Island Trial (Part 2 out of 3)

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N suggested we take a few days of rest and I completely agreed with him. The next trial on Akaka Island was Kiawe's, the Fire type trial. On the way to the Wela Volcano Park, I had caught my second party member—a Cubone. N said they were fire types but I didn't believe him. I only knew of the ground type Marowak.

The only delay of getting to the Volcano was being stopped by a male named Gladion. He appeared to be apart of Team Skull, the so-called evil organization here in Alola. He had only raised a blond eyebrow at me in suspicion but let us pass surprisingly without a battle.

"Do you think he's related to Colress?" N asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Why do you ask that?" I frowned, looking back at Gladion's figure.

"The way he reminds me of our friend." N shook his head. It seemed that today, N's head was in the clouds. No wonder he couldn't focus on our mini training lesson today.

Colress. What was I going to say to him? I crossed my arms and shivered slightly. Dialga and Palkia had dragged me through time and space to be with N. I knew it. N had no idea though. But Colress had a slight suspicion, as he had told me in past lives. He knew me no matter what form I appeared in. That's how best friends were.

N's hand rested on my shoulder, making me look up at him. But he was staring up ahead, at three figures. His eyes went cold.

"N...?" I whispered. He shushed me.

"N!" A familiar figure rushed towards us in a billowing white lab coat. Following him was a man in a white and black outfit. The third fellow stayed a slight distance behind them.

N relaxed when he saw Colress. It would seem for a moment he thought they were the Shadow Triad.

"Colress." He smiled, embracing his friend. "How are you?"

"HOW AM I? AFTER FIVE YEARS THAT'S WHAT YOU SAY?" Colress screeched, pulling away and punching N's shoulder playfully.

N winced. "I'm sorry about that. Urgent business..." he didn't look at me.

"That's what you said two years ago to me." I frowned. "Hardly ever saw you."

The green haired man had the right to look sheepish. Then I spotted something hanging from his belt. Something I hadn't noticed before. My heart stopped.


Silver dangled his locket in front of me teasingly. "You want this, sis?"
I grabbed at it, but Silver being the idiot he was snatched it away. He laughed at my mournful expression.
"Lighten up, Y/N!" He grinned. "Hey, guess what."
"What?" I frowned, trying my best not to smile back at him.
"Hilbert finally got back to me about Team Plasma's regrouping. We raid their base for info tomorrow." His eyes were alight with excitement.
I winced, thinking back to the last time Silver raided a evil team base. We had met our father there—Giovanni. It didn't go too well.
"Y/N, it won't be like last time. Besides, we got backup." Silver pulled me into a tight hug. "Norman and some other Hoenn leaders are joining us. So is Steven Stone. Nothing can go wrong. If something does go bad, I want you to have this." He hung his locket around my neck, and kissed my head.
"Silver, I don't want you to go." I whispered, hugging my brother tight.
"This has to be done, sis." He looked me dead in the eye. "Stay away from Team Plasma."

I never saw Silver again after that mission. A few days after, Wallace and Skyla had come to my house with grief-stricken faces. Behind them, Ethan was being supported by Blue and Leaf. When he had looked up at me with dead eyes, that's when I knew. But strangely, there wasn't any bodies at the funeral. So how did N get his hands on Silver's spare locket?

I turned towards N, a question in my eyes. He didn't meet them, that was enough answer already.

"Y/N..." but I was already walking towards the Trial Site and I didn't look back.

If Silver is still alive...I'd do anything. Anything to get him back. And then I'd tell him he was right. Never trust a Team Plasma member, even if he was cute.

Kiawe's trial went by in a flash. But the Trial Captain could tell I was distracted, even when he made the Hiker show up several times during the trial.

"Is something the matter, Y/N?" Kiawe led me away from the trial site, a concerned look on his face.

I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Am I able to help with this?" He touched my shoulder gently, causing me to look up at him.

Kiawe's earnest eyes almost made me crack. But I couldn't. Not when I was still suspicious of N.

"No." I rasped. "Nothing."

"Let me know if there is. I'm sure Team Skull and the rest of the Trial Captains would enjoy taking this pressure off your shoulders." Kiawe pressed the Firium Z crystal into my hand. "You earned it." He met my eyes.

I gave the handsome dark-skinned boy a half smile and trudged away. I couldn't tell anyone what I suspected. Not even Colress. I tucked the Z crystal into my pocket and clutched Silver's original locket in my hand, imagining his face. A tear slipped out of my eye and down my face.

Kiawe's view

I watched Y/N leave. My hands clenched into fists by my side and I wanted to run to them, tell them what really happened. But I couldn't. I, along with the rest of the Members of S.I.L.V.E.R. had sworn to keep anybody that Y/N knew from her past away from them. So we can find out who is their true love and stop all these time rifts from forming. What did S.I.L.V.E.R stand for...

Ah right.

Secrets Intentionally Lift Valiants Earn Rewards.

I wasn't the only one who cringed at what it stood for. Silver made it up. And he wonders why people dislike him.

 Natural Harmonia Gropius (N x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now