Chapter 4

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Evie POV
3 Hours Later

I headed to Carlos and Jay's dorm and stuck my head inside to see Carlos and Jay talking to each other. Dude was sitting on the Carlos' bed. "Hi guys." I said walking in. "Hey, Evie." Carlos said. "Have you guys seen Mal or Haden?" I asked. Carlos shrugged and shook his head. "No. I haven't seen Haden since he went to go check on Chester. I last saw Mal in here before she went on her date with Ben." Carlos said. "Haden is probably in his room brooding." Jay joked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna check our dorm. You guys go check Haden's." I said before leaving. They nodded.

I entered my dorm looking around. "Mal?" I asked. She was gone. I went to leave when something caught my eye. I turned around and walked to Mal's bed. There was a slip of paper on the bed. I also noticed Maleficent was gone. My eyes went wide. I looked at the slip of paper. It was from Mal. She went back to the Isle. She also left Ben's ring. I looked up from the note. "She went back." I whispered before I left the dorm.

Carlos POV

I walked into Haden's dorm with Jay and found Chester pacing the length of the room. "He's not here." Jay said. I spotted a piece of parchment paper on Haden's silver desk. "Uh...Jay?" I said picking the paper up, reading it. "We're not gonna find, Haden." I stated looking up from the paper. "Why not?" He asked. "Haden's no longer on Auradon...he went back to the Isle." I answered. "What?" Jay asked yanking the paper from me looking down at it. I sighed looking at Jay read the note from the Demigod. "You don't actually think Haden will become evil again, do you?" Jay asked me. "After seeing how much he's changed. I sure hope not." I answered. "We have to tell Evie." I added. "Why would he leave Chester?" I asked Jay scratching Deimos behind the ears as we left his dorm with Chester following close behind us. We met up with Evie in the hall. "Evie...he's gone." I told her. "So is Mal." She said showing a slip of paper. "He left Chester behind." Jay pointed out looking over at the giant three-headed hound. Phobos tilted his head pointing his ears into the air. Evie let out a sigh after reading his note. She walked into Ben's office. I looked at Jay. "I guess...Auradon finally got to him." Jay guessed.

Evie POV

"Ben." I said entering his office as I knocked on the door. "Evie?" Ben stated getting up from his desk. "Come on in." He added. "Mal and Haden have gone back to the Isle." I said. Ben's smile disappeared from his face. I walked to him and handed him both notes. He read the notes. "Ben..." I stated holding up his gold ring he gave to Mal. He took it from me. "This is my fault. I blew it. She's been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding, I just went all beast on her." Ben rambled. I looked at him with tears in my eyes thinking of my two best friends. "I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg them to come back." He voiced. "Ben, you'll never find them. Haden is the Isle's best hider. He knows every nook and cranny in the island. It'll take you years to just find him alone. Mal is just the same. You need to know the Isle and how it works, have to take me with you." I countered. "Yes. Uh...Are you sure?" Ben stated turning around to look at me. "Yeah. They're my best friends. And we'll bring the boys, too, because there is safety in numbers and none of us is really too popular over there right now." I explained. "Thank you." He said. "But let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again." I told him. "I promise." He answered. "And there's no way you're going looking like that." I said. 

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