Thirty three

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"Swoosh!" big swirl of wind rushed to the centre of the mind space where the Golden Pond located, which make all of the creatures in it aware. Xiao Bao and Xiao Bing came rushing in with an excited face. 'Xin Xin is advancing again!' They both screamed inside.

Sound of the winds rustling surrounded the person soaking inside the pond is obviously heard and the winds sounded very harsh and fast, as if a person could be teared apart if get in contact with the wind.

Tian Zhen Xin, which is soaking in the pond have a faint colourful halo surrounding her but only the people around her could see it as she had her eyes shut tight and her eyebrows furrowed deeply. It was a very warm feeling but also pain carried along by the warm sensation. She could feel the warm and pain feelings squishing in her meridian vessels and making it wider.

It was a pleasant feelings as her vessels widen but of course, it came with a price, the pain. But it was honestly not a big deal for her and she successfully went through her advance not long later. "Huh.." Tian Zhen Xin breathed out a breath of impurity and slowly opened her eyes. A ray of seven colours flashed in her eyes before it vanished.

Xiao Bing and Xiao Bao gulped, they now realised, Tian Zhen Xin potential... Is far more than what they imagined. Tian Zhen Xin had just advanced in rank, currently in middle Moon Rank, but she didn't feel tired at all as she had soaked in the Golden Pond which eliminate fatigue. She looked at the floating herbs in the water that were looking at her silently.

"Thank you very much for the assists all you guys gave, I could successfully advance because of you guys." Tian Zhen Xin gave her professional warm smile which to the herbs looks like a deity's smile. All of them had an admiration looks on their face and started cheering by swimming around her, some of them even hug her arms with their roots. (A/N: which very much like Tian Zhen Xin got attacked by tentacles, pfftt-)

Tian Zhen Xin hug them back before getting out from the water, after finding out she had only 5 days more before the day of the deal, she decided to search for them herself while having a walk. She dressed up as Tian Ming Hao with a pale blue man robe and went out from her space.

The scenery changed to the vast field from before she entered her mind space. The land is wet and looks as if a rough wind just pass through this piece of land, but the sky was sunny and bright. Tian Zhen Xin asked Xiao Bao if something happened outside.

"Oh! I totally forgot to tell you! No matter if you advance in the mind space or at the outside world, the calamity cloud will still find you and struck the place you're at." Xiao Bao scratched his head, embarrassed that he forgot to tell Tian Zhen Xin that piece of information, good thing it was a weak calamity tribulation and also it was a vast field, if not, not sure how much trouble would there be.

"I see, next time better choose a secluded place like this to advance then." Tian Zhen Xin said, she may not know the severity of the calamity tribulation, but as she had read a lot of cultivation novel in her past life, she knew it could spells troubles.

Tian Zhen Xin went down the mountain and walked around the town nearest to the mountain, it was not as crowded as the capital city, but it's not empty either as she almost bumped to a few people while walking because the road is small. She stopped at a stall for some porridge and immediately escaped that place when she started being chase by a bunch of girls.

"It was really hard living like this." Tian Zhen Xin sighed while fanning herself with the fan in her hand. Somehow, no matter her appearance or aura or temperament, it always attract others, doesn't matter if it was a beast, a human or non human. For a person like her that doesn't like to attract people and like to be low-key, it was certainly a torment.

'I didn't even show my face yet and there they were chasing me and saying that they want to marry me.' She grumbled inside. She was so frustrated that she had to live in running all the time as to avoid the troubles that she don't even stir up.

To avoid the people, Tian Zhen Xin decided to take the mountain path during the day and only slowly move in the town during the night. She may sounds like a thief but she didn't care as long as she could avoid people.

"I'm so tired!" Tian Zhen Xin huffed before climb a tree and sat on it, she wanted to drink some water but she didn't have any clean water on her now as she didn't manage to buy it at the town just now. She didn't want to drink the Golden Pond water too even though it was clean and pure as she felt uncomfortable drinking the water she and the herbs soaked in.

"Want some?" A young boy suddenly popped up out of nowhere and handed her a water gourd, Tian Zhen Xin almost fell from the tree, thank goodness she held on firmly to the tree branches she sat on.

Tian Zhen Xin stared at the boy, he looks like a teenagers about to be adult (around 18/19 years old) and he had that harmless looks on his face, his dark black hair tied up cleanly and his dark pupils have some ink of ruby red making it looks like a shining ruby in the dark.

The boy saw that the guy in front of him only stared at him and finally realised what he done and he sheepishly smiled, "Hi, I'm Zun, I didn't mean to startled you, I happen to pass by and suddenly heard you nearby."

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