Chapter 16

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"Who wants to go? You?" Mal asked pointing at the kids of the Isle. "Yes, pick me, Mal! Pick me! Yeah, pick me, Mal!" Kids called out. I sat on the edge of the railing looking out at of everyone as I decided who to choose. "I can't believe this day has finally arrived. I honestly wish we could take you all with us and some day, very soon, maybe we can." Evie announced. "Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times. You're gonna be so sick of us." Mal pointed out. "So sick of us." Evie added. Everyone laughed as I looked around. "Can I get a drum roll, please?" Evie asked. The Isle people stomped their feet. "First, I would like to begin, with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, Daughter of Drizella, my sweet, sweet friend. My Dizzy." Evie announced. Dizzy squealed as she ran up the stairs. I shook my head and laughed. "Next, is son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky." Carlos voiced. Squeaky was hesitant for a moment before joining Carlos' side. "And no way, we're splitting up the twins, so get over here, Squirmy, come on." Jay announced. Squirmy ran over to Jay. "Bring it in, buddy." Jay told him as Squirmy gave him a hug. "We all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use a bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class. Give it on up for Dr. Facilier's daughter, Celia!" Mal announced. "I'm bad." Celia stated before doing a twirl and joining Mal. I hopped up before standing on the railing. "Well...Last and certainly, not least. I'm sure this good friend of mine would love to try food that isn't just meat. And let me tell you, there is a whole buffet of food out there for you. So...give it up for my friend, the son of Scar, Scorch!" I said pointing at my friend. He looked at me and smirked. He jogged over up the stairs and high-fived me before doing a one-armed embrace. "Thanks, Man." He said. "No problem." I said smiling. "We'll back for you guys, next week, okay?" Carlos told them. "And so, pack your stuff, your own stuff." Jay told them. "Where are we going?" Celia and Dizzy asked. "We're going to Auradon!" They shouted. "Think you handle it?" I asked Scorch. He smirked. "If my dad can handle starvation. I can handle a week." He said. "That's the spirit." I said.


I stood next to Evie in front of Auradon Prep

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I stood next to Evie in front of Auradon Prep. "Well...I don't know if I told you this...But I love your straight hair." I said to Evie. "Really? Thank you!" She said combing her hair. "I like your new hairstyle you got going on. Long hair looks good on you." She said. I looked at her with a smile. "Yeah? I was thinking about cutting it." I said. "No! I will not allow you to cut these gorgeous locks!" She said placing her hands around my neck. I smiled. "Why not?" I asked. "Because if you do...I'll cut mine." She answered. "But I love your--Oh!" I said before reaching the point. She laughed at my reaction. Evie gasped. "Here they come." She said looking at the school. Ben and Mal came around the fountain waving at everyone. They headed to a platform where Fairy Godmother told her to stay. "Stay here?" Mal asked her. "Yes." FG answered. "Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?" FG asked. She was answered with a loud cheer from the crowd. "I'll take that as a yes." I whispered to Evie who chuckled beside me. "Ben." FG said handing him the a gold microphone. "Than you, Fairy Godmother. What's up, Auradon?" Ben stated. He too was answered with a loud cheer from the crowd. "Thank you! Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." Ben announced. "It worked out pretty well for the first five." Ben voiced. "Yeah, especially for you." Chad said. Audrey snapped her fingers. "Really funny." She said sarcastically. Ben took Mal's hand. "Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. It was also the exact same spot where Chester tackled me to the ground." He said looking at me with a smirk. "Hey! They just wanted to give you some love." I said. Ben let out a laugh as Chester let out three barks in a row. Everyone turned to look at Chester who was standing excitedly wagging his tail before Phobos noticed it and chased after it spinning in a circle. He got dizzy before tumbling over and falling into the hedge bushes. I couldn't hold in my laughter as I let out a laugh, where I was soon joined by others. Chester's three heads poked out of the bushes with their tongues hanging out of their mouth. Deimos let out a sneeze before shaking his head. Chester climbed out of the bushes and walked over to me and laid down and rolled over onto his back. "You three...are giant goofballs." I said before Chester rolled back over and laid there quietly. Ben chuckled before looking back at Mal. "Anyways, Mal...I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention, I'm in love with you?" Ben told her. Carlos immediately joined Evie and me as Doug started to strum his acoustic guitar. Beast and Belle joined us along with Jay, Jane, Fairy Godmother, and others.

🎶I met this girl that rocked my world🎶
🎶Like it's never been rocked🎶
🎶And now I'm living just for her🎶
🎶And I won't ever stop🎶
🎶I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me🎶
🎶But now look at what you've done🎶
🎶You got me, down on my knee🎶

Ben went down on one knee handing the gold microphone to Carlos. He pulled out a small blue box. "Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?" He asked her opening the box to reveal a gold ring inside with a blue sapphire jewel. I anxiously looked between Mal and Ben. "Say it. Say the word. Just say the word!" I whispered a bit too loudly. "No!" Audrey yelled. "Yeah, no that wasn't the word I was looking for." I quipped shaking my head. "Yes." Mal told him. "Yes, yeah!" Carlos and I celebrated in unison before hugging each other. Ben leaned in and kissed Mal on her lips as Evie squealed in delight. "Whoo!" I heard Carlos exclaim as I turned around to see him chest bump with Beast. "I am so sorry. I am so sorry." Carlos said immediately afterwards. "It's okay." Beast told him with a smile patting his arm. I held Evie's hand as we looked at the giant screen showing Mal and Ben. "Makes our movie nights seem a little tame, don't you think?" I asked her. "I love y..." Evie started turning to me but didn't finished the sentence. I furrowed my brows with a smile. "Movies." She finished. "Me too." I said nodding my head with a smirk. We turned away from each other. "Yeah." Evie breathed. "You'd really rather have V.K. on the throne than me? What is wrong with you people? What is wrong with everybody?" I heard Audrey ask. "What's wrong with a VK on the throne?" I asked her raising a brow as Chester instinctively got to his feet and stood his full height of 14 feet. Audrey looked over at me. She stumbled for an answer, too busy staring over at Chester next to me. "What?" She croaked. "I said, 'What's wrong with a VK on the throne?'" I restated crossing my arms. Audrey walked away before she could give me a straight answer. I shrugged patting Chester's leg. "Good boy." I told him. "What, did you know?" I heard Mal ask Evie giving her a hug. "Everything. You are going to rock that crown. Okay. So I've only done about 1,000 sketches of your wedding dress, and Belle's already planned an engagement party next week. Well, it's a really good thing I said yes." Mal exclaimed. The captain of the Royal Guardsmen walked over to me. "Your Highness, it's time for Chester's assignment." The Captain said with a smile. I turned to Chester. "Τσέστερ. Περιπολία. [Chester. Patrol.]" I ordered in Greek tongue the only way to command Chester. The three heads barked in unison before heading off with the captain. I walked over to Jay, Carlos, and Evie. "All bow to Her Royal Majesty." Jay exclaimed. "Oh, yes, her Royal Purple-ness." Carlos said as the four of us bowed to Mal. "Silence, you annoying peasants." Mal joked. "As you wish, my liege." Jay joked. "Your Crankiness." Carlos quipped. "It's time." I called out as a purple limo pulled up. I grabbed Evie's hand and helped her inside before letting myself in and sitting next to her. Carlos and Jay climbed before Mal and Ben did as well. A couple of seconds later, the limo went off to the Isle.

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