Chapter 5

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Haden POV

I walked through the Isle heading towards my secret hangout that only I knew about. I received stares from people I passed on the street. I froze with a sigh. I looked over at someone that looked at me smugly. I walked over to him. "You have something you wanna say to me?" I asked him. "You don't belong here anymore, traitor." He answered with a glare. "I'm impressed. No one has ever had the balls to say that to me." I told him. "You've never met me." He shot back. "Let me make myself clear, meatsuit. If you can take me on. You have another thing coming, boy. So if I were you...I'd shut the hell up. Turn around and walk away before things get nasty." I growled. "And if I don't?" He asked with a smirk. My hair went orange before my arms went up in flames. "I'm the only one on the Isle that can use magic...Given how I'm the God of the Underworld now. Zeus gave me a pardon." I said grabbing his throat and pinning him to the wall. His eyes went wide. "NEVER FORGET!!! I, HADEN DEIMOS, SON OF HADES...CAN END YOUR LIFE WITH A SNAP OF MY FINGERS! IF I SO MUCH AS HEAR A PEEP FROM YOU...I'LL TURN YOU INTO A SNACK FOR THE MILLIONS OF DEAD SOULS DOWNSTAIRS! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!" I raged completely on fire. The boy lost his annoying cocky attitude and begged for mercy. "I'm s-sorry. I'll never do it again." He pleaded. I let go of him. "Leave. Before I change my mind." I snarled. He took off running down the street. "AND HERE'S A SNEAK PEEK OF WHAT'LL HAPPEN IF YOU BLAB ABOUT THIS!!" I shouted at him conjuring a fireball and throwing it at his feet. He let out a yelp before running off in fear. "Stupid, Son of Gaston." I muttered before walking down the street leaving a trail of fire behind me.

I reached the tall dark tower in the middle of the Isle and climbed to the top using the a makeshift ladder carved into the side of the stony tower. I climbed onto the roof of the tower and spotted Auradon across the waters. I let out a sigh before opening a hatch in the roof and dropping into the tower closing it behind me. I looked around at the tower room and spotted graffiti on the wall of the Core Five. I remember when none of us were friends. When I was the second most feared person on the Isle. Second only to my father, third was Maleficent, and then Mal. I remember when Mal locked Evie in Cruella's coat closet. I remember how scared Mal was after she saw how pissed I was. It was always a bad omen to piss off my father and me. Especially since back then...Cerberus roamed Hades' property...which was like two thirds of the Isle. But after an incident involving an idiot and a crossbow. Cerberus killed some people...okay may have been a bit more than some. But...after that...Hades started to become more ruthless and vicious to make up for his giant hellhound being restricted to Hades compound. Whenever someone crossed him...they became Cerberus' lunch. When someone did something Hades didn't like...Cerberus was fed. Over time...Hades began to throw people at his beloved dog whether they pissed him or not. It was at this point that that Hades became a monster. I shook my head and walked away from the art on the wall to find my dad's skull toga broach on a nearby dresser. "Oh yeah. I forgot I stole this." I said picking it up. "He also never knew that I stole his stupid crown." I said pulling a gold crown off a shelf. I put the crown on. "I'm Hades. God of the Underworld. Lord of Riches. Lord of the Dead. I AM A GOD!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS ZEUS!!!" I said imitating him my voice booming thunderously throughout the tower. "What a loser." I said rolling my eyes taking the crown off my head and tossing it over my shoulder letting it fall to the floor. I slumped into black throne chair and rested my leg on the arm of the chair. I stared up at the ceiling. "Well...this is a fun." I said. "Hey...I wonder how Panic and Pain are doing." I said. I snapped my fingers and disappeared in a flash of blue smoke. 

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I appeared in a dark corridor. I spotted the two demons, Panic and Pain sitting on Dad's throne. "Life is great now that the big turd is gone." Pain said. "Yeah. I'm glad he's gone. He sucked." Panic stated. I raised a brow before smirking mischievously. I disappeared behind the throne and went up in flames before growing in height a bit to cast a shadow over the throne. I manipulated my voice to sound exactly like my dad's. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" I shouted. Panic and Pain let out yelps as they flew out the chair in terror. "I'm very sorry, Your Deadliness. That's not true, right Pain?" Panic asked him. "You're on your own for this one." Pain stated. "What?!" The skinny imp named Panic exclaimed in fear with wide eyes. I slowly rounded the throne enveloped in flames hiding who I really was. "Guess I'll just you two to the souls outside. You blundering idiots can't do single thing right!" I yelled. I grabbed them by their tails and put them eye level. "Any last words?!" I asked. "Enchilada?" Panic asked. Pain looked over at Panic before slapping him across the face. "You idiot!" Pain shouted. "'s a good thing I'm not Hades, isn't it?" I asked them. "I'm sorry, what?" Pain asked me. I returned back to normal with a wide smile plastered on my face. "Haden!" Panic said with a wide smile. "Buddy!" Pain shouted with a happy smile. I let them go. "You little runts. How's the kingdom?" I asked squatting down in front of them. "A hell of a lot better now that your dad is imprisoned on the Isle without his powers." Panic answered. "I bet you two are happy about that, huh?" I asked chuckling. "Oh yeah!" I said. "Hey! How's Evie doing?" Pain asked. "Why?" I asked. "No reason. Just rumor had some feelings going on with her." Panic voiced. "Where did you get this information?" I asked  them. "Where do you think? Souls talk." Pain stated. I shook my head chuckling silently. "Well if you don't mind. I gotta get back. No offense, but I think this place sucks." I said. "So do we!" They said in unison. I stood up before returning back to the Isle. I opened my eyes to find myself back on the black throne staring back at the ceiling. It was quiet within the tower...then I heard a bark. My eyes snapped open. Then another. And another. Then three in unison. "Son of a Cyclops!" I cursed jolting to my feet. I peered out the window to see a giant Chester accompanied by Evie, Carlos, Jay, and a purple-haired Mal. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." I mumbled. Chester must have heard me because all three heads immediately looked up the tower and stared at me. "Great." I spat going to the top hatch of the roof and locking it and locking the main door to the room.

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