andromeda | s i x t e e n

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"So how did it go?"

The girl frowned at Haeun's question. She wanted to throw them out to space for leaving her behind.

Yerim on the other side kept on smiling at her which made her weirded out.

"You freaks left me!"

The two then bursted laughing with their hands in their mouths.

Eunha grinned her teeth, she could already feel her head boiling.

"I almost got caught—I mean I literally got caught by Renjun and his friend! Arghh the embarrasment!"

"Welp the most important thing is you have managed to give it to him" Yerim said with a wide smile on her face.

"Yep! Personally hihi" Eunha glared at Haeun but she just stuck out her tongue at her.

Why does it look like they were teasing her?

"You guys looked so much pleased, why is that?"

Haeun and Yerim stopped and glanced at eath other's faces before slowly nodding their heads.

They look like total weirdos.

"Eunha-yah" Yerim started and played with her hair.

The girl stared at her with confusion all over her face. She didn't know why but she started to feel very nervous.


Haeun then clapped her hands like a seal.

'What the hell is happening to them?'

"We knew all along"

Eunha gulped when Yerim started talking again. Her then mind began to formulate any thoughts.

"K-knew what?"

The brown-haired girl wrapped her arms around hers and let out a smile.

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HUANG RENJUN!" Haeun yelled her lungs off which made her froze.

She wanted to ran towards the door and never show her face to them again. She was embarrassed! Good thing that the other students didn't mind Haeun.

"Ayieeeeeee" Yerim started poking her cheeks and Eunha could already feel it burning.

She was so scared to look at Yerim cause they have the same crush!

"Uri Eunha is now a grown up!" Haeun exclaimed and giggled.

Her two friends fist bump together and meanwhile she's still stuck in her seat unable to move and to speak.

"H-how did—"

Haeun cut her off and took something from her skirt's pocket. She held out her phone and started typing.

She then showed a text message to her.

The person was named 'Ten', her brows knitted and was confused by it.

"Ten-oppa and I chatted and he knows that you like Renjun"

"Who is that?"

"Hmm let's just say he is one of your bae's hyungs"

Eunha almost choked on her own saliva after hearing Haeun. The embarrasment that she felt multiplied and she was now too shy to face her friends.

"Renjun knows too?" She said and covered her face using her hands.

"Nope It's only between us and him"

The girl felt relieved but still she's feeling nervous. What if she wil see that Ten somewhere?

And how the hell would she know that he's Ten when she didn't even saw his face.

"How did you know him?"

Eunha was now starting to throw questions at them and they were just sitting beside her chillin' like nothing happened.

"Common friends" Haeun said and played with her phone. Yerim too was braiding her hair.

"Did he already saw me?"

"Yes, in the science fair, he said that he saw you and Renjun together" Haeun paused for a while and grinned her teeth.

Eunha's jaw dropped and she was already speechless. She felt that every person around her knows her secret.

"But how did you know?"

"We didn't really trust him when he said that you like Renjun but it all made sense when we were at the school park. You now the time when we decided to roam around instead of staying inside our noisy classroom?"

"Yup! And then when you said that you'll buy something, we saw you heading towards the hallway were the vending machine is located"

Eunha was listening intently to the two of them, they were like detectives explaining to the culprit how they solved his crime.

"Then we started to get annoyed because you weren't still out after a few minutes, and then our heads blew off when we saw Renjun coming out from the hallway where you were in and Haeun then started to tell that maybe the two of you met in the vending machine"

She was out of words after hearing her friends. The girl wanted to disappear in her seat and never came back.

"Then after another minute, you came back with your cheeks as red as a tomatoe and you looked so spaced out"

Haeun was now preventing herself to laugh while staring at Eunha's face. Her face looked like she's been betrayed for how many times.

"But how about you Yerim? You liked Renjun too"

Yerim immediately shook her head totally disagreeing with it.

"I don't, I'm just pretending you know to see your reaction"

"And guess what we were right!! WAHAHAHA! We've caught you like how many times already secretly staring at him girl"

Haeun fell out from her seat from laughing but she seems she didn't mind though.

Eunha felt like her actions was all caught on camera.

'Someone please save me'

She thought to herself and prayed.

How can she live now normally knowing that they know who's her crush?

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