Chapter 18

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Haden POV



I stood outside in my training arena trying to blow some steam. By currently hacking at a mannequin with my sword because why not? I kicked the doll away with a shout throwing Riptide to the floor. "Hey! I gave you that sword so you could use it...not abuse it." A voice announced. I turned around to see Percy leaning against the fence with his arms crossed. "Percy!" I said with wide eyes and a smile. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "What do you mean, 'What am I doing here?' I saw your fight with Hades. Actually...I think the entire world did." Percy said walking into the training room. "How is it...that your 34...and you haven't aged a day?" I asked giving him a hug. "If you haven't noticed it already, I'm a demigod." He said. "How you feeling?" He asked. "I've been better." I sighed. "I know. I've gone against your Dad before. He's not the most easy person to deal with." Percy stated. Percy picked up Riptide and smiled at it. "You miss it, don't you?" I asked him. "Not as much as I used to." He answered. "Keep it." I said. "I can't. I gave it to you. I've had my fair share of journeys with it. It's time you had journeys with it yourself." Percy said handing it to me. "But...if you're looking to blow off some steam. You'll have a better time fighting a living person than a sack of hay." Percy said grabbing a sword and twirling it around. "I don't know if I should. You're getting old." I joked. He chuckled. "Ouch." Percy said. "I might be getting old...but I can still kick ass." Percy said. I twirled Riptide before lunging at Percy. He blocked high and our swords clashed. He pushed me back and swiped to the left down low. I parried before it could make contact. I brought my sword up and brought it down hard on Percy's stygian iron sword. He smiled. "You're a lot stronger than last month we fought." He said. I shrugged. "If you haven't noticed it already, I'm a god." I said with smirk before grabbing his wrist and pushing back. I grabbed the handle of his sword and pulled him down towards me. He swept my feet from under me before standing up again and pressing the tip of his sword to my chest. "I win." He said smiling. "You're happy about that, aren't you?" I asked as he helped me to my feet. "Yeah. Annabeth never lets me win." Percy pointed out. "It's Annabeth. Why would she?" I asked chuckling. "Good point." He said. "Look, you gonna be alright?" Percy asked walking backwards. "Yeah...I think I'll be fine. Besides...I think I'm gonna go meet up with Evie." I said putting the black sword back on the sword rack. "Cool." Percy said giving me a thumbs up before he left the castle. I sighed before snapping my fingers and teleporting out the castle to Evie.

Evie POV

A bright flash of light caught Jay, Carlos, and my attention and we ran outside to find Audrey with Maleficent's scepter and the Queen's crown. "So long, suckers." Audrey said before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. A couple of seconds later, Haden appeared in front of us. "Hey guys--Gah!" Haden started before becoming disgusted by Mal's current condition. She had been spelled by Audrey. "Whoa! You might wanna think of a spell for that." Jay said to Mal. "There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." Mal stated. "Well, that's a shame." Carlos voiced. "Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger." Mal explained. "What should we do?" I asked. "The only thing more powerful than the scepter-" Mal started before looking over at Haden. "-is Hades' ember." She finished. "Oh! Like he's just gonna hand it over, give them back to the Isle." Jay said. "No one knows where his lair is." I said. "Wait a minute...yes there is." Carlos said looking over at Haden. Everyone looked at the Son of Hades. Haden looked around at all of us. "Oh no! Nuh-uh! I am not going back to that hell hole! You think the Underworld is bad...that place is worse." Haden said backing away waving his finger and shaking his head. "Haden, please." I said. "Evie..." Haden said with a look of fear in his eyes pleading. "Alright...Haden's right. If Haden shows up in Hades lair...someone could end up getting hurt." I said. "So now what? Who are we going to find that knows where his lair is?" Carlos asked. "I do. I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's." Celia said. "You are coming." Mal told her. "But I just got here." Celia said. "Mal?" Dizzy asked walking outside with the twins. Mal looked over at her and Dizzy let out a scream. "Dizzy, stay here to take care of the twins. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine. Go inside." I told her. "Guys, go get your stuff." I ordered to the others. "How bad is it?" Mal asked me with a smile. "Uh..." Haden started. I looked at Haden with wide eyes. He closed his mouth. I looked at Mal. "You age beautifully." I lied with a smile. Mal nodded her head with a smile. "Now, let's just get you into something fabulous." I said. "Okay." Mal said. "Come on." I said going to the door. "Uh...Eve?" Haden called out. I turned around to see Mal shuffling across the ground. I hurried over to her and helped her to the door. "Okay. Oh, yeah, there we go." I said helping her along. "Okay." She said. "Almost there." I said as Haden stood in front of us. I looked up at him to see he was holding his phone and took a picture. "Haden!" I exclaimed. "What? I couldn't resist." He said. "Memories, Eve. Memories." He said as Mal and I entered the castle. "Your adorable." Mal croaked. "I know, honey. I know." I said with a smile.

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