Chapter 1

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I stood next to my four best friends; Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. We surrounded a cauldron filled with apples. "Let's give Auradon a taste of evil," Mal said as I glanced up at her. "Wicked ways beneath the skin...let all who taste it now join in." Mal finished as she went into a evil cackle like her mother's. 

We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be

Carlos: Cmon!

All (Haden):
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (Haha)
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

🎶Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation
Friendly reminder, got my own kind of persuasion.🎶

🎶Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior,
"Happily ever after" with a little flavor.🎶

🎶Bad to the bone with even worse intentions.
We're gonna steal the show and leave em all defenseless.🎶

🎶There's nothing you can do to stop this revolution.
Once you see past it, you can see it's a solution.🎶

🎶A fairy tale life can be oh-so overrated.
So raise your voices and let's get it activated.🎶

🎶Long live having some fun!
We take what we want!
There's so many ways to be wicked!
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked!🎶

🎶Apple, apple
Dip, dip
Wanna try it?
Tick, tick
Take a bite, c'mon, be bold
Change the way the story's told!🎶

🎶This time the dark is finally getting your attention.🎶

🎶We're wicked by the book and class is back in session.🎶

🎶You like it, steal it. Gotta beat em to the treasure.🎶

🎶Work with the guy who is practically the Devil.🎶

🎶A rite of passage-🎶

🎶Bad just doesn't get much better!
Long live having some fun!
We take what we want!
There's so many ways to be wicked!
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong!
There's so many ways to be wicked!🎶

🎶Mother always knows best.🎶

🎶Show her, pass every test.🎶

🎶Hear her voice in my head!🎶

Jay & Haden:
🎶Evil is the only--🎶

🎶--Real way to win.🎶
🎶We got all the ways to be
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)

Let's go!!

All [Mal]:
🎶We got all the ways to be
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)

🎶Long live having some fun!
We take what we want!
There's so many ways to be wicked!
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong!
There's so many ways to be wicked!

🎶Cruel and unusual!
We're taking control!
There's so many ways to be wicked!
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong!
There's so many ways to be wicked!🎶


🎶We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be...🎶

🎶So many ways to be wicked.🎶

My eyes snapped open and I stood in my dorm while Chester looked up at me confused, all three heads barking. I shook my head and looked down at them. "That was weird." I said squatting down to them as they wagged their tail licking my face. I scrunch my face up and scratched each of them behind the ears.

My name is Haden Deimos and I am the son of the former God of the Underworld, Hades. He's also known as the King of the Underworld. Which makes me the Prince of the Underworld. I'm royal to the bones. I mean...he's still a god and all but...what's cool about being a god, if you can't flaunt it? My dad's god powers were dampened when he was thrown back into the Isle of the Lost...again. He was sent back after he failed at getting Fairy Godmother's magic wand...that I was supposed to get for him. Now...Hades is on the Isle...doing whatever it is an imprisoned god does stuck inside his castle.

I shrugged the thought away and stood up. I left my dorm, leaving Chester behind. I walked outside to find Mal and Ben swarmed by reporters. Mal was royalty now. And ever since Zeus, allowed deity royalty to be a thing...I am too. With my dad back on the Isle...I'm in charge of the dead. a lot of dead. No wonder dad is so cranky all the time. All he hears in the Underworld is the constant moaning from the miserable souls. 

I lost my train of thought when I saw Evie. I stopped dead in my tracks as I stared at her luscious dark blue hair. I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair as I spotted Carlos and Jay. I snapped my fingers and I appeared next them in a cloud of blue smoke. "Boo!" I shouted making Carlos jump. He shoved me as I laughed. "Don't do that!" He said. "I saw an opportunity and I took it." I said with a shrug. He shook his head with a scoff. "Well you have too many opportunities." Carlos said. "Maybe." I said. I heard the familiar voices of Mal and Evie behind us. "I know that look." Carlos said looking at me. "What look?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "The same look I get when I see Jane." Carlos said. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said nonchalantly. "Sure you don't." Jay said. "Jay and I both know that you know that we know about your crush on little-miss-princess-VK over there." Carlos said. My brows furrowed in confusion. "Huh?" Jay and I asked.

"We know you like Evie

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"We know you like Evie." Carlos whispered rolling his eyes. "Oh!" I said my eyes widening. "What are you guys whispering about?" Mal asked as she leaned on my shoulder and Carlos. "Oh we were just talking about how Haden-" Jay started. I lunged forward and covered his mouth with my hand. "--think's Cotillion is going to be." I said with a smile. "Gross!" I said yanking my hand away from Jay. I wiped my hand off on my jeans looking at him. Evie and Mal shared a glance before smiling. "Ok." I said walking away.

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