Episode 74: A Christmas Surprise

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Today was Christmas day and I spent the eve with Recah and the rest of our friends

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Today was Christmas day and I spent the eve with Recah and the rest of our friends. We got Eni more art supplies and audio books. Lie got chocolate from Marshall and new clothes from the girls. I got Duke another pocketknife. Marshall got his sister a new typewriter and I got her a calligraphy set since I thought she'd like it. For T, I got a new hair piece since a lot of the ones she had were falling apart.

Anyway, today was the big day. Recah and I were finally going to tell my parents about our engagement. We'd decided to save it for a Christmas surprise. It'd probably be a good shock to them.

Since we had our celebration last night, my parents invited my siblings and I over this morning.

I let us in since Mama told me they sent the staff home a couple days ago. They were in the den, relaxing on the couch.

Recah and I looked at each other. We wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. "We're getting married."

My parents exchanged smiles.

I face palmed. "Not you, too..."

"We were wondering when you were going to do this," my dad said. "Are you going to wait until after you finish your work?"


Recah added, "We're definitely waiting until after my birthday to have our ceremony."

"When is your birthday?" Mama asked.

"It's in February."

"How did you know?" I asked.

Dad shrugged. "We didn't know when, but we knew you were going to propose. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't do it before you came home."

My flames pooled my cheeks.

"It was easy to see your love when we watched you interact." Mama smiled. "Reminded me of the stories Leon told me about Elia and Connor when they were your age."

When my aunt and uncle were our age?

"I'll always be grateful to Connor. For a great leader to care for her people, she has to take care of herself. Elia always struggled with that, even though she knew that."

"Connor knew when to push back..." Recah said.

I added, "And he looked past her title and future life."

Dad looked at Recah. "If my son's work bothered you, you wouldn't be here."

Recah probably wouldn't... She and Marshall seemed like they hardly spoke for three years. She kept her distance, because she knew Masquerade was bad news...

"It's difficult but necessary. I can't hold that against him."

The look in Mama's eyes told me that Connor likely said something similar about Cece. It couldn't have been easy to be the queen's husband... Especially with one who was as beloved as she was...

T jumped in here. "I didn't say anything to your parents, but I found the ring in our room."

"Probably should have asked one of our friends to hold onto it for me..." I said.

"I have something for you, son," Dad said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Put your hands out."

I did as I was asked, and Dad put a little, gift-wrapped box in my hands.

Removing the bow and paper revealed a black box hidden inside. I found a watch when I opened the box.

"Your grandfather gave me this watch when I told him I was getting married."

Eni pulled out his pocket watch.

"That's a nice watch, son." Dad came up to him. "Where did you get it?"

"It was a gift from our daddy," T replied.

I sort of wondered where Connor got it... It was a nice watch, but he didn't sound like the sort who would spend crazy amounts of money even if he had it. Someone in the palace could have made it, but I didn't think it was likely...

T looked between her hand and her wrist. She was looking at the gifts Leon gave her, because her parents hadn't been able to.

Mama put her arms around her. "I'm sure they're smiling down on you both right now."

"Did you celebrate Christmas growing up?" Dad asked.

T and Recah shook their heads before Recah said, "It isn't a thing where we're from. I'm not sure if I knew it even existed last year."

"I only celebrated because of Ali," T said.

Dad whispered in Mama's ear. I couldn't hear what he said, though.

Mama rolled her eyes. "What are you? A child?"

What on Earth did Dad say to make Mama ask that? He was always the more serious of the two.

I put on my "new" watch before we left. I didn't know about the others, but I didn't want to know what that was about.


My siblings, Recah, and I had gone into our own den. We all wanted to curl up by the fire.

Recah was laying on the floor with her typewriter, covered in a blanket. I was in the recliner while my siblings were on the couch together.

Eni picked up the book he just got from my parents. It wasn't one he could read on his own, but we hadn't told my parents that. He didn't want to make a big fuss about it and neither did we.

Eni looked at our sister. "Could you read some?"

She looked at Recah.

"Don't mind me. I got used to using this thing in cafes and other noisier places."

With that out of the way, my sister began reading. It was a fantasy that seemed to be for junior high or high school kids. The protagonist was a fifteen-year-old boy who got lost and found himself in another world.

Actually, it sounded a lot like the sorts of books I read when I was younger. I probably had other books he'd like. I'd have to see if I could find audio book versions, so he can enjoy them by himself if he wanted to.

I'd have to see if I could get my own copy. It seemed like something I liked. I didn't want to just take Eni's since my parents got it for him. If nothing else, I was sure T and I would take turns reading it to him over the coming days. He was like me in that way, if he could read a new book himself, he was going to devote extra attention to it until he was done.

Recah seemed especially interested. She didn't bother to get up when she ran out of paper to load her typewriter with.

T had to pry herself away to ensure we ate. There was no greater joy for her than reading to our baby brother.

We had a great afternoon. It was one I wouldn't forget. One I wouldn't trade for the world. I couldn't begin to imagine what would be in store for us next year.


And now there's only 1 arc left! Thoughts on the ep? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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