Chapter 6

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Evie POV

The four of us followed Chester to a tall tower looking over the Isle. Chester let out barks at the tower. "I'm gonna go on a limb say he's in there." Jay stated pointing up at the tower. I looked up at the tower to see a faint blue glow in the window. "He's in there alright. I see the glow from his hair coming from the window." I pointed out walking towards the tower. I found the door and entered the tower followed closely by the others. I reached the top floor and found that the door was locked. I knocked on the door. "Haden? Open the door. We need to talk." I said. "Go away, Evie." He said from beyond the door. "Haden. We need your help. It's Ben. Uma has him." Mal stated. Haden went silent inside. The sound of the door unlocking and I opened the door to find Haden by the window staring outside, his hands in his pockets. His blue hair was flickering back and forth as one of the only few light sources in the large room. "Haden?" I called out. He looked over his shoulder. "What were you thinking? Why would you bring him here?" Haden asked turning around to face us. "He would have come with or without us. He came to bring Mal back to the Isle along with you." I answered. "I'm not going back, Evie. How am I supposed to be the Lord of the Dead...if I'm in happy-funtown-land?" Haden asked. "Who says being the Lord of the Dead has to be a miserable thing, Haden?" I asked taking a step towards him. "Everything, Evie! Don't you get it?! That's why my father is the way he is! He's the black sheep of our family. Zeus rules the skies and the gods, Poseidon rules the seas, and my stuck ruling dead people. There's no good ending for us, Evie! Why do you think he hates them so much? Because people always die. He's always doing his job watching the dead. But what about the others, hm? You see them doing their jobs? No, you don't. They're too busy upstairs enjoying their godliness. Enjoying their immortal lives while my dad was alone in the dark, miles below ground surrounded only by demons, miserable souls, and a giant three-headed dog." Haden ranted. "There's no good ending for the God of the Underworld. So why should I try to have one?" He continued. "Haden. You said it yourself. You're not your father. You can choose to be good." Carlos pointed out. "I can be wrong, Carlos. It's nothing new." Haden argued. "Look, Haden. Please. Ben needs your help. We need your help. Please?" I begged. Haden dropped his head staring at the floor. "I wish I could...but...I'm sorry. I can't. You guys on your own this time. I'm not a hero." Haden said. I could tell he had a hard time speaking those words. Refusing to help his friends. "You are a hero, Haden! You saved Auradon from the wrath of your father." Mal exclaimed. "Look who's talking, Mal. Didn't you leave to get away from Auradon?" Haden asked her. Haden turned away flexing his fingers. I could tell when he was beginning to reach his breaking point. If we kept pushing, he was going to explode. Something he got from his dad. I didn't want that for him. I dropped my head tears filling my eyes. "I thought you were better than this." I whispered. Haden spun around. "BETTER?! EVIE, I'M THE SON OF HADES! THE WORST VILLAIN IN HISTORY! EVIL IS IN MY BLOOD! MY GRANDFATHER WAS EVEN WORSE THAN MY DAD! HE ATE HIS KIDS AS THEY WERE BORN BECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID OF BEING OVERTHROWN! EVIL RUNS IN MY FAMILY! EVIL CAME FROM MY FAMILY! THERE'S NO ESCAPING IT! THERE'S NO DENYING IT!" Haden raged as he exploded. His hair went orange as it swayed back and forth violently. His skin tone went red with blood-boiling rage. I've never seen Haden look this angry. Actually, now that I think about it. This was the first time any of us have seen Haden get this furious. It was terrifying. He looked like a monster from a horror movie. He looked exactly the very person he despised. He became the very person he never wanted to. His father. "Well congratulations, Haden. You get what you wanted. You're finally alone." I said in tears before storming out.

I ran out the tower followed by the others. "Just give him some time. He's got a lot going on that we don't know about, E." Mal said pulling me into a hug. The sound of crashing came from within the tower above. The tower glowed a bright orange as I cried into Mal's shoulder. "Come on. Let's go save Ben." Jay said. We walked away but the sound of a whimper came from behind. I turned around to see Chester sitting on the ground looking up at the tower. "Let's go, Chester. He doesn't want to see us right now." Carlos called out to the hound. Deimos barked before running to the tower door and scratching at the metal door. "Jay?" Mal stated. "On it." He said jogging over to the giant dog. He grabbed Chester's leash and pulled him back to us while Chester whimpered and cried out. "I know buddy. I know." Jay said to them rubbing their heads.

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