Chapter 21

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Evie POV

I walked alongside Jay, Celia, Mal, and Carlos. "Where's Haden?" I asked. "After not being able to catch the pirates. He met up with us and told us that he was going back to Auradon to check on Scorch, the kids, and to find Ben." Carlos answered. "All right. Get in, get out. Jay, you're good?" Mal ordered. "Yeah." Jay answered as we walked to the barrier. Jay opened the barrier with a device and we stepped through. Mal glowed blue as she passed the barrier. Hades' ember was now glowing brightly. "Whoa. You a little Hades thing going." I told her. "Wow." Mal said. "That thing packs a punch, huh?" Carlos asked her. The sound of two thuds and the barrier closing came from behind us. We turned around to see Harry and Gil had made it through the barrier. "We made it, bro. We made it." Gil exclaimed celebrating with Harry. They looked at us. "Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit." Harry said as they started to walk to us. They were stopped by Carlos and Jay.  Harry shoved Carlos into Mal. "Come on. Hey. Hey." Mal shouted dropping the ember. Mal reached for it and grabbed it but Harry wrapped his hook around her wrist and made her fling the ember into the water. "No!" Mal shouted. A turquoise tentacle shot out of the water catching the ember. Uma crested the surface and looked up at us. "Drop something?" She asked showing the ember to us. "It can't get wet! Give it back before it goes out!" Ml shouted. Uma laughed curling the tentacle around the ember. "Uma?" Harry and Gil asked in unison. "That's my name." Uma answered with a wave of her fingers. Uma descended into the water. "No!" Mal screamed. A whirlpool swirled in the waters before it rose into the air and exploded. We looked over the bridge. "Hi, boys." A voice said from behind. We turned around to see Uma standing on the bridge completely dry, holding the ember in here hand. Harry walked to her laughing. "Welcome back." He said. "Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us." Gil told her. "Yeah. Planning her revenge, no doubt." Mal stated with crossed arms. "It's not all about you, Mal. I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out. And you know what I found, boys?" Uma said looking back at Harry and Gil. "It's way better out there than we thought. There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut. And fish so big you could dance on their backs. And they've been keeping it all for themselves." Uma rambled. "Whatever. Uma, I need that to break a spell." Mal told her extending her arm out. "Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter." Carlos added. "Mm. So the good guy is the bad guy?" Uma asked with a laugh. "Well, I might now give it back. Let's see what happens." Uma stated. "Um, it's not the time for games! People's lives are in danger!" Mal shouted. "Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to...can get off the Isle." Uma told her. "I can't do that." Mal answered. "Can't do that?" Uma asked her walking over to the edge of the bridge before dangling the ember over the water. "Well, how about now?" She asked. "Deal! Deal." Mal exclaimed. Uma faked dropping the ember. "Uma!" I shouted as she laughed. "Her word is good." I told her. Uma walked towards Mal looking at the blue ember. "I'll still keep this, for the time being. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates." Uma told her. "Yeah." Harry said high-fiving Uma. "Where are our bikes?" Jay asked Gil and Harry. "Oh, yeah, um. We crashed them." Gil answered as Harry imitated how the bikes were destroyed. "Here's a thought, we could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences." I announced. Everyone looked at me. "Yeah?" I asked. "Who wants gum?" I asked pulling out a stick of candy. "Let's go." Uma said. "No?" I asked again. "Ah! No, I'm in charge. Let's go." Mal told Uma as they walked passed me. I sighed before putting the blue piece of gum in mouth. 


We walked to Auradon Prep and looked around to see everyone knocked out. "They're asleep. Everyone." Mal said. "I can't get Ben." Mal said. "Or Dizzy or Haden." I said looking at the unread text messages that I sent to them. "Or Jane. The signal's out." Carlos added on. "Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asked pointing at the school. "Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're going to love it." Carlos told her. "Geez. Everything is so..." Gil started looking around. "--Freaky." Jay interjected. "" Gil finished. "You have leaves on your trees. And what are those colored thing on the bushes?" Gil asked Jay. "Uh...Flowers?" Jay answered confused. "Flowers are pretty." Gil stated. "Cantaloupe! Mm! Mm!" Gil said picking up a bowl and eating the fruit inside. "We don't have any fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" Uma pointed out. "Thank you." Gil said to the sleeping girl at the table. "They're grapes." Jay corrected him. "Grapes? I love grapes." Gil asked as Jay walked away. "Haden. If you get this message, please pick up. We could really use your help right now." I said leaving him a voicemail. I ended the call worried. "Dude!" Carlos called out. "Delicious!" Dude said with a burp. "Dude, really?" Carlos asked him. "What? It wasn't me, I swear." Dude answered him. "Okay. It was me." Dude said immediately afterwards. "Hey, do you know what happened here?" Carlos asked him. "Yup. Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep. And then she turned some of them to..." Dude started as I walked a statue with wide-eyes. "Guys. Hannah turned to stone." I said looking at the others. "All right. Everybody stay on their toes." Jay announced. "Look, since we're here, let's check the school." Uma suggested pointing to Auradon Prep. "No." Mal countered. "Audrey went straight for the crown, so I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go." Mal explained. "Says who?" Uma asked. "Says me." Mal answered. "Says you. And that's supposed to mean something to me?" Uma asked her. "Guys." I said. Mal looked back at me. "To the castle." Mal told me. 

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