Forty Nine

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"There's no one there!" Granny said while searching the tree with her old eyes. Tian Zhen Xin realised and covered the granny eyes with a layer of spiritual energy. The figure of the semi-transparent guy with a sad and pale face slowly appear in the eyes of the granny.

"Son?" Granny called out, and the figure instantly cried and slowly flew towards granny. "You can see me?" The ghost said, his voice sounded horrifying, making both him and granny startled, he immediately closed his mouth.

"I covered granny's eyes with spiritual energy, let's go in first, it's getting dark, others might be attracted." Tian Zhen Xin said, sensing some other ghost came approaching.

The ghost nodded his head and went in the house while Tian Zhen Xin grab the stunned granny into the house and closed the door.

"Son, son, what happen to you? Why are you like this?" Granny who finally able to let out her voice said while trying hard to reach the semi transparent hand of her son.

"Mother... The expedition failed and someone betrayed us, he sacrificed all of us for him to escape." The granny's son, Ah Cang said sadly.

", my son... How can you die earlier than your mother, you haven't even married, you promised to give me a grandchild... You... How can you leave your mother first." Granny cried, followed by Ah Cang's whimpers.

Tian Zhen Xin looked at the scene and just stayed silence, this is their family matters so she didn't have any says in it. She just drink the cold tea silently in the corner of the house.

"Mother, please don't be like this, you need to keep on living and live your best life like you always told me to. This is my fate, the fate that had been written down for me, I had to accept it, like mother always taught me." Ah Cang who seemingly kneeled on the ground tried to wipe his mother's tears, but his fingers passed through her, making him retracted his hands with a painful smile.

"Did you had your best lives? " Granny asked with tears. "Yes mother, I had the best lives, and the best part is that you are my mother." Ah Cang smiles gently towards her beloved mother.

Tian Zhen Xin clenched her fist, seeing the scenes making her envious, both in past lives and current lives, there is no mother figure for her, it has always been her and herselves, she can't help but get angruly when she thought about her mother, both in this lives and previous lives.

"Young master..." Tian Zhen Xin was brought back to real life when Ah Cang called her. "Yes?" Tian Zhen Xin answered. "I have a request for you." he said and Tian Zhen Xin nodded.

"I wanted you to find my body and brought it back to my mother, on my body there is a cosmos ring where I stored all the treasure I founded during the expedition, you will get 1/3 of the treasure while the others please hand it to my mother." Ah Cang said in a businessman attitude.

Tian Zhen Xin pondered while raising her eyebrow. "1/3?" she asked. Ah Cang were surprised, "1/3 is al-" "1/5." Tian Zhen Xin cut off Ah Cang. "Huh?" Ah Cang were left confused, not understanding what she meant.

"I'll just take 1/5, that's more than enough." Tian Zhen Xin shrugged, money is not a problem of hers, but to reject payment from a businessman is a form of mockery and belittlement towards the businessman, this is what she learn during her previous lives.

Ah Cang saw the honesty in Tian Zhen Xin's tones and beamed. He tried to kneeled but were stopped by Tian Zhen Xin. "How can you touch me?" Ah Cang were surprised.

"We are spiritual practitioner so our body is covered with a layer of spiritual energy, thats the reason why we can see and touch spirits like you, also the reason why we can exorcise spirits like you." Tian Zhen Xin explained.

Ah Cang nodded his head. He hd a painful smile because he know his wish to hug his mother would never be fulfilled. Tian Zhen Xin understand Ah Cang's thoughts.

"A spirit, when seen, they desired to communicate, able to communicate making them desired to touched, able to touched would making them desired to stay, able to stay will make them desired to live, and desired to live will make them become evil spirits that harmed people, it is the least I can do to not let their desire grow." Tian Zhen Xin said softly.

Ah Cang thoughts and realised that it was a true case, 'will I be able to crossover peacefully when I able to touch mother?' He shuddered at the thoughts of him becoming an evil spirits that his mother always told him about.

"Where is your body located?" Tian Zhen Xin asked, she thought that this would be a great start for her information guild. "It's in Forest of Si(思森林) in Si City." Ah Cang said. Tian Zhen Xin raised her eyebrow, "Isn't that the one they said Forest of Death?" Ah Cang nodded while feign innocent.

"I don't remember the exact place but the last place I remember when living is here, Ah Cang pointed to a place on the map Tian Zhen Xin took out just now.

"Okay, leave it to me." Tian Zhen Xin said and Ah Cang thanked her. Tian Zhen Xin took out a communication stone, the one that all members of guild had and connected it to Wan Ming. When Wan Ming answered, she started to tell the details and assigned tasks for them which they gladly accepted.

"Forest of Si is a dangerous place, I know you guys like to test your limit, but I don't want any of my man injured, so if you went there, you need to take responsibility of yourself and come back alive, or I won't forgive you even in your spirit form." Tian Zhen Xin warned them before ended the call.

Although her sentences sounded like threats, but each and every members feel warm in their heart because they realised this is how their boss showed her concern and care towards them, motivating them to work harder and finally become the greatest force in the continent, but ofcourse this is a story for another day.

Ah Cang spend his time with his mother until the day Tian Zhen Xin left, Tian Zhen Xin and Granny stand outside the door, with Ah Cang in front of them. Granny had a gentle smile on her face, she had accepted the reality and grateful that her child had living well and ready to let him go, she also know that for her child spirit to wander around mortal world is not good for him.

"Thank you mother, thank you young master. Mother, I'm grateful that I'm your child and I love you for everything you've done for me. Please live well and we shall be mother and son again in the next live." Ah Cang said before disappearing into the bright sky.

Tian Zhen Xin tapped granny's shoulder, "He's in a better place now." Gramny nodded and wiped her tears, "Thank you young master, or I would never be able to say goodbye to him."

Tian Zhen Xin just smile gently and part ways with the granny, the enrollment is tomorrow so she had to arrive there today so that it won't be too crowded.

Author's note corner:

So, for none chinese speakers, the word "思" have the same pronunciation as but different intonation as "死" which is "Si"

思 Sī - to think; to consider
In here, I used it as the 思 in 思念 (Sī Niàn) which is "longing" which is a more deeper emotion than just "missing someone"

死 Sî (it's the third intonation, it look like ^ but upside down, my keyboard doesn't have it so...)
Basically "dead" / "death"

I think it's pretty cool like how a Forest of Longing were associated with Forest of Death, it's like longing for a person that died in the forest...

Okay that's all, I hope you guys learn something new :3

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