Thirty two

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"Xin Xin, what are you going to do now? You still have a lot of times left from the 3 weeks deal." Xiao Bing asked her, Xiao Bao that is eating beside her nodded, agreeing on what Xiao Bing said.

"Hmm, I think I'm going to cultivate a little and then go shopping and sight seeing." Tian Zhen Xin said, in her mind, she was arguing with herself whether to use the identity of Tian Zhen Xin or Tian Ming Hao.

"Oh! Xin Xin, why not try cultivate in the Golden Pond then?" Xiao Bao exclaimed excitedly. Since Tian Zhen Xin knows about the Golden Pond, she only used it for replenishment for her energy and not for cultivation.

"That's a good idea, I'll do it tonight, I'm gonna sleep first." She said before laying on the vast field on top of the mountain, trying to take a nap. She is actually hungry, but since she was too lazy to move around and search for food, she decided to sleep.

Her stomach grumbled softly but she ignored it, but it still didn't escape from the sharp ears of Xiao Bao. As Tiam Zhen Xin drifted into her dream lands, he sighed , he looks towards the bushes near them and told them to come out.

One by one, different kinds and sizes of beasts come out from their hiding with a guilty and innocent face. Xiao Bao just look at them and said, "you guys heard it right?"

All of the beast was a bit confused but when they saw the queen they worshipped and loved sleeping on the ground while clunching her stomach, they nodded vigorously, understand what Xiao Bao meant.

"Then you know what to do." Xiao Bao said and all beasts immediately dispersed with the same mindset.

When noon come, Tian Zhen Xin was awoken when a breath came to her face, some cute whimpers also could be heard beside her, she slowly opened her eyes, she was expecting the sun rays to immediately shoot in her eyes but it surprisingly didn't happen and she also felt a shadow covering her from the sun.

She opened her eyes big and wide, to see a gigantic beast that looks like a bear kabedon her on the ground. 'Eh?' She was a little bit confused, the bear didn't noticed she had awoken, it was looking at the beasts on the side whimpering at it with envy. It had a big smirk on his face, the bear was very proud and grateful when it was chosen by Xiao Bao to help shield Tian Zhen Xin from the sun, it got to look at that beautiful face of hers and he could feel the warm and comforting aura coming from her refreshing its soul and spirit.

The reason why all of the beast treat her like a queen is because of her unique and special aura from her soul. It attracted them naturally and make them wanted to submit to her more than anything, the melody she played had healing and soothing effects, but also could influence the fire in when the melody turn chaotic.

On top of that, she was kind to all of them and welcome them warmheartedly making them touched and wanted to be her followers more. Her belly rub service is tip top and her features is like a fallen angel and goddess like making them think she is definitely the queen destined for them to obeyed.

"Thank you for shielding the sun for me." Tian Zhen Xin said softly, but managed to attract all of the beasts' attention including the bear on top of her. Tian Zhen Xin smiled a little and sit up straight.

The bear move aside and look at her adorely. Tian Zhen Xin closed her eyes peacefully and smile, the little her in her mind do the same but with a bash of gleaming golden lights shining on her face, 'Yes, this is the heaven of cuteness I want, shine on me more, Yes!' she thought in her mind.

When Xiao Bao went out from the mind space after getting something done inside to help for the preparation for Tian Zhen Xin cultivation, he saw that she was having good times with all of the beast that were now in their 'chibi' (cute, tiny, small) size.

"Xin Xin! It's time to cultivate!" Xiao Bao yelled at her. Tian Zhen Xin look at Xiao Bao, which is seemingly fuming with anger or maybe... jealousy, she nodded and smiled at Xiao Bao before turn to the other beasts.

"There, there, I'm going now, thank you for the company guys, I hope we met again in the future, stay healthy okay? Don't fight with others!" 'And stay cute!' Tian Zhen Xin mentally added. She got up and under the poor and dejected looking beastd eyes, she disappeared and went into her mind space.

"You guys! Xin Xin is mine!" Xiao Bao glared at those beasts and went back into the mind space too, the beasts could only whimpers pitifully and leave the place, the once filled with beasts vast field, had now turn into an empty field.

In the mind space, Tian Zhen Xin look at the Golden Pond which filled with floating or rather, swimming ginsengs and other herbs, when they saw Tian Zhen Xin, they happily waved their tentacl- I mean, roots at her.

"Xin Xin, these herbs is really good at purifying the spiritual energy, they can also keep you from being disarray when advancing. They volunteered to do these, so I can't really do anything." Xiao Bao shrugged, when he was checking the temperature of Golden Pond, one of the ginseng ask what he is doing and when he told the ginseng about Tian Zhen Xin wanted to cultivate, they all swarmed up to him and volunteered to help.

Tian Zhen Xin nodded and smiled at those herbs, she waved back, she was creeped out, to be honest, imagine surrounded by swimming and floating herbs with tentacl- i mean roots while soaking in a pond. That's like having squids and fishes swimming and floating around you while soaking in the pond.

She mentally noted that she shall not show her true feelings, so that she would not hurt those herbs feelings and good intentions, she still remember what happen last time so she's trying to be a deity figure here.

Tian Zhen Xin undone her outer wear and with only her inner wear, she started to soaked in Golden Pond, she concentrates and started to enter the cultivation state, her pores open and spiritual energy immediately rushing into her.

 Journey Of The Silver Haired Beauty(DISCONTINUED F.A.W)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin