Chapter 11: Thirty servings of fries

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Hey guys! Ugh, who else think history is the most boring subject in the world? I swear to god, I learn nothing from my teacher, and all my good scores are thanks to my textbook. I mean, come on. Who ever listens to a their teacher droning on and on about the Constitution? I dunno.  Anyway, those fries look so yum amirite? You're probably wondering about the title, so just keep reading. 


Chapter 11: Thirty servings of fries

"That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen."

"It's called style."

"No, it's called ugly."

Dean and Britney had gone back to bickering again. A never-ending drama. The entire gang was at the mall, and once Caleb and Leah had given up arguing about me staying at home, we had finally started shopping. Well, sort of.


I sighed and shook my head. I was bored. So, I turned to the one friend I could always count on in times of need. The one friend who will always and forever be there at that moment and never disappear. A friend, who is a hero and could diffuse any situation.

"Alex, wanna get some food?"

He grinned at me. "You read my mind."

We both quietly slipped away when everyone was distracted, and headed to the food court. "Now that, is the aroma of pure happiness." Alex said, just as we reached. "Hell yeah, Let's go get some food already." I replied. We were just about to head inside when a voice spoke up behind us.

"Ugh. What losers. I feel sad for the idiots who have to eat in the food court.

Alex and I both stopped in our tracks, cringing at the voice. Oh no. I've heard that voice one too many times. That nauseating, obnoxious voice. Alex and I looked at each other and exchanged glances, still not turning around. Ugh. Let's just get this over with. 

"What do you want Veronica?"

Veronica Davis. The complete diva and popular girl of our school. She's more fake than all the Barbie dolls in the world combined. She may be only five foot four, but her mean attitude is way too high. Her blonde hair was so white, it could blind you just looking at it.

She smiled at me like some evil munchkin who had finally gone bad. "Oh, nothing much. I just pity the fact that poor street wanderers like you have to go the food court and eat day old spaghetti. Too bad they can't eat in five star restaurants like me." 

"Girl please. The only thing in here that looks like day old spaghetti is your hair. What did u wash it with this morning? Might as well have just replaced your hair with it, along with your fake hair extensions."

She just gave me the stink eye, looking me up and down, trying to seize me up. Well, it was not working. Then her eyes stared into mine, but I did not back down. Finally, she pulled away. "All right Garcia, you win this round. But once school starts, I will make your life a living hell."

I smiled at her sarcastically. "Sure honey! I look forward to it."

The moment she turned around and sashayed away, I held up the finger and Alex snickered. "Ha! Good one Aves."

I smiled at him. "Let's go get us some day-old spaghetti."


"Umph, dis thastes sho gud!" Alex mumbled; his mouth full of fries. "Slow down you dog. Are you trying yo kill yourself?" I asked him.

"Please." He said after finally swallowing. "I'd be able to eat like twenty servings of fries in under ten minutes."

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