Chapter 23

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After we rescued Chad from being imprisoned by Audrey we left the cottage. "Ooh. All right. Let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already. What do you say girls, time to wrap things up?" Uma announced. "You know someday you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Ben said to Uma and Mal. "Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over." Evie explained. "Mal?" Ben asked her. "I have to tell you guys something." Mal stated. "Um..." Mal started as she faced us. "I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the Isle." Mal explained. "What do you mean?" Jay asked. "The program is shut down." Mal answered. "And the barrer...will be closed for good." Mal finished. I curled my hands into fists before jabbing a finger into her direction. "I knew it! I knew you were hiding something! I thought I was going crazy. But somewhere my gut was telling my different." I said angry. "For Auradon's safety." Ben added. "Yeah? And what about the Isle's safety? Ever think about that?" I asked getting heated. "Hold up. So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie. I knew it was a mistake to trust you. You're always out for yourself." Uma told Mal. "And you, King're probably just gonna throw us all back inside." Harry said to Ben. "You know what? I actually thought you were brave. You're nothing but a chicken. Too scared to tell me I was never gonna see my dad again." Celia said to Mal. "Celia. Celia. Celia, no!" Mal said before Celia grabbed the ember and tossed into a bird bath. 

"Oh and one more thing! Haden...Mal' been keeping a secret from you." Celia started. "Celia, wait!" Mal said trying to stop her. "Hades is her father. She's known about it for years and so does Evie!" Celia shouted before running away. "Celia!" Evie called out. "No! No." Mal yelled as she fished out the ember. "Regain your might and ignite!" Mal shouted. "No..." Mal said.  "Regain your might and ignite!" Mal yelled again. "Bummer." Uma told her. "Let's go find Gil and leave them all to rot." Uma said to Harry as they left. "Uma!" Mal called out. "Evie...I'm so sorry..." Mal started. "What the hell was she talking about?" I asked interrupting her. Mal turned to me. "Haden..." Mal started. "Was she lying?" I asked. "Haden..." Mal started again. "Was she...lying?" I spat with gritted teeth as tears filled my eyes. "No. She wasn't. Hades is my father." Mal answered. I shook my head before turning to leave. "Haden! Wait!" Evie called out. "I can't believe you knew! You knew and you didn't tell me! What the hell, Evie?!" I shouted as my hair went orange. "I was under the impression that you and I...were done keeping secrets? Does our relationship mean nothing to you?" I asked her. "No it means everything to me!" She cried out. "Really? Because from the looks of doesn't look like to me." I said going to leave again but was stopped by Evie again. I yanked my arm free from her. "Don't touch me!" I yelled. "Haden." Mal said. "YOU DON'T GET TO SPEAK TO ME!! DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME!...GOD!!! I CAN'T...SON OF A..." I shouted pointing a finger at Mal, furiously. "I didn't know how to tell you, H." Mal cried. "WHO CARES?! I COULD CARE LESS IF YOU WERE MY SISTER! IN FACT, I THINK IT'S GREAT!! BUT THAT'S NOT WHY I'M PISSED! I'M PISSED AT THE FACT THAT YOU HID IT FROM ME...FOR 8 AND HALF GODDAMN YEARS, MAL!" I yelled. "AND THAT YOU HELPED HER!" I said pointing at Evie as tears streamed down my face taking a breath. "Who's idea was it to close the damn barrier?" I asked looking at Mal and Ben. Ben dropped his head before looking over at Mal. "Closing the barrier was your idea?" I asked her coldly with a glare. "I did it for us. I did it for our life that we have here now." Mal said. "For our life? Mal, there is no us anymore!" I exclaimed. "What about the kids we left behind on that island? The kids that we promised? We were their only hope. I thought you were gonna stand up for the VKs. But instead, you lied to them. And you lied to Jay. And you lied to Carlos. And you lied to Haden. And you lied to me. We're your family." Evie told her. "Evie." Mal called out. "Evie, come on. I had no choice!" Mal shouted. "THERE'S ALWAYS A CHOICE, MAL! AND YOU CHOSE WRONG!" I roared with blood-boiling fury. Lightning struck and pink smoke surrounded Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Ben. The smoke cleared to reveal that they had been turned to stone. "No." Mal cried. Mal looked at me. "I'm sorry." She croaked. I shook my head taking a step backwards. "Are you? Or is that another one of your lies?" I asked her before leaving.

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