Love waits for no one

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I get to Kai's house and stare the door down, this door was the only thing standing between me telling Kai how I felt about him

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I get to Kai's house and stare the door down, this door was the only thing standing between me telling Kai how I felt about him. "Whew you can do this Violet. If he rejects you then he rejects you no big deal." I mutter to myself as I take a deep breath. My fingers curl around the cool metal of the handle and I grip onto it tightly, releasing my breath and stepping inside the house.

"Hello?" I call out into the silence, eyebrows furrowing at the lack of response. "Kai?" Again there is no response and so I feel myself fill with disappointment as I conclude there's no one home.

Just as I'm about to leave I hear gagging? Running to the source of the sound I find Kai he's hunched over the toilet and throwing up violently. "Oh my- Kai, what's wrong with you?" I ask crouching beside him as he continues to hurl. "Violet?" He asks through the pain, "yeah it's me." I assure him, "why have you been avoiding me?" He asks before throwing up again. "Kai this really isn't the time for this." I say as I note that he'd only been vomiting blood. "You hurt my feelings." He pants now seemingly done with the vomiting. "Kai you don't have feelings." I say with a smile as I hold a hand out to help him up.

He slaps my hand away and gets himself up. "Where have you been?" He asks before rinsing his mouth out, "I have a life you know." He turns to me with a smirk, "funny." I roll my eyes and lean back against the wall, "I'm not joking, my brothers actually like me."

"At the moment." I scoff and nudge him, "better than never." Now it's his turn to push me, "so what's with the puking out your guts?" I ask as we walk out of the bathroom, "now you care?" I roll my eyes once more as I follow after him, "don't be such a baby, I never cried when you would desiccate me and leave me all alone for months." 

He doesn't answer, instead he groans and flips down onto his bed, "what's wrong with you?" I ask worried as he curls up into himself. "I don't know." He groans making me sigh, "I think I'm dying." It'd be my luck that he dies before I get to tell him that I love him. "What?"

"Shut up, don't say stuff like that, you're not dying." I say as I climb in beside him. "What are you doing?" He asks as I wrap my arms around him and begin to run my hand through his hair.

"Well cause I'm already dead, I don't get sick but when I was a weak little human such as yourself, I'd become ill quite a bit and my mom used to hold me like this and stroke my hair to make me feel better. Once she died one of my brothers would do it for me and it's what made me feel better." He stays quiet for a moment before nestling further into my arms, "it's nice." He murmurs sleepily his eyes fluttering closed as he leans into me.

He's falls asleep quickly leaving me alone with my thoughts as I glance down at him with another sigh. He had a pained look on his face disrupting the peace he should have. I smooth his hair back a second and kiss his forehead before I get up.

He was not dying, I wasn't going to let him, I was not going to lose anyone else. I Scribble a note down quickly to let him know I hadn't just vanished, grab my jacket and leave as fast as possible.

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