Chapter 25

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I felt me to return to my normal self and looked around at Carlos, Dude, Jay, and Ben. "Come on. Let's go." Ben said. "You good?" I asked Carlos. "Yeah." He answered. We ran to Auradon Prep to find Mal on the ground surrounded by Uma, Harry, and Celia. Audrey was on the ground next to Celia and Harry. I spotted a pool of dark blue hair on the grass and a black and blue gloved hand on the grass between Mal and Uma's legs. "Haden. Please! Wake up!" Mal cried out. My eyes went wide as I ran to them. Haden had blood trickling from his nose and ears. "No no no no!" I muttered as I fell beside him. "Haden!" I cried combing my fingers through his hair. "Chester!" I heard Carlos call out. I spun around to see Haden's three headed accompanied by a teenager with sea-green eyes and black hair. "Percy? Hercules? What are you two doing here?" Ben asked them. "We were on our way to find Haden after Chester came to us when we were turned to stone." The muscular Greek demigod, Hercules explained. "Wait. Your Percy Jackson? Haden's cousin?" I asked. "The one and only." Percy said. Chester spotted his owner before letting out three barks and sprinting over to him. "What happened?" Hercules asked us. "He used Hades' ember against the scepter. But the energy from the ember mixed with the scepter ricocheted and blasted him. He transformed into a human before falling from the sky. I tried to catch him. I really tried but...I couldn't...I couldn't reach him time." Mal rambled. Hercules put his ear to Haden's lips, listening. He gently pressed two fingers against a vein. "He's alive...but barely. Thank the Gods, his godhood allowed him to survive a fall from so high up. If he was a demigod, he'd already be dead. But...We're losing him." Herc stated. "Same with this her." Percy pointed out looking up from Audrey. Chester's three heads nudged Haden with cries and whimpers before Deimos rested his head underneath Haden's hand. "Percy. Get Chester. We need to get them inside." Hercules stated as he picked Haden's unconscious body off the ground. "You. Get Audrey." Hercules ordered pointing at Jay. Jay nodded and picked Audrey off the grass as Hercules ran into the school with Haden in his arms.


Haden laid in Carlos' bed while Audrey was in Jay's. Chester paced back and forth in front of the bed in which Haden occupied. "There's only one person in the world who might be able to do something about this, and that's Hades." Mal said breaking the silence. "Hades? He wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it." Percy stated. "Actually, he might. Hades doesn't hate Haden. He's just angry at his family for imprisoning him. He just aimed his anger and hate at Haden." Mal explained. "Well, I'll have to send guards to get him." Ben said. "Maybe I can hitch a ride. The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it." Uma voiced. "Well, then, you will need your first mate." Harry told her. "The Isle will be in very good hands." Mal said to Uma. "Can I go, too?" Celia asked. "I wish I can be in both places." She added. Mal got to her feet and looked at Uma. "I really think that Evie was right. And...I do think that we could've been friends. And I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys. You deserve so much better than that." Mal said apologizing. "You were just trying to do the right thing." Jay told her. "Yeah." Uma added. Mal looked at me. I got to my feet and looked at her with a sigh. "I get it." I stated.



I sat in the back seat of a vehicle with my legs chained and so were my hands. The car pulled up to a building. The door opened to reveal a bunch of guards. I hopped out of the car and was escorted into the building. We headed up the stairs and down hallways before stopping closed door. The lead guard knocked on the door before it was opened by Beast. I entered a room and looked at Mal. "Thank you for coming." She told me. "Didn't have much choice." I answered. "Can you wake them?" King Ben asked me. "Since when do heroes care about villains?" I asked everyone. "She's..." Ben started. "One of your own." I interrupted. "Right. When you guys try to destroy the's an error in judgement. But when it's one of us...lock them up and throw away the key. Right, Beast?" I stated looking over Ben's dad. "Dad...Haden was too. So we both sides have casualties." Mal stated. "Haden was the one that used the ember, Dad." Mal told me. I looked over at the unconscious figure on the black and white bed. "You told me that you never hated your son. That you were only angry at your family for abandoning you and imprisoning you on the Isle. If you really meant's your chance to prove it." Mal voiced. I looked over at my son before looking back at Mal with a sigh. I held my hands up. Mal jumped back a bit. I wiggled my fingers a bit. Everyone just stared at me. "Yeah. I'm gonna need to use my hands." I pointed out. Mal looked back at Ben before he nodded his head. The guards took the cuffs off my wrists before I shook my hand. I put my hand out to Mal before silently asking for my ember back. She placed the ember in my hand and my hair went up in flames again as I took in a breath. "Haven't lost my touch." I said to Mal with a smile and a chuckle. I looked over at Beast before growling at him. Beast growled back before Deimos but his head between us and growled a warning. "Dad." Mal called out. I looked up at Deimos and rolled my eyes before looking at Mal with a shrug. I stood in front of Audrey's bed before waving the ember above her bed. The room turned dark blue as I waved my arms over Audrey. A couple of seconds later, Audrey sat up with her eyes closed before her eyes snapped open with a gasp. "Audrey." Grandmama Sleeping Beauty exclaimed. I tossed my ember into the air before catching it. "Tell me it was all a bad dream." Audrey whispered. "I wish I could. But, it's over now." Ben told her before looking at me. "I'm sorry. I wanted to hurt you both. I wanted to hurt all of you." Audrey said to everyone. Mal stepped towards her before holding her hands. "I have owed you an apology for...a very long time now." Mal told her. "And so have I." Ben joined. "And perhaps, I have owed you one, too." Queen Leah said to Mal before bowing to her. I turned around to face my son. 

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