If Damon is the fun brother I don't want to meet Steven

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When I woke up the next morning I was unsurprised to find Kai not next to me, which was the last place I remember him being. I shrug it off knowing I'd find him soon enough and make my way to the kitchen hungry for some breakfast.

I find Kai stood there pouring himself a bowl of cereal, "oh thanks." I grin taking it from the counter, "Violet that's mine." He pouts as I shovel a spoonful into my mouth, "not anymore." He rolls his eyes and grabs another bowl. My phone then buzzes, I lift it to see ten missed calls from Stefan and five from Damon, 'where are you?' I realise that they had probably been wondering where I had been all night, 'Violet you can't just disappear without telling me anything.' I sigh and message Stefan back to let him know that I was ok. He immediately rings me.

"Hello?" I ask holding the small metal contraption to my ear, "Violet, I have been worried sick, where are you?" He asks hurriedly, "not important, and you need to relax I'm a vampire." I tell him nonchalantly, "vampires aren't indestructible Vi, all it takes is one piece of wood to the heart." I nod, "don't have to remind me." He sighs on the other side, "Violet please just tell me that you're on your way home?" I shove another spoonful of cereal into my mouth, "yes?" I say although it comes out as more of a question, "I mean it violet you better walk through this door in less than twenty minutes." I sigh and roll my eyes, "yes mom, I'm on my way." I hear yet another sigh from his end. "Violet." Stefan could never take a joke, it was the one thing I hated about him. "Ok ok sorry Stef I'm on the way." I say more sincerely.

"On the way where?" Kai asks as I put the phone down, "to my house, wanna come?" He shakes his head, "nah I don't like your brothers." I shrug, that was kinda fair Damon was extremely annoying. "You've never even met Stefan." He shakes his head again, "if Damon is the fun brother I don't want to meet Steven." I laugh as I finish the cereal. "Ok well I'm going then." I say hopping up from my seat, "bummer." I narrow my eyes at him as I detect the sarcasm in his voice, "rude." I scoff as he simply shoots me a wink, "you'd better be on your way." He urges making me roll my eyes, "I'm never coming back now." He shrugs acting indifferent, "good."

"Good." I reply back not knowing what to say, he begins to laugh irritating me further, "you get annoyed so easily." He continues to laugh, "I do not." I say very defensively, "mmhmm." He smirks nodding, "I do not Kai." I protest making him laugh, "you're getting annoyed right now." I open my mouth and then close it noticing that he was right. "Shut up." I say sticking my tongue out at him as he raises his eyebrows as if to say that's what I thought.

He walks me to the door suddenly acting nervous? "Um thanks." He nods giving me an awkward smile, "no problem, what are friends for?" I wink knowing what he was referencing, he then pulls me into a hug surprising me, I always imitated the hugs. "Ok now leave." He says after fake coughing awkwardly, "puh-lease you love me." I smirk as he holds the door open to me, "get out." He smiles pushing me as I notice the red creeping up his neck. "Alright alright I'm going bitch, relax." He winks and then slams the door in my face.

"Young lady where have you been?" My eyebrows raise at my slightly older brother, "young lady? We're the same age." I snort although he doesn't let up on the disapproving looks, "ooh she's wearing the same clothes Stef, you know what that means." Damon smirks making Stefan sigh as I glare at the raven haired moron. "Violet, you can not disappear for a whole day and night without telling me anything, what if you had been kidnapped? Murdered? It takes two seconds to reply to a text." I nod at him, "mmm I'm sorry mom." Damon snorts and Stefan then glares at the two of us. "Relax Stef, I'm sorry ok? I'll be sure to message you next time I stay out." I say making him nod but Damon then turns to me with a mischievous smirk, "and where did you stay?" I shoot him another glare, "not that it's any of your business but I stayed with a friend." I shrug nonchalantly making both brothers eyebrows furrow; "but you don't have any friends." They say in unison making me roll my eyes as they laugh, until Stefan seems to realise something.

"Fine I had I one night stand, I don't know the boys name, I didn't ask or care and I snuck out this morning." I say quickly as Stefan turns to me about to speak, probably remembering the one friend that I did have. Damon's eyebrows raise, "you hear that Stef our sister is a little harlot." Damon thought he was so funny, "actually I'm a big harlot." I smirk watching Stefan shake his head at the two of us as Damon gets grossed out. "You're disgusting." He groans making me laugh, "that's not what the boys say." He chucks a pillow at me but I catch it, "need to try har-" suddenly both Damon and Stefan launch pillows at me the force of the throws takes me down and I shake my head but join in with their laughter.

I guess all was good with us now, I just wondered how long it would last.

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