Chapter 11

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Evie POV

I stood on the royal yacht with Doug and the others. I looked around the yacht. "What's wrong?" Doug asked. "It's Haden...I can't find him." I said. "Maybe he's running late?" Doug suggested. I looked over at Carlos and Jay. "Where's Haden?" I asked them. Carlos and Jay looked around and shrugged unable to find him as well. A fanfare started before Lumiere appeared at the top of the steps. "The future Lady Mal." He said as the others joined my side. Mal rounded the corner in a blue and gold dress. Mal stood beside Lumiere and looked at all of us. I started clapping and cheering. "Whoo! Mal!" I shouted as Carlos joined in. "Yeah, Mal!" He yelled out. Mal descended the steps and took the hand of King Adam. "Ben is on his way and you look beautiful." He told her. "Oh, thank you." Mal replied. "I know we were shocked at first, but you...You are exactly what Ben needs." Belle told her. "And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions." Adam quipped as Mal chuckled. I stepped forward. "May I?" I whispered. "Of course." Adam stated. I grabbed Mal's hand walked over to the others. "How are you?" I asked. "Uh...I sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up." She answered. "Yeah. Okay, that's okay. Look. I'm right here with you, okay?" I told her. "Okay." She said. "Also, question have you seen Haden? I haven't seen since we got back from the Isle." I whispered. Mal shook her head. "No. I haven't seen him." She answered. Fanfare started again. I turned to face the stairs. "I present to you, King Haden Nico di Angelo Thanatos Deimos of the Underworld." Lumiere announced. Haden walked around the corner wearing a black and grey suit with vibrant blue accents. He was wearing his father's silver skull brooch as a lapel on the suit jacket and the entirety of the suit jacket was decorated in skulls. The right side of the jacket was black with grey skulls and the left was flipped. But the way it was cut and colored, the grey portion of the jacket swooped over to the right, making resemble that of his father's charcoal grey toga. On the left sleeve there was a neon blue flaming skull. Underneath, he wore a simple cobalt blue button-up and a matching tie. He wore charcoal grey trousers that were also decorated with black skulls and lightning blue leather shoes with black laces. And he finished it off with his black fingerless gloves with blue knuckle dusters. 

Haden snapped his fingers and a silver crown appeared on his flaming blue hair

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Haden snapped his fingers and a silver crown appeared on his flaming blue hair. It was covered in sapphire jewels with a menacing skull centerpiece. It was Hades' crown. His actually crown. Haden stood beside Lumiere looking like royalty. This was the first time I've seen Haden act like a royal before Ben's parents. Ben's parents actually bowed to him. "That's his full name?" Jay asked. "I guess so. I never knew Haden had a full name. I just thought it was Haden Deimos." Mal stated. I watched him descend the steps before reaching us. He looked at Mal who give him welcoming smile. "Your Majesty." She said performing a curtsy to him. Haden looked around to see everyone else bow and curtsy to him as well. He looked at me and smiled before turning away to face the stairs. I looked over at Mal a bit confused. Fanfare happened once again. "King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced. Ben turned the corner and stood before us. Haden was currently twirling a silvery pen around his fingers. Ben walked to Mal and they bowed to one another after Ben bowed to Haden...which was an odd sight to see. "Mal, I wish I had time to explain." Ben told her before Uma appeared behind Lumiere. Haden immediately stopped twirling the pen around his finger. But at the speed he was going, it flew out of his hand into the water below. Mal let out a gasp at the sight of Uma. Ben smiled at Uma walking to her as everyone looked around. Ben walked her down the steps and turned to her holding her hands. Before leaning down and kiss her hand. Ben and Uma walked over to us hand-in-hand and stood in front of Mal. "Sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection." Ben told her. "What are you saying?" Mal asked him. "I'm saying..." Ben started. "It was love." Uma interjected with a laugh. "It was. I just...I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know? We are." Uma explained. "I know." Ben stated. "You're so beautiful." He told Uma. "Ben. Ben. Did you go back for her?" Mal asked him. "He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer, so..." Uma answered. "You are." Ben voiced. "Thank you." Uma stated with a laugh. Uma stepped towards Mal as Haden instinctively moved closer to Mal. Uma grabbed Mal's hand. "Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you. For everything." Uma said before hugging her. I glanced over at Haden to see his hair was violently swishing around. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Uma added. "Don't you see, Mal? You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you loved me. Thank you." Ben told her before he started to dance with Uma. At the point, Haden's hair went orange as he went rigid like a statue. I pulled Mal away. "Come here." I said to her. "Not too thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos voiced disgusted. Lonnie walked over to Mal. "We're with you, Mal." Lonnie told her. Jay walked to Mal. 

"Let's get out of here." He whispered to her. "Okay." Mal answered on the verge of breaking down. Haden was frozen his hair still a fiery orange storm swirling about. His hands were balled into fists by his side. Mal, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Doug, and I walked away from Uma and Ben. "Mal." Beast called out. "Honey, we're so sorry. We had no idea." Belle told her. "I'm gonna talk to him." Beast added. "Lumiere, unveil the gift.  They need to see it." Jane exclaimed. "And now, for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady." Lumiere announced gesturing to Mal. Trumpet fanfare blared on the yacht and everyone turned around to watch a curtain from flat object. It was stained glass portrait of Ben and Mal. "Ben did that?" Mal asked. "Yeah, he did." I answered. "Oh. Evie." Mal squeaked. "Ben's known who I was all along." Mal said as the two of us walked down the steps. "He loves the real you, Mal." I told her. "A true love." Mal voiced. "Yeah." I breathed with a smile. "Told you." Carlos pointed out. "Cover that back up!" Uma shouted to Lumiere. "I will not!" Lumiere argued. Haden still hadn't moved a muscle. The thing is...I'm kind of glad he hadn't. Given the state he was in...he was dangerous right now. "Um..." Uma started. "Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?" She asked him. "I have an announcement. Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady." Ben stated. "Son!" Beast started. "NOT NOW, DAD!" Ben roared. I jumped at the sudden explosive reaction from Ben. Haden disappeared in a bright blue plume of smoke before reappearing between Ben, Uma, and Beast, protective. "Uh, so, as my gift, uh, to her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all." Ben announced. I immediately looked over at Haden. His hands unfurled before twitching. "Fairy Godmother. Bring down the barrier." Ben ordered. "I most certainly will not." She defied. "I am your king!" Ben shouted. "Obey him!" Uma added. "Ben's been spelled." Haden announced. "Uma found your spell book." I told her. "Ben? Ben. Look at me." Mal told him. "No, look at me. You love me, remember?" Uma said immediately afterwards. "No, you don't." Mal stated. "Yes, you do." Uma voiced. "Ben, look at me." Mal told him. "Bring down the barrier now!" Uma ordered FG. "I do not take orders from you." FG said. "Ben?" Uma asked him. "Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough. And I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself. But, Ben, that's me. I'm part Isle and part Auradon." Mal explained. "Ben, eyes over here." Uma demanded. "And, Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be." Mal stated. "Don't listen to her." Uma voiced. "Ben, I know what love feels like now. Ben. Of course I love you. Ben, I've always loved you." Mal told him before kissing his lips. They pulled away. "Mal." Ben said with a smile. "True love's kiss. Works every time." I said. "Ugh! Give it to me!" Uma said lunging at FG for the wand. "No!" FG shouted. "Guards! Seize her!" FG yelled. Haden appeared next to Uma. "It'll be a cold day in Hell before you ever lay your hands on that wand, Uma. I'll make sure of it." Haden told her grabbing her wrist with glowing orange eyes. Uma pulled her arm free before running to the edge of the boat. "No! No, stop! Please, stop! Uma, I know you. You are so much more than a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want." Mal said trying to reason with her. Uma climbed over the banister and jumped into the water. Everyone ran to the edge of the boat. "That's not a good sign." Haden said from the middle of the boat. I looked back at him before a giant whirlpool formed and rose into the air. The ball of water exploded and splashed the entire boat. Surprisingly, Haden's hair was still on fire and blazing orange with rage. He got to his feet. Uma had become a giant octopus like her mother. "True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" Uma yelled before lashing a tentacle out at the boat. I was pulled back by Haden before I could be hit. Mal walked away her eyes glowing green before she transformed into a dragon like Maleficent. Mal took to the skies as Uma laughed. Mal fired a fireball at Uma. Uma attacked Mal and she barely dodged. Haden ran to the edge of the boat before turning around. He ripped off his blazer before tossing his crown to the boat floor. "Haden! What are you doing?!" I shouted as he ran to the end of the boat and jumped off. I ran after but was held back by Jay. "Uh...I think you should let him do his thing." He told me. A bright pillar of fire shot out from the water at the end of the boat before a giant red clawed hand covered in fire grabbed the edge of the boat. "Holy Maleficent!" Carlos squeaked as a giant fiery being with wings and horns completely covered in fire slowly rose from the water with glowing orange eyes. He was taller than the royal castle which is the tallest building in Auradon. "Haden?" I whispered.

 "Haden?" I whispered

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