andromeda | t w e n t y

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Five days have passed and both Eunha and Renjun got so much closer. They would often go to the library together to prepare for their exams.

Eunha and Renjun's friends seemed to notice their sudden closeness that's why they really much got teased by them.

"FINALLY!!!!" She stretched her arms while walking out of their classroom. The two-days exam just finished and now she can finally rest.

Haeun and Yerim ran towards her from the other classroom too. They have been really busy and didn't have much time to spend their time with each other.

"Where's your boyfriend Eunha?" Yerim asked wiggling her brows and wrapping her arm around Haeun's neck.

The girl then felt her cheeks burning hot.

"He's not my boyfriend"

She said and still managed to give her a glare despite of being shy.

"Yeah right by the way tomorrow is your birthday, do you have any plans?"

She immediately looked at her phone with wide eyes.

"Omg! I forgot about that" Eunha scratched her head while biting her lower lip.

Thinking about the exam for the past days made her busy that she really forgot about her upcoming birthday.

Maybe she'll just go with a simple party. She didn't want it to be extravagant, inviting her close friends and her other relatives would be enough for her.

"Girl I think you should go now, Renjun is already here" Haeun announced and pointed to the boy walking towards their direction.

Her heart immediately jumped off after hearing his name.

"Bye bye"

The two gave a wink before leaving her in the middle of the hallway.

"Renjunnie!" She smiled when he got close to her.

Renjun took her bag and also her books too. Eunha was still not used to his action, she felt like she was his girlfriend even though she's not.

"I thought it would take you longer to finish your exam?"

She asked which made the boy stopped on his trails and gave her a playful smirk.

"Nahh it's easier than I thought and besides I want to go to the cafe before it closes"

She looked at her side having second thoughts whether if she'll say the thing that had been formulating in her mind to Renjun or not.

"Y-you just wanted to be with me at this time" Eunha stuttered and tried to calm herself down.


Her heart then again started to race, it was meant to be a joke but she didn't thought that he would say 'yes'.

She looked up to the boy and saw him unbothered by her question.

Renjun swung the cafe door open and waited for Eunha to get inside before closing it.

One of the things that the girl didn't expected when they got close is that she never thought that he's a gentle man. He also cares for her and she could sense it.

Imagine a Huang Renjun is actually a soft person you would probably melt.

"I'll have a slice of cake thank you"

The water then listed their orders before leaving them in the table.

"Are you sure you're fine with just a slice of cake?" Renjun asked with his hands held up together.

"Yup" Eunha gave him a thumbs up but the boy just rolled his eyes.

She then laughed at his girly action. Renjun is still Renjun and nothing changed.

"Eunha do you like someone?"

Renjun's question out of nowhere almost made her fall from her seat. This boy is so unexpected.

Her hands then started to sweat, she was not yet ready to tell him that he is that 'someone' that she likes.

It would be awkward for the both of them especially now that they were starting to get closer.

She didn't want to destroy their friendship, she was already contented of what she has now. Them being friends is just fine for her.


She answered with her head down. Eunha then heard Renjun mumbling something but it was too low for her to hear it completely.

"What about you?"

Eunha built her courage up and asked Renjun the same thing too.

There was a moment of silence between the two. Her mind then hoped that he would say 'no'.

"Actually, yes"

Renjun said with a smile painted on his face. He looks very happy about it.

She pinched her arm preventing herself from crying in front of him.

'I knew it'

The girl already knew that he liked someone else. It was painful to hear it from him though.

He likes someone else and before he could say who it was, she already knew that it was not and would not be her.


Ommo happy 1k reads guys! I can't believe that this story would reach up to that amount of reads! And of course it won't happen if it wasn't because of you czennies! Thank you so much uwu(ಥ_ಥ)

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