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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ

Never miss your
breakfast 🥣🥛🍎

Shaykhul Islam Mufti Taqi Usmani D.B states:

I was once accompanying my Shaykh Dr Abdul Hay during his travels. After Fajr I went to sit in Shaykh's company.

Shaykh enquired whether I had had my breakfast. I replied in the negative. Shaykh further enquired for the reason. I responded that the hosts had yet not offered it.

Shaykh replied, "I am not enquiring about that breakfast. I am enquiring about the breakfast for your soul, which is in your control.

Take out some time in the mornings for Zikrullah, remembering Allah. This is the breakfast for your soul."

Shaykh continued, "When a person has something to eat in the morning, it serves as energy & a source of strength for his body. If a person leaves home without breakfast he ends up struggling at work.

Similarly if you present yourself before Allah (in the masjid) & do Zikr of اللَّهُ Subhana wa Ta'ala , this will serve as a spiritual breakfast for you, & your soul will acquire energy & strength.
After this when you go out you will confront your Nafs & Shaytan.

If you have had your spiritual breakfast you will find within you the energy & strength to combat your Nafs & Shaytan. They will then not be able to defeat you."

[Darse: Sha'bul Imaan. Page 150]

Did u have ur servings of spiritual breakfast this morning?
If not, then it's never too late:
[ ] Make up for ur Fajr salaah if u missed it
[ ] Read a few or more verses of the Qur'an
[ ] Indulge ur soul it's craving of zikr- astaghfirullah, Durood,
La ilaha ill ALLAH
[ ] Morning duas which serve as a security armor around u.
[ ] Sura Yaseen
Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said,
“Whoever recites Yaseen in
the morning, his work for
that entire day will be made
easy aиϑ whoever recites it
at the end of the day, his
tasks till the next morning
will be made easy.”

(Sunan Darimi vol.2 pg.549)

Allahumma inni asalooka khayra hadhal yawma wa khayra maa ba'da

My Lord, I ask You for the good of this day & the good of what follows it.

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