Episode 19: Flesh and Blood

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For the third time in two weeks, I woke up dripping in a cold sweat

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For the third time in two weeks, I woke up dripping in a cold sweat. The first time was the day I took Lie and Phoenix to get ice cream. The only one who managed to figure me out was Duke.

That didn't surprise me, though. He seemed to be a light sleeper and a hyper aware guy. It seemed like things rarely escaped his notice. If it did, I might actually worry he was coming down with something.

The second time was the day after Alastair brought Peter to visit us. That was to be expected, though. it'd be strange if a rough night didn't follow a bombshell like that one.

Even from the great beyond, Izaz had a hand in trying to ruin our lives. I couldn't entirely blame him, though... A five-year-old could not be blamed if he was clairvoyant. At that age, there was no way he could understand the ethics or ramifications of having that power. I wasn't sure if he was entirely innocent, though. The girl didn't get kidnapped for at least a decade, after all.

Anyway, I woke up from a nasty nightmare after that. Not fun.

Tonight, I didn't know if what I had was a nightmare or not.

I was still home. I was maybe four or five. I was definitely little. Dad and I were playing near the school. We were throwing a red and white ball back and forth.

When I tried to catch the ball with my mitt, it fell out of my hand and rolled away.

I ran after it. Before it could get away, an older boy picked it up. He was eight or so, I thought. He had an orange ball in the crook of his arm. He set the ball in my hand. "Here ya go, kiddo."

I was mesmerized by his ball. "What's that?"

"It's a basketball." He looked at my dad. "You wanna see how we play with it?"

I looked up at my dad. "Daddy?"

He took my hand and smiled.

We followed the boy to the school. His friends were waiting for him on the court in the back.

"Did you bring a new friend?" one of them asked.

"He's just gonna watch."

That was the first basketball game I ever saw. We didn't have TVs like people where Alain came from did.

I was entranced by the game. There was strategy involved. Luck could only carry you so far.

I talked a mile a minute when we left. I wanted to play basketball. It was so amazing to my kid self.


Anyway, I had to get up some time. I couldn't stay in bed forever. I heaved myself up. My entire body ached, but I did it anyway. The others would worry if I slept in too late.

I dragged myself into the kitchen. Becca was at the table with a mug of I didn't know what. She didn't seem to really be doing anything.

"Morning," she said.

"Morning," I replied.

I combed through the pantry. What did I want for breakfast? Did I even want breakfast?

In the end, I just decided to get some coffee. I wasn't sure I could handle anything else.

Becca got up and washed her hands. She splashed some on me on her way out.


She didn't turn her back. "What?"

"I don't want to be wet!" The water was cold, too. That made it even more unpleasant.

She didn't bother to look at me. "Go take a shower."


"Go. Take. A. Shower."

I got up. "What? Why?"

"You know what, Marshall?" my sister shouted. She clenched her fists. "Sometimes, you scare me!"

"Come on, Becca... Don't be like that..."

"Don't call me that! I left that name behind when I left our smothering relatives!"

My hands trembled. "Old habits die hard..."

"I still can't understand why you do this!"

"Do what?"

Becca had tears in her eyes. "If you don't feel good, why can't you ever just say so? If you could get out of bed, you didn't want to rest. You only rested when the pain got too bad or you threw up. It was always scary..."

I didn't like to rest. I couldn't deny that. That wasn't really a luxury I had on the road. Still, it was a habit I had at home.

There were times I'd fall asleep at my desk or fall while I was out playing or throw up at the worst possible moment because of it. It probably scared Mom half to death.

I didn't like seeing my sister cry, so I got in the shower. I hadn't entirely expected the water to feel so good when it rained down on me.


After I got out, I went into the front room. I didn't want to stay in my room, and I didn't know if I'd get hot outside, so it seemed like the best place to go.

Recah was there typing on her typewriter. She looked up when I came in. "Do you feel better?"

"A bit." I sat down beside her. "What are you writing?"

"Just whatever comes into my head." She looked into my eyes. "Are you sure you're not getting sick?"

I smiled. "I'm fine now."

"Sometimes you really are too stubborn for your own good..." Becca sighed. "What did you dream about?"


"Don't bother trying to hide it." My sister crossed her arms. "I heard things. There is no way you haven't had a nightmare about Masquerade or our parents."

I sighed. "I'm not even sure it was a nightmare."

"What happened?"

"It was a memory of Dad. I was four or five." My gaze drifted upward. "I got to watch my first basketball game."

She raised her eyebrows. "That sounds like a good dream."

It did... On the surface at the very least...

"What's on your mind then?"

I turned my head. "It's nothing..."

"Stop treating me like a child!" She met my gaze. "I'm seventeen! I'm your only sister! We might have friends, but all we have is each other! We're still of the same flesh and blood!"

I was shaking. "I-is... is Dad proud of me?" I squeezed my eyes shut. "Even now, I worry about it."

"Marshall Glynnhorn!" My sister's voice was sharp. "Listen to yourself! What are you? A little kid?"

"I'm nineteen."

She put an arm around me. "Of course, Dad is proud of you. Why wouldn't he be?"

I promised to protect my little sister. I hadn't done that. I put my own grief and needs first. I never really considered what she needed or wanted like a good big brother would.


Thoughts on the siblings' dynamic? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

[Legacy of a Martyr #2] Liberation from the Masquerades (A Key Keepers novel)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu