Chapter 26

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I stood next to Carlos, Jay, and Scorch waiting for Mal and Ben to arrive. I turned around to see Mal and Ben hand in hand. "There they are." I said as Ben and Mal waved to the crowd. Mal stood before me with a smile. "Hi." I whispered as Mal and Ben ascended the steps to where Beast and Belle stood as the crowd applauded and cheered. "Lady Mal and I wanna thank you for celebrating our engagement with us today. I couldn't be prouder or happier to call you my Queen. So...raises your glasses. To our future Queen of Auradon!" Ben announced. "To our Queen of Auradon!" The rest of us yelled. "Speech, Your Special-ness." Carlos said to Mal. "Speech, Your Fancy One." Jay added before the audience laughed. I looked around and searched for Haden. I found Audrey but no Haden. Mal looked at us silently. "I can't." Mal said. I looked at Jay and Carlos. "I can't be Queen of Auradon." Mal announced. "We made a close the barrier forever. And it was my idea." Mal explained. "What is she talking about?" Scorch asked me. "I promise you. You'll understand soon." I said putting a hand on his shoulder. Scorch huffed, clearly agitated, turning to look at Mal. "But it's wrong. I've learned that you can't live in fear...because it doesn't actually protect you from anything. You never know where the bad is gonna come from. And you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either. Without Uma or her pirates, Auradon would be gone." Mal continued. "And without father..." Mal started again. The crowd gasped at the new information. "...Audrey would be gone and so would Haden." Mal finished looking down at Audrey. Mal made a eye contact with me. 'Where is Haden?' I mouthed to her. "We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier we come from. And that's why I can't be Queen of just Auradon." Mal said. "She's right, Ben. She needs to be the Queen of both Auradon and the Isle." A voice announced from the back of the crowd. Everyone turned around to see Haden in a pitch black tuxedo leaning against the barrier his arms crossed his chest with Chester beside him. A smile grew on my face at the sight of him on his feet. His long hair was pulled out of his face and looked like a lion's mane of hair that could compete with Prince Charming's head of hair. It was curly, floofy, and made him look older. He wore his crown on his head he walked passed me placing his hand on my arm with a warm smile. "I believe that the Isle has been through isolation for quite a long time now. And there are so many kids on the island that would love it here. But I know that if we destroy that bridge forever. Those kids will be crushed. The kids here will never get to see their parents again. And neither will I. I think we owe it to those kids to do what's right." Haden proposed. A smile grew on my face as I watched him act a king. "And if we Mal can't be the Queen of Auradon and of Isle...then...I want to go back." Haden said. There were gasps from within the crowd. Mal looked at her brother and smiled. I saw him wink at her with a smirk. "Haden's right. It's time we take the barrier down forever." Mal said to Ben. "We can't do that." Beast stated. "It's up to to us, Dad. Haden's right. If the son of the worst villain in history can become a hero of Auradon. Who else are we denying into Auradon?" Ben said to his father. I smiled widely. "I choose to be a King who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings. The barrier will come down!" Ben announced. "YES!" Haden shouted laughing losing his royal mannerisms throwing his hands into the air. "WHOO-HOO-HOO!" Carlos exclaimed as he to Haden and jumped. Haden caught him and embraced before setting him down and they both regained their composure. "Sorry about that." Haden said pushing his hair back out of his face as the crowd laughed at his reaction. Mal looked down and motioned for us to come up. Haden took my hand as we headed up the stairs to be with Mal and Ben. Fairy Godmother gave Mal her wand. I stood next to Mal as it got quiet. Chester faced the barrier and wagged his tail before shaking his butt in the air excited. I covered my mouth to hold in the laughter. "Ches...Chester. Chester!" Haden called out. Chester's three heads looked at him with tongues hanging out of their mouths with the appearance of goofy smiles on their faces. Chester faced the barrier again before jumping and running in a circle. "To make the world a better place...we have to do it face to face." The five of us recited before Mal aimed the wand at the barrier. Yellow energy flew out the wand and destroyed the barrier on the Isle. The bridge formed between the lands as I cried softly. Haden place his hands on my shoulders, holding me close. Chester barked howled at the bridge. They waited for a moment with their ears perked into the air. Three thunderous howls sounded from the Isle. Chester's tail went nuts before barking and taking off down the bridge. "Well...someone's happy to see somebody." Haden pointed out watching his dog speed down the bridge towards the Isle. "Apparently." I said with a smile.

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