Forgiving with a clean heart

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This story is incredible. Shaykh Sharif al-Ya'qoubi lost many children in life and then Allah blessed him with a son that he loved. After years, the Shaykh's son was murdered by a man after an argument and he was taken to prison. When the Shaykh found out what happened - he rushed to the police station and covered his face with his arm and said, 'Let the man who murdered my son go. I forgive him and do not want revenge. I simply ask that he repents to Allāh.'  The police were stunned and they let the man go after he committed murder due to the request of the Shaykh.

When people asked Shaykh Sharif why he was covering his eyes and he replied, 'I do not want to see his face because I don't want to treat him any differently if I see him on the street despite what he did. Now I can give him salam on the street without hatred because I don't know him. I can honour him if he comes to my home. And I can help him and be generous to him when he is need. I spent my whole life worshipping Allah with a pure heart. I don't want to spoil it with hatred now.' Subhān'Allāh, what a level these people were on! May Allāh forgive us and grant us the courage to forgive those who have wronged us and allow us to follow in the footsteps of that Prophet ﷺ who forgave those who wronged him even when forgiveness seemed impossible.

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