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Tian Zhen Xin noticed Wan Ming that is staring at her without blinking, she raised her eyebrow and take down her hat veil, left only her handsomely masked face.

"Oh, it's you, we meet again." She smiled a little and Wan Ming and the others gulped down hard, Wan Ming felt nervous because he remembered what she said that day, while the others were amazed by this person that is so handsome even when his face is covered.

"I-I... Thankyou for saving TanDe! Mi-" before he could finish the word 'miss', Tian Zhen Xin use her spiritual energy to shut his mouth, Wan Ming look at her questioningly and Tian Zhen Xin just put her index finger on her lips, telling him to shut up.

Wan Ming realised and nodded, only then his mouth can be open again. Their small interaction is not obvious as the other people are busy checking out and helping TanDe climb down the tree.

"Young master, thank you for saving my life, I would like to pay for your grace, please accept me, TanDe as servant!" TanDe kneeled down while looking at Tian Zhen Xin on the tree. All of them is surprised by his action, including Tian Zhen Xin herself. 'What's wrong with this guy?'

"TanDe! What are you doing?" TanTu that is standing beside him was shocked silly. TanDe is his sworn brother since they were in orphanage so he knows TanDe better, and TanDe is not someone that willingly kneeled to others.

TanDe look at TanTu, but his gaze is firm as he look back at Tian Zhen Xin, "Young master! The wound on my body isn't normal wound, they were poisoned and make the flesh corrode, there are also the illness I had since ten years ago that almost all doctors said that it have no cure. But, just now I've checked, my body is all fine and even my old illness is fixed. Young master had saved my life, even extended my life, therefore I wanted to spend my life serving young master, who had give me this life!"

All of them were surprised by his explanation, of course, including Tian Zhen Xin. She didn't know any of that, she just treated the wound with her basic first aid skills, what poison? What old illness? She didn't know all that. "It was the Ice Heart that purified the poisons." Xiao Bing voice came from her mind space. "The poison got on your hand, that's why it purified the poisons, so it purified along with the poisons on his body." Xiao Bao explained.

Tian Zhen Xin nodded mentally and was a bit surprised, "I didn't know that Ice Heart could purified poisons." She said to Xiao Bing nad Xiao Bao through their telepathic connection. "It's not that weird because no one really know a lot about Ice Heart." Xiao Bing shrugged, "Yeah, the weird one is my master, though I didn't really know too as my previous master never encountered poison, I only noticed when Xin Xin started playing Ice Heart just now." Xiao Bing rubbed her chin, like she is thinking.

Tian Zhen Xin look at TanDe that is still kneeling, with TanTu beside him persuading him to stand up and talk, while Wan Ming just silently stand there looking at her, probably thinking about the threat she gave a few days ago. "It's just a coincident that I saved you, you don't have to do that." She said.

TanDe is disappointed but he didn't gave up. "Please, let me be your man, I felt guilty for not paying your grace." TanTu beside him is annoyed, he looked at Wan Min, their boss and saw that he didn't really have an opinion. TanTu sighed and kneeled down beside TanDe. "Young master, please accept me as well, me and TanDe is sworn brother and we will not be apart, since TanDe wanted to be your man, I, TanTu will too, please accept both of us!"

Everyone was silence. The others didn't want to meddle much with the affair of the two sworn brothers. Tian Zhen Xin eyed them and saw sincerity in their eyes, especially TanDe. She sighed, but before she could speak up a thud sound sounded from the side, attracting all attention to the source.

"Young master, I admire your strength and grace, I would like to be under you and serve you willingly, please accept me, Wan Ming." Wan Ming kneeled while cupping his fists, Tian Zhen Xin raised her eyebrow. "Boss!" "Even boss too?" The other guys were very shock this time, their boss, who they look up to all this tike, is now kneeling amd wanted to take this unknown person as master.

Tian Zhen Xin heard them calling the guy boss and understand why he was so daring a few days ago. "Hm, okay, sure, I'm in need of people anyways, but I won't accept people that doesn't wanted to submit willingly." She said casually, what she wanted is their willingness and loyalty, talent, skills or whatsoever is a matter of time and effort, skills and talent can be improved while loyalty and willingness is hard to come by.

The other guys glanced at their boss and the unknown guy on the tree, after a while, when Tian Zhen Xin is about to climb down the tree, one by one the other guys also kneeled and pledge their royalty. "We admire young master's strength too, and we were always one, so where our leader go is where we go as we don't have any other place to go, we willingly pledhe our royalty to you, please accept us!" A guy said firmly and the others followed.

Tian Zhen Xin were baffled but then she smiled. "I like your brotherhood relationship, don't worry, I won't disappoint all of your loyalty. My name is Tian Ming Hao."  One by one, the other guys introduced themselves which make them touched and grateful because their new master/boss is willing to acknowledge them by knowing their own name. (A/N: it's because usually, when a person become one servants, especially for maids, their new master will give them a new name to indicate their rightful property and also to 'renew' the life of the servants, for a master to acknowledge and use their own name is rare.)

"Now that I think about it, I still have some training in the forest here, your first task is, I want you all to went to the capital city, amd search for a place to build our force, the place shouldn't be too secluded, also shouldn't be too crowded. I believe that with you skills as a merchant, it's not hard for you to find a place like that in the capital city, right?" Tian Zhen Xin said, after talking with them just now, she had understand their situation and what do they do for living.

"Don't worry, master, we will not disappoint you." Wan Ming said while cupping his fist and bowed respectfully, he had wholeheartedly submit himself to her since the day he was defeated, he wanted to be stronger and that conscious of his become more stronger after today's matter as he realised he need to be strong to protect the people that he cares  and loves.

"Alright, I'll leave this task to you, I will finished after 3 weeks, on the day I finished, light up this flare at midnight so that I know your location." Tian Zhen Xin handed a bamboo tube to Wan Ming. It's a thing she invented not long ago as she was bored, it not only contained the flare, it also contained her spiritual trace so that she can detect it.

After everything settled, Wan Ming and his groups started their journey to the capital city while Tian Zhen Xin went into her mind space after all of them is out of sight.

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