andromeda | t e n

808 57 20

"Ms. Park please bring back these materials to the art room"

Her teacher handed her a bag full of art supplies. They just ended their class and so as their activity in painting.

"Sure ma'am" She politely said and bowed her head before heading towards the door.

Yerim and Haeun got home first while she stayed for a while because of her cleaning schedule.

She carried the bag with both hands and started to walk passing some classrooms.


It was getting dark and the cold atmosphere made her shiver in fear. She had heard lots of creepy stories about their school especially at night.

She gulped and took the stairs. Her steps were getting faster and her mind started to imagine things.

Her eyes widened when she heard a sound coming from the art room, she was only a few meters away from it and her whole body trembled.

She gathered up her courage and slowly peeked inside.

"Who's that?"

Eunha whispered to her self and hugged the bag containing the supplies. She was having second thoughts whether to enter the room or not.

She saw a pair of legs facing the large canvas, she didn't know who it was because the huge board were covering its half body.

The girl reached for her phone in her pocket to check out the time.


"Jeez I need to go home" She mentally cursed at her self and decided to just go.

She acted normal and hoped that the person wouldn't notice her presence.

Without looking back, she headed straight for the cabinet and placed the bag inside before closing it.

"You're Eunha right?"

Eunha stopped after hearing her name, the voice feels really familiar to her, it seems like it belongs to—

"Eunha?" She turned her gaze towards the boy and saw him holding a paint brush in his left hand.



Her heart started beating when he saw Renjun smiling at her.

She wanted to jump of the window or get inside the cabinet.

Eunha then felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart seems to be melting, that smile can give her a heart attack.

"Can you pass me that container?" Renjun pointed something in her side which made her tilt her head.

"Oh haha y-yeah sure"

While walking towarda him she felt her knees weakened.

Her jaw almost dropped after seeing his painting. She couldn't describe it.

"W-wow" She was amazed by it and didn't notice Renjun who was observing her face.

"Do you like?"

Eunha who was still staring at the painting immediately nodded.

"Yes! It's so beautiful!"

'Just like you' Her mind then whispered at her.

"I started this last week and just finished it now"

"Really?! Wow jeez I'll probably be able to paint like that in like two years" She nervously laughed squeezing her hands.

"It requires practice and focus to master something" Renjun said and wrote something in his painting.

"You like galaxies too?"


They have the same interest which made her happpy knowing that they could possibly be close to each other.

Imagine being close to you crush, it would be a blessing and a risky thing to do.

A blessing because you two can talk to each other, hang out or whatever else but at the same time it's a dangerous thing and can lead your friendship at risk.

Eunha and Renjun talked for a few minutes before going home together. She even insisted when he suggested to walk her home but just agreed to it after.


"Uhm this is my house, thank you" She said when they stopped in front of their gate.

"No problem" He smiled before leaving her.

She ran inside and swung the door open.

It was so unexpected of him.

"HE WALKED ME HOME OH MY GODS!" She squealed which made Mrs. Park's brow to raise.

"Momma she's crazy" Her younger brother said with his hand pulling out the hem of his mother's shirt.

Eunha laughed and pinched Jinwoo's chubby cheeks.

'Yeah right she's crazy, crazy for him'

andromeda | huang renjunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora