Chapter 18: Just two friends chilling

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What's up y'all! So, I may have not updated like super fast like I was, a person can only be determined for so long. Buckle up, you guys are in for something awesome. I think. Well, I had fun writing this chapter. Wild Heart by the Vamps on top.  Ignore any typo errors. Anyway,


Chapter 18: Just two friends chilling

"Wait... what exactly happened to my body again?"

"For the last time, you hit your head, minor concussion. Broken and stitched up arm, and a few bruises here and there."

I was still stuck in the hospital on Tuesday, waiting to be dismissed. The swelling had come down, my arm was in a sling, and my headaches were almost gone now. They'd let me walk around the hospital a bit, so I could recover physically. I was banned from going to school or going to set, so the next few days were going to be real boring. All about rehab. Bleh.

Sarah and Jack came to visit on Sunday. Sarah brought me some chocolates while Jack just stood there awkwardly. "You're awesome Garcia, but I ain't giving you no chocolates."

Typical. Nice guy.

Finally, they were letting me go home today, after four days of complete boredom. Bryan never came to visit. I was starting to get worried. What if something happened to him? It would be my fault for getting him involved in this mess.

I was just chilling in the waiting room, when I got a text. Speak of the devil.

Bryan: Hey Ava! Really glad you're doing better! Sry I couldn't visit, I was rlyy busy.

You: Srsly? Where the hell are u?

Bryan: Ik, I'm soooo sryy. I'm coming to pick u up rn.

You: What?! Right now?

You: ?!

No response. Holy crap. Last thing I needed was to see this guy. It would have been nice if he had just called and left it at that. I didn't want to talk to this guy. Ugh.

He walked in, two minutes later, after the doctor gave me the consent to let me go. I don't know who signed what, since my mom wasn't even here, but whatever. I was outta there.



Bryan frowned. "Are you mad at me?"

Wow. Real smart. "No shit Sherlock. I glare at people with happiness."

"Okay. I can see why your mad at me, but I saved your life."

"And didn't bother to check if I was okay."

"I was really busy okay? Jack told me you were fine."

"Busy doing what?"

"It's not important."

Well, this is turning out to be as fun as I expected. Ugh. I'm short tempered, deal with it. Okay fine. He saved my life. I can give him credit for that, but it didn't stop me being mad at him.

"All right. Thank you for saving me. I'm sorry if I haven't shown any gratitude, my emotions are all over the place right now."

"Yeah... Who's Rick Garcia anyway?"

Rick Garcia. I thought that idiot moved to Texas. He's my dad's brother, technically my uncle. He was no good. Arrested at the age of seventeen for dealing drugs, he wasn't exactly a model student. And... well... there's no other word for it. He was... stupid. Like really stupid. He had never scored anything above a C minus, and an alcohol and drug addict at the age of fifteen. My dad was the opposite. He was charming, caring and a straight A student. Two brothers with completely different personalities. I'd only met Rick maybe once in my life, but it was enough.

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