Chapter 2

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I sat under a tree with Carlos talking about Cotillion. "I heard your attempt to ask Jane to the Cotillion didn't work so well." I said. "Yep. Why don't you ask Evie?" Carlos asked. "Are you kidding?" I asked looking at him raising a brow. "Are you telling me that the son of Hades is ask a girl to be his date for Cotillion?" Carlos asked. "I am not afraid...I'm just--" I started. "-Afraid." Carlos finished with a shrug. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not afraid. It's know how my dad was. He isn't too big on the whole idea of falling for a girl. He thinks love is a weakness and should be looked down upon. He would beat me until I associated love with pain. So...that's what happened. He took me and moulded me into a heartless, hateful, and careless demon like him. And I hate it!" I said. "Well...he obviously didn't do a good job at it." Carlos said. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "You went against Hades. You stood up to your father. You showed him that we don't have to be like our parents. We don't have to be bad...we don't have to be villains." Carlos said. "I don't see it like that. Everyone is telling me that I'm a hero of Auradon. That I'm a reformed villain. That I'm no longer the mischievous troublemaker from the Isle." I said. "But you are a hero. You saved Auradon from Maleficent amd Hades. Two of the worst villains in history." Carlos said. "I'm no hero, Carlos. I don't belong here, Carlos." I said. "None of us do. That's what makes a different. We show the people of Auradon that we have changed by being good." He said. "They expect too much from me." I said standing up wiping off my pants. "Haden. Just--at least try and ask Evie. What's the worst thing that could happen?" Carlos asked standing up. "One...she could run away screaming her head off. Two...she says no and crushes my dreams. Not that that hasn't happened to me before. But it wouldn't be a good feeling." I said. " Evie would never do that to you. Something tells me that Evie would never run away screaming her head off...from anything. Unless it was a fashion fiasco that was so hideous she just had to get away." Carlos said. "Well there was that one time Mal locked Evie in Cruella's coat closet at the party." I said. "I seem to remember that you screamed in there too. When you, Mal, and I got locked inside when we were kids." Carlos said. "Your mother was so mad." I stated remembering that day. I shuddered at the memory and looked at Carlos.

"Just ask her." He insisted. "What if she says no?" I asked. "You'll never know if you don't ask her?" Carlos asked with wide eyes. "I don't know Carlos...this seems like a terrible idea." I said. "I never come up with terrible ideas." Carlos said turning me around. "Now go ask her." Carlos said pushing me in the direction of Evie. She was talking to Lonnie and Mal. My eyes went wide as my hair went out unintentionally out of nervousness. I turned around. "I can't. I can't do it." I said walking away. Carlos stopped me and turned me back around and pulled me towards Evie. Well...he was trying to anyways. "WHY. ARE. YOU. SO. HEAVY?!" Carlos shouted straining to pull me. "I'm not heavy! I'm 152 pounds!" I said with furrowed brows as I clawed the grass. "You need to lay off on the chocolate chip cookies!" Carlos said pulling me again with all his strength. "But they're so good! And chocolatey!" I said as we neared Evie. "Quit being...stubborn," Carlos started as tryed a different technique. He grabbed my arms and dragged me as he walked backwards. "And man up!" Carlos shouted a little too loudly. Evie, Mal, and Lonnie looked at the two of us. Our eyes went wide as Carlos let go of me. I dropped to the ground with a thud. "Ow." I stated. I got to my feet and brushed myself off. I looked at Carlos and threw my arms into the air. "Sorry...hey at least she has your attention now. That's a start." Carlos said with a smile. I gave him a glare and his smile disappeared.

Evie and Mal walked over as Jay appeared from behind getting a brief scream out of Carlos. Jay laughed as Carlos smacked him in the arm. "What exactly does Haden have to man up for?" Mal asked. " know...for the... royal hot-dog...eating contest." I said screwing my face up scratcg the back of my head. Mal furrowed her eyebrows. "No?" I asked. "No." Mal said squinting her eyes and shook her head. "Okay. Uh...Evie...I wanted to ask you something." I said. "I wanted to know if you...were Cotillion?" I asked. "Of course I am. I'm going with Doug." Evie said. " That's great. That's awesome." I said with a fake smile. "I just remembered...I have something to do...for Chester. You know how they get when left by themselves. It's the worst." I said before walking past them running a hand through my reignited blue hair. 


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