You have a pretty smile

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Well the past few day I had been avoiding majority of people, after that awkward dinner, I mean I spent some time with Caroline who was still kind to me

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Well the past few day I had been avoiding majority of people, after that awkward dinner, I mean I spent some time with Caroline who was still kind to me. I didn't wanna see Elena after she thought it was ok to just spread my private business, speaking off I also didn't want to see Damon seeing as he was the one who told her.

I got a call from Damon which I declined and then ten more telling me that it was urgent and they needed me in the cemetery by the family crypt. I roll my eyes but make my way there, Damon wasn't even here. I was stood outside with no one in sight. Except for a line that was drawn into the ground I furrowed my eyebrows and took a step towards it.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." My head snaps up to see who had spoken behind me, "Kai?" I ask my lips turning up at the sight of my friend. "You're back." I laugh before running up to him, and giving him a hug. "W-What are you doing?" He asks me a bit confused as his body goes a bit stiff, "I'm giving you a hug silly, I know that it may be hard to believe but I missed my bestie." I tell him as he hesitantly wraps his arms around me. After he had become completely comfortable I waited a second more to let him enjoy the hug, before I pulled away. I noticed the disappointment that he tried to hide as I pulled away. "What no kiss?" He smirks making me laugh, "I mean if you want one." I joke before pecking him on the cheek.

"There's something different about you." He observes making me shrug, "well I flipped my switch so it's probably that, I'm a lot nicer now but I can be just as fun." I wink making him nod, "and I take it that humanity Violet doesn't like to kill." I wince and shake my head, "not particularly." He nods again, "I think I prefer non humanity Vi." He says making me laugh, "ok this is weird I've never seen you smile this much." He says making laugh again. "You have a pretty smile." He says, "so do you."

"You know I met your siblings the other day, I don't think they like me very much." I shrug making his eyebrows raise, "oh yeah why not?" He asks intrigued, "well first of all Elena told them that we slept together." His eyebrows furrow, "how the hell does she even know?" He asks, "Damon told her." I say, "well there's no need to be embarrassed, I think sleeping with me is quite the accomplishment." He winks making me burst into a fit of giggles, "anyways they also figured out I was the one who murdered James." He shrugs, "that was ten years ago they should get over it." I can't help but laugh even though I knew I shouldn't. "And the icing on the cake would be the fact that I shouted at them for treating you like and calling you an abomination." I shrug watching something flicker in his eyes as they soften slightly.

"You yelled at them?" He asks me excited, "big time, Liv got it the worst, because she was totally on my case about being your friend, even though I barely know the girl." I say making him nod, "yeah she's pretty annoying." He says, "wait you saw her?" I ask in a bit of concern. "You didn't kill her did you?" I ask him making him roll his eyes, "no I mean tired to but her puppy dog boyfriend stopped me." He sighs making me nod, "and please don't be too lame about the whole murder thing Vi, honestly I don't want my best friend to be someone who tries to change me." He says making me smile, "best friend hey?" I tease nudging him with my shoulder, "don't make me regret it." He sighs but I see the smile on his face. "How could you were best friends forever remember." I laugh making him laugh too, "yeah don't ever do that again." He chuckles before Damon vamps at him and shoves him, "Damon! What the hell are you doing?" I ask watching Kai fall to the ground harshly after hitting a tree.

"Motus." Damon stumbles backward over the anti-magic border and starts to burn in the sunlight until he steps back over it, "Oh, whoops. Looks like you found the anti-magic border. Drew a line in the dirt for everyone's convenience. See? Yeah. You're welcome." Kai says before standing on the other side of the border where he was safe when Suddenly some man comes up behind him, grabs him and puts a gun to Kai's head, "Thank you. Kill him." My eyes widen as I look to my brother, "what no! You can't kill him." I protest as Damon shoots me a look telling me to be quiet.

" Alaric, don't!" Jo says rushing out from the crypt, "What are you talking about?" This guy who was called Alaric asks her. "She's lightheaded and confused. I'll give her some of my blood, ok? Kill him." I glare at my brother and whack him on the arm. "No, you can't. If Kai dies, Liv and Luke have to do the merge. It's not fair to them." She protests making Damon roll his eyes, "Who cares? Kill him." I hit him again, "shut up!" I hiss at him as Jo pleads with her boyfriend who cocks the gun, "Ric, don't. I can win. I can beat Kai. I just need a little time to get stronger." She says as I look between the three of them, "We're moved truly." He says before turning to Alaric, "Kill him now." I shake my head.

"I'll figure out a way to win. Please you have to trust me. Keep him alive." Jo continues to please, "Ric-" I elbow Damon in the stomach making him shut up as Alaric knocks Kai out with the butt of his gun.

I sigh in relief as they chain him to a tree, I mean I did think that it was a bit weird that they carried chains around with them but I didn't say anything because Damon was already in a mood with me. "I can't believe you brought me here to be the distraction." I say to him after watching him throw rocks over to the headstone Kai was hiding behind. "well it worked." He shrugged giving me that stupid lazy smirk that was always on his face.

"You can't just do that Damon, Kai is my friend and I can't believe you were going to use me to kill him." I tell him annoyed by the way he just shrugs everything off, "yeah well I don't approve of the friendship." He says making my eyes narrow, "well you're not father, you can't boss me around." He scoffs, "I don't-" I interrupt, "you do Damon, you do that stupid older brother thing when you never like any of my boyfriends or just friends if they're boys, you can't keep doing that." I say, "I'm not listening to this right now." He says before going off to find his friend Ric. "Unbelievable." I mutter under my breath.

"Well that didn't sound too good." I hear Kai's annoying voice from the other side of the line, "shut up Kai." I say stepping closer, "come on Vi, you know you love me." I can imagine the smirk on his face right now, "you wish." I scoff, "you know I do." I can't help but laugh,

"Motus." I suddenly go flying over the boundary line, hit a tree and then fall to the ground, "that was for James." I hear Liv say before she runs away. Luckily I was in the shade so I didn't start boiling and sizzling but I did feel a pain in my abdomen all of a sudden. I tried to sit up but I couldn't the pain began to spread, I groaned and pressed my hands against the wound as Kai looked over to me wide eyed. "What's happening to you?" He asks as the red begins to spill over my fingers, "the magic is being reversed, I'm dying again, the way I did when I turned." I say as I try and crawl over to the line, "I can't do it, I'm gonna die." I let out a humourless laugh through the tears as I slump down onto the ground and accept my fate.

The line was too far away and every time I moved I felt a fire spread through me burning me.

"Vi, keep going, you can do it, you're not gonna die." He encourages, "I can't." I tell him as I start to cough up blood, "Violet, don't be a baby, crawl." He instructs and so I take a deep breath and move forwards crying out in agony. "I can't do it, I can't go any further." I pant my head dropping as more blood spills from my abdomen and mouth. "Hey Violet keep your eyes open, I don't think you're supposed to go to sleep." Kai calls out as my eyes begin to droop. "I'm trying." I whisper back only hearing the rattle of his chains, "ok just hang on a second ok?" He asks as my eyes close fully, I was so tried. "Ok." I mumble back letting go completely.

"Oh my god Violet get up." I feel someone shaking me but I couldn't open my eyes they felt so heavy like they had weights on them. "Violet." The person shakes me harder, "stop being so dramatic and open your eyes." They instruct, as I feel myself healing, "shut up." I finally manage to say as I open my eyes to be face to face with Kai, who was holding me in his arms, "Don't care hey?" I smirk before he drops me, "I don't." He chuckles at my face. "Yeah yeah." I huff standing up.

"Wait a second where are we?" I ask as I look around to see that we were in a house, "mystic falls, I'm borrowing this house at the moment." He tells me, and I nod, "ok and how did we get here?" I ask, "well after I saved your life your brother went all crazy and tried to kill me again, it's not as fun as you'd think, but anyways I just grabbed you and got out of there." He shrugs, "well aren't you the sweetest?" I tease pinching his cheek, "I'll stab you." He says dead seriously as he swats my hands from his face. "Try that shit with me again and I will break both of your wrists." I tell him before sending him a sweet smile.

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