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Tian Zhen Xin walk leisurely while holding her customized blade fan in her hand, she walked carefreely towards the dining hall while greeting warmly to the servants that pass by her.

She didn't know that all of them stopped and looking at her with complicated look. 'Why is there a man here? And why is he so handsome despite having a mask on?' They all thought as their poor hearts beat furiosly.

"Did you wait long?" Tian Zhen Xin said while walking into the dining hall that sat a girl in pale blue robe.

Hua'er looked up and choked on her tea when she saw a young man walking in while exuding a noble and alluring aura, his silver mask complimented his silver hair and bright blue eyes.

If not for the bright blue eyes and silver hair, she would have considered falling in love with the young man that exuded the warm spring of youth.

"Why are you wearing a man cloth? And why are you so handsome than the guy in this city despite being a girl? And where did you get that mask, it's pretty. I almost fall in love, you know? My poor maiden heart"

Hua'er bombarded Tian Zhen Xin with questions and complains before she could even drank her tea. "I bought this mask on my way here, I wanted to go out and buy something, plus I wanted to see the streets and city, it's been a while anyway."

'Actually, I'm just curious with this place, I'm not from here anyway.' is what Tian Zhen Xin really wanted to say, she sipped her tea elegantly like a noble young master.

"I didn't know you could act this way, a noble young master? What a great resemblance, you even look more reserved, elegant and noble than them, seeing you and knowing your identity might as well make them blow in shame." Hua'er chuckled.

"I copied them last night, some of their actions are ugly so I add my own and change them." Tian Zhen Xin shrugged like it was no big deal.

Hua'er sighed, the young master that came yesterday is all from prestigious family, if they heard her words, surely they would felt the urged to kill her.

"Do you want me to accompany you or ask a servant to follow you? Do you have enough money?" Hua'er asked after signaling the servants to bring in the food.

"No need, hey, the money that was send to me since the last three months is still safely kept in the storage back as the previous one haven't finished." Tian Zhen Xin pouted while started eating.

"Oh really? That's good then." She nodded, but in her mind still determined to gave Tian Zhen Xin money to use later.

"I didn't know that this teahouse could reap that much fortune, I just opened it for side income before." Tian Zhen Xin speak absent mindedly, she didn't lie though, that is the words the previous Tian Zhen Xin had in her mind.

She didn't expect her teahouse would become so popular an become an asset everyone wanted to get their hands on. She too didn't expect that her idea and creativity could actually help her build such a successful place.

Because of the extraordinary idea and mysterious conduct of the teahouse, people started to become curious of the power the teahouse held and wanted to make connection with the mysterious teahouse owner that never show his/her face.

Tian Zhen Xin thought in her heart, 'If they found out that the teahouse is a ordinary teahouse and she, ordinary person is the mysterious owner, would they be mad and destroyed her teahouse?'

"Xin'er, remembered when we discussed about having hidden guards and capable person guard this place?" Hua'er suddenly speak.

Tian Zhen Xin searched for it in her memories and nodded. "Since the past three years after we discussed, I had followed your words to buy some potential and capable slaves and send them to Brother Huang for them to learn swordmanship skills and martial arts."

Brother Huang is the monk that save her and raise her after she was abandoned in the mountain, he is a traveller and knew swordmanship skills and martial arts.

"Yes, Brother Huang sent a letter last time saying that they are good enough for aid now although some don't have high cultivation, but their swordmanship skills is excellent and they could defeated even a Moon rank expert. They will arrived tomorrow, how should we arrange them?"

Tian Zhen Xin though a bit. "I think we should do a screening to see their loyalty first, it's a bit dangerous to have them posted as hidden guards as it would be better to have them disguised as servants. Having hidden guards would raise suspicion from others especially those that tried to coveted us."

Hua'er nodded and her admired to Tian Zhen Xin increased more, she is cautious and meticulous in making plans, she considered the pros and cons before decided on something.

Getting hidden guards to guard them is not really necessary but after a commotion three years ago happened which caused some servants died, they think that it is needed for safety.

Although the culprit of the commotion had been caught and punished, the mastermind is still lurking around. It is really unnecessary as they really don't have any power, but people prejudice and presumptions can't be change easily.

The commotion is actually a group of people threatened them to let them meet the teahouse owner and pledged their alliance to them by killing the servants that retaliated.

Fortunately, Tian Zhen Xin is not in the capital and the government officer come and settled the case after the case is reported.

The servants never once exposed Tian Zhen Xin existence even being tortured to death which make Tian Zhen Xin really sad. Those servants are the one she personally picked and treated them as friends, she didn't want the same things happen again so she suggested it.

For now, the one that help in guarding the teahouse is the government officer that had a crush on Hua'er but as Hua'er didn't accept his feelings, they become friends.

"It's time for us to stand on our own, please take care of yourself and don't lose your life easily. I, Tian Zhen Xin, had you guys as my family and that is my biggest blessing in life." Tian Zhen Xin held Hua'er hands and said earnestly.

As someone that lacked family love in previous and now life, she appreciated very much a family friend love, they are her weakness and she hate people that use them to threatened her the most.

Both if the girls choked on their emotions but no words come out, they understood both side feelings through their eyes and that is more than enough.

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