"Good afternoon royals" Weaver started.

Catra's POV

I walked to science class with my friend Scorpia by my side.

"Hey, did you meet-"

"The new student? Yes." I said, I've had been asked that question so many times today

"Adora right?" Scorpia asked


We walked into the science classroom and was greeted by the new teacher, Ms. Hope, my mom told me we would have a new science teacher a long time ago, and finally the time is here. She was explaining something about robots and told us we had to build one.

"So, wanna meet at my dorm, for the project?" Scorpio's asked

"I'll see, we have a meeting remember?"

"Oh right, tomorrow then...it sucks that this year we have to change from dorms."

Last year Scorpia and I shared a dorm, we were on the 3rd floor, we were in the middle of the building, which means that we could sneak out whenever we wanted without no one noticing.

"Yeah, it really sucks, who's your roommate this year? I ask

"Oh, this girl named Perfuma, she looks really nice and sweet, and cooks really really good, you need to try her salads one day....what about you?"

"I don't know, I haven't payed much attention to it, I really don't care, if I don't like her I'll just ignore her, that's it" I say

Suddenly the bell rings, which means it's time for.....hell.
I said my goodbyes to Scorpia and headed to the auditorium. My mom was already waiting for me there so I really needed to hurry.


"Hello I'm here" I say

"Finally, what took you so long?" My mom asked harshly

"Sorry, I was placing my books away, what's the rush? There's no one here yet?" I asked

"You need to prepare yourself, like seriously, how are you planning to rule a kingdom if you can't even come early to a speech, what a disappointment."

I am not planning on it, you are.

*time skip*

"Good afternoon royals" Weaver started introducing herself and explaining what this speech was about. I was at her side, and started bragging on how I will next year rule this kingdom.

I didn't like it, like at all, I'm not a princess! I don't wanna be a princess, be there, do that. That's not me. But hey, I'd rather wear a dress and heels, over an Angry mother, specially if it is my mother in particular. I don't know how, but somehow she controls you. And I always end up agreeing with everything she says or commands. And I dislike it.

Then she finally ended her speech and it was time to head to our dorms, finally some rest, tomorrow was Saturday, so we had the day free.

Adora's POV

The speech was finally over, and we could head to our dorms, I was joking with Glimmer and Bow about how boring that speech was.

"Hey Adora, will you have any trouble finding your dorm?" Bow asked while he wiped his laughter tears away.

"Nah, I think I am good" I said

"Oh that reminds me, who is your dorm partner? Glimmer asks

"I still don't know, I haven't met her. What about you guys?"

"I am paired up with a boy named Kyle, but he seems really shy" Bow said

"I am paired up with this girl named Frosta, she looks so young, but she surely is a personality" Glimmer says while chuckling a little bit.

"Well anyways, we should really head to our dorms if we don't want angry teachers" Bow said

We said our goodbyes and each one of us headed to their dorms. The school had three buildings, the first one consisted of 2 floors, there's where all the classrooms were located. The second one was the gymnasium, and the third building consisted of 6 floors, where the dorms where located, the first three floors where the girls dorms and the other three were the boys dorms. I was located at the third floor, so I went on the elevator and pressed the number three. Once I got there I started to search for my dorm.

"Dorm 765.....765?......ah come one where are you? 756..no......761..close...aha!! 765." I mumble quietly.

Catra's POV

I was making my way to my dorm, cause honestly I really need to rest, like seriously. Today it has been a really really long day, new girl comes, speeches, classes. I really need to rest. But then I remembered, oh my roommate!? Who is she?! Will she be in the dorm already!? I really don't have time to introduce myself or even speak to someone.

I got inside of my dorm and luckily my so called roommate wasn't there, so I got into the shower and had a bath.( Catra is a cat, but come one, we all like to be clean).

I got out quickly, and put on some pj's which consisted of a crop top and shorts. I was gonna make my way to my bed until I see someone opening the door, oh well she's here.

"If you are gonna come this late at night then you should pro-" I stop my words when I see....her.

Adora's POV

I got the key inside of the doorknob and twist it, and I finally come in. I was about to say something but a voice spoke up first. I see the figure that was speaking more clearly, but she stopped talking once she saw me ,and then I realized perfectly who it was......Catra.


Hello my beautiful people! This is shit, I don't know why, I just feel like it. Thank you for 16 reads, I know it's not much, but it means the world to me, if you are liking this story please let me know through the comments. Till next time!!


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