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*Shaikh ‘Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlawi (rahimahullah) narrates:*

Delhi was once struck by a very severe drought. People were suffering to the point of not even having basic bread.
The ‘Ulama eventually decided that all the people would gather in an open field on an appointed day so that salaatul istisqāā *(SÂLĀĀH FOR RAIN)* could be performed. After the salaah, everybody would repent from their sins and make Dûāā for rain.

On the appointed day all the people gatheredl outside the city, their faces burning from the heat of the sun. After the salaah, all exerted themselves in Dûāā, crying and begging for rain. To their dismay, however, there was no sign of rain. This continued until the time of ‘asr SÂLĀĀH arrived. As they were begging *ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل* in Dûāā, a young traveller walked past the field, leading a camel on which a woman covered in a veil was seated. Seeing the people in distress, he asked them what was going on.
He was informed of the severe drought and the people’s Dûāās for rain not being answered. Upon hearing this he went to his camel and lifted his hands in du‘aa. Before he could even lower his hands, the sky filled with clouds and rain began to fall in torrents!


An ‘Aalim went up to the youngster and asked him how he had attained the good fortune of being a person whose Dûāās were instantly answered .
*The youngster replied,* “Seated on the camel is my mother. She has led a life of such purity and chastity, that neither has she ever set eyes on a strange man nor has a strange man ever set his eyes on her. I clutched her shawl and made Dûāā saying,
*‘O Rabb of the universe! This is my pious and chaste mother. If her piety and chastity is valued in your sight then shower your rain upon your servants.’*
I had not yet put my hands down when the rain began to fall.”

Subhaanallah! *سُبْحَـــانَﷲ*
This woman’s chastity and purity became the means of the people being relieved of the difficulty.

The Only way to sucess is to Have the Lôvē for our beloved Rasullullah *صََلَِّﷺوََسََـــلَِّـم* more than ourselves, family and belongings

*Ŕāsűlûllâh صََلَِّﷺوََسََـــلَِّـم* said “Whoever lives his life according to my Sunnah, then indeed he Lôvēs me. And whoever Lôvēs me will be with me in JÂNNÂH.” *(Tirmizi)*

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