Chapter 12: Aw, crap

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Bryan. Lewis. Was. In. My. School.


What was a celebrity as famous as Bryan Lewis, doing in our school? He was walking down the hallway, flanked by two body guards, wearing sunglasses. All the guys were gaping at him, while all the girls were swooning and fanning themselves. Ugh. He noticed me across the hall and spotted me, his eyes widening. At least I think so. I couldn't see much under his sunglasses.

He gestured for his body guards to leave and he walked down the hall towards us. "Ava? What are you doing here?" he asked. "Me? What the hell are you doing here at my school?" I asked.

"I decided to start schooling at a normal high school. I wanted to try a different kind of schooling."

"So, you decide to just enroll yourself at my school?"

"I had no idea you were even here." 

Dean snorts. Oh, here we go. "All right buddy why don't you just keep walking all right? Go find your little celebrity friends."

Bryan looked at him surprised, but no look of hurt crossed his face. "All right, I have to head to class right now anyway." And then he turned and walked away.

I slapped Dean on his shoulder. "What was that for?"

Dean shrugged at me. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but then I realized he was right. "All right, but you didn't have to be rude about it." Before anybody could say anything else, the bell rang and we had to head to class.  I walked down the hallway, got my locker code, and dumped all my stuff in. I just grabbed the books I needed and headed to class. For some reason, everybody was giving me strange looks, pointing and whispering. I had no clue why but I just ignored them.

I headed to homeroom with Britney. After a long boring start of school lecture, the bell finally rang again and we got the hell out of there. I didn't think I could stand the smell of those scented candles any longer, it was like a furnace, with no windows open or fans on.

"Ugh, why does she always have to light candles? I smell like strawberry wax." Britney complained, frowning. "Hell, I dunno. I'm just glad I'm outta there."

I said good bye to Britney and started walking to my first class, English. My favourite. Heck, it was ten times better than History or Geography. They were just plain boring. At least I hoped Macklemore could make my day better. Not the rapper, my teacher.

I walked into class and took a seat second last to the back. My usual spot. Sure, I liked English, but I wasn't one of those goody two shoe kiss ups, sitting in the front.

As usual, Mr. Macklemore walked in five minutes late. No surprise there, it was a routine thing with everyone now. He smiled at everyone. "Hey guys! How was your vacation?" Everyone started talking at once, everyone eagerly narrating their summer stories. It was a pandemonium.

"Okay! Okay! Relax guys. We'll go one at a time yeah?" Macklemore intervened.

On it went, someone went to the Bahamas, someone else helped his dad on a construction ground. Dang, he was pretty built compared to last year. Another visited their relatives. I just sat there peacefully, listening to everyone's stories, when I noticed something glinting behind me. I turned around to see a guy sitting behind me, wearing the shiniest Rolex I had ever seen. It was so bright, I was blinded. When I looked up and saw the guys face, I almost choked. No no no. Why the hell? It was like my life was some kind of psycho movie. I've got to be hallucinating.


"Hey, I was wondering how many years it would take for you to notice me."


Jack smirked at me, like his usual playboy self. "I've been in the same school as you since sixth grade."

"I have literally not seen you even once."

"I was the new guy in sixth grade."

"No way."

"Yes way. I've kept such a low profile; I doubt there's even a single other person who knows I study here. The only people who know are my teachers. I've been keeping good grades, not bothering to try out for sports teams because that would only draw attention. I'm not a celebrity anyway. I'm acting for the first time too."

I stared at him. How could I not notice he was at this school? Now that I think about it, his face did look familiar. There were times, when I would see this lonely guy wandering around in a black hoodie, his head bent. There were times when I wanted to talk to him, but he always disappeared before I could.

"Oh my god, you're disappearing hoodie guy!"

"I'm who now?"

"Damn Jack, but what about your little playboy attitude? How exactly do you meet girls while keeping such a low profile?"

He shrugged. "I have my methods."

I raised my eyebrows at him. He sighed. "Okay fine, maybe I'm pretty popular at another school."

"Yeah well, wearing a Rolex that shiny isn't helping your case." Stupid Jack.

"Ava, why don't you tell us about your vacation?"

I started. Holy crap Macklemore just called out my name. "Uh..."

That's when a guy yelled from across the room, "Why don't you tell us about that movie you're in Garcia? Don't want fame, my ass."

I stared at him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He laughed. "You keep talking crap like as if you hate the fact that your rich and your mom's famous. In reality, you just wanted to star in a movie with Bryan Lewis. He just happened to join our school this year, did he?"

I gaped at him. What the hell? That's what everyone was whispering about? Then I remembered, the trailer had been released last week. I completely forgot about it. I hadn't even thought about how the people at my school would react. I'm pretty well known, thanks to my stupid mother. Thanks a lot mom.

"Why the hell are you so obsessed with my life Aron?" I yelled back.

"Okay! Stop guys! We're not here to harass each other, we're just having a fun chat about our summer, so zip it you two." Macklemore intervened.

I gave Aron my signature death stare and then turned back to face the front. Asshole. Jack tapped my shoulder from behind. "Now you know why I keep a low profile?"

"Shut up."

"Yeah you're definitely gonna need my help." Ugh, why won't he just stop talking?

"For what." I said, without turning around.

"If you wanna survive this year, you gotta listen to me."

"No thanks."

I whipped my head around to face him, giving him my signature death stare. He started laughing softly, like a maniac, but not loud enough for the rest of the class to hear. Then he whispered in my ear.

"Yep. I'm definitely gonna be sticking to you like glue."

Aw, crap.

This chapter sucks right? It's too rushed and doesn't have a proper flow. Ughhh I suck at this. This book is shitty. I'm surprised y'all are even reading it. Hope you can keep liking it lol.

Adios Amigos!

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