate was no different from my own. I could begin my search now.

I hadn't told the others yet. I wanted to see what I was getting everyone into. I had to tell T, though. It would be hard to hide it from her since we shared a room.

Chastity might've been on to me, but I wasn't sure. I'd asked her for a picture of Vanny. The only one I had was from when we were four. I wanted a more recent one. One I could use to remind myself what I was fighting for.

Vanny was so tall. She was probably still taller than me. Her eyes were full of life, she clearly loved to have fun. Her hair went down to her waist. Her clothes were bright. I wished I'd been able to get to know that girl. The one I'd yet to meet.

Anyway, I brought T to the back of the garden. We stopped in front of a brick wall lined with plants that drew up the wall. All bore different colored flowers. We could open the gate away from prying eyes there.

"Why are we doing this at five in the morning again?" T asked.

"I don't want to endanger the others." I tightened my grip on my phone. "We need to scout out the area and be sure to watch each other's backs. Not to mention, we have power—the power to protect ourselves."

"I suppose, we do..." She rubbed her eyes. "How are we getting into Taradita, anyway?

I pulled a cup out of my backpack's side pocket. "You'll see, Kaze..."

"What is this, anyway?" T pulled a container out of her backpack's side pocket. She unscrewed the top and smelled the black liquid. "Coffee? Really?"

Smiling, I swallowed a swig of mine. "Most people in this world love it. It's how they get through a long day. Especially if they have to get up early."

"Like if they're crazy enough to get up at five in the morning?"

I stifled a laugh. "Some people need coffee if they get up at seven or eight." I nudged her in the side. "We're usually up between now and seven, anyway."

"But we all pretend to sleep 'til eight or nine." She screwed the lid back on. "Did you not sleep much last night?"

"Does it matter?"

T's jaw dropped. "You're opening a gate?"

I placed my hand over my birthmark. "Oh, great Aeliana, the first Soulmate, I beseech thee. I come in search of those we care about. I will not hurt others needlessly, not even in the name of seeking information."

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